Hey! Here are the accepted characters so far!
Alex Lucine: The determined nice girl created by Hyperactive Lioness
Viviana Olmos: The hyper Pureblood created by D34TH OR GLORY
Breona Lynch: The mean Pureblood created by Sawyer's Fan Girl
Sundari Cross: The intelligent Half-blood created by HerioineInducedPanic
Samantha Andrews: The bubbly Half-blood created by ValFish
Evan Williams: The Brave Distant Weasley created by You Know Who
Halley Prevelle: The Stubborn Irish created by You Know Who
Andrus Richter: The Loyal Talker
Alexandra Faraday: The Annoying One created by Werewolf Took
Grace Hubert: The Reserved Silent One created by CokeLight
Gabriel Doyle: The Silent Intimidator created by HeroineInducedPanic
Emili Fooniks: The Silent Hothead
All right guys! As you can see I definitely don't have enough characters to start this thing to its full potential! I need more guys and I need at least three Ravenclaws! Let's get our creative juices working otherwise this will not work! I'll cheer you on if I need to, you know I will! And, you can see that I still need ALOT more guys! We're almost there!