Post Donna

Disclaimer: Doctor Who isn't mine it is the BBC's

Authors Note: This is my first Fic so please Read and Review

Chapter One: Realisation

Wilf stood in the doorway of his home, it was raining. He watched the doctor as he walked towards the little blue box. His brown pinstriped suit and hair dripping with rain, the pain in the doctor's eyes was unbearable to watch. As Wilf shut the door he heard the sound of the Tardis disappearing into the night.

* * * * * * * * *

The doctor looked up at the Tardis consol. He remembered the first time Donna Noble had appeared in the Tardis on her wedding day, which was when it had all started. His adventures with Donna Noble. And then the tears came, silent painful tears which did nothing to remove reality. Donna was gone he could never talk to her again, she can never remember.

Why did it have to end so soon? Donna was the only woman who he had been able to love as a friend. That was all she had wanted and that was all the doctor ever needed. It had ended too soon. He had wiped the memories of him, the Tardis, and anything they did together from her mind for ever. If she remembered her mind would burn and she would die. He could never go back, not ever could he see her again.

The Doctor was silent, that was unusual for the Doctor to be silent. Donna had always said he "talked too much". "I know you miss her to." He said, talking to the Tardis was a habit of his. Where next he thought, now he didn't have Donna.