Hey guys, so i'm finally updating this. hope you enjoy!

Two guys were standing in front of me, one with spiky blonde hair and one with a kind of messed up eye. Spiky blonde hair raised his eyebrows, "Well who the fuck are you?"

I managed to stutter out what I thought was to be my name, but it probably sounded like a bunch of gibberish.

The one with the weird eye asked, "What…?"

"My-My n-name is Andrea M-mae Coop-p-per"

"Your name is Andrea Mae Cooper…?" He asked, sounding out every word like I was foreign or something.

I finally got up from the ground and gained composure. I had no idea why I was shaking so badly. Maybe it was a result from the previous panicking session I just had, and was still having.

"Yes." Was all I managed to blurt out.

Spiky hair spoke up. "Well Andrea Mae Cooper, normally girls like you would creep me out, but I think I'll make an exception this time." He looked me up and down and smiled, I felt exposed.

I crossed my arms, closing my body in. "Well I should probably get going…"

Spiky hair raised his eyebrows, "So soon?"

"Yeah, my mom's looking for me."

They both smiled, "Alright, we'll see you around."

I watched them as they were about to turn the corner. The twitchy eyed one turned around, winked and laughed.

I turned back around and sprinted after I saw they were out of sight. It took me about another 15 minutes or so until I finally saw the sign for Blueberry Court. I had never been so happy to see a street sign in my life.

I ran up my porch steps and swung open the screen door. I saw my mom sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper, and prepared for the worst.

I cringed when she slammed down the newspaper.


I was still trying to catch my breath from sprinting around town for 15 minutes, and managed to spit out a some-what kind of sentence. "I was um, um out and um I'm really sorry mom but um I was meeting new friends and um..."

She lowered her head and glared at me, and I prepared for another uproar.

"Normally you would be grounded for a week, but seeing the circumstances, I'm glad you've found some friends sweetie."

My jaw dropped at how calm she was, and then I snapped out of it.

"Aww thanks for not killing me mom! You're the best."

"Next time this happens you will be in big trouble young lady, is that clear?"

I was already running up the stairs and shouted "Crystal mom, crystal!"

I woke up around 11 o'clock the next morning. I could hear everyone eating downstairs, but I decided to take my time. I went over to my mirror and started fixing my hair, while a million questions were going through my head.

Who were those guys I bumped into yesterday? Why were Chris, Teddy, Gordie and Vern so…different? Why did I like them so much and had only known them for a few hours? Does this mean I actually have friends now?

I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. I never really was much of a girly girl. I mean I do like to get dressed up every now and then, but it was almost summer, and summer means converse, shorts, and a t-shirt everyday.

I combed out my thick blonde hair, threw on some mascara and ran downstairs to get the last bits of breakfast. My 6 year old sister, Madison, was sitting eating her last bite of cereal and my 13 year old brother, Luke, was doing the same.

"Hey, looks like Andi's getting uglier." My brother mocked at me between bites.

"Hey, looks like your face is starting to look like a pizza." I mocked back, making fun of his acne-prone pubescent stage.

He looked back down at his cereal and let out a sarcastic "ha,ha,ha."

I looked over at Madison, who was furiously chasing her last piece of cereal with a spoon.

"Having trouble there, Mads?"

She looked up at me through her Teddy-style coke bottle glasses that magnified her eyes to make it look like they were half the size of her face, "I CAN'T CATCH IT!"

I laughed, "Mads, just drink up the milk and you'll probably 'catch' it."

She looked back down at the cereal, drank it, and looked back up at me with pure accomplishment on her face.


I laughed again, "Good job Mads…"

I turned to Luke, "Where's mom?"

"Up your butt and around the corner."

I glared at him.

"Kidding. She's painting in the backyard."

I walked out of the kitchen and onto the back porch. My mom has been an artist for as long as I could remember, and she was now working as a co-owner of the brand new craft shop, Cooper & Bryers, on Main Street .

Right now she was painting a landscape scene of the mountains in the area. She couldn't have had much inspiration being in our backyard, though. Our yard was okay, but our neighbors yards weren't the greatest. We were surrounded by a used car parts, overgrown grass, and old toys. At least all of our houses were well separated…

"Hey mom, I'm going to Main Street , do you need anything?"

"Yeah, sure whatever Hun." She said while not even looking at me. She always gets really into the zone whenever she's painting.

"Alright I'll be back later."

She did a semi-wave and I walked around the house to the sidewalk that leads you down to Main Street . Well, at least I thought it did. After about 15 minutes of walking around in circles I guessed that I was probably lost. Main Street is only a 5 minute walk away, so I knew I couldn't have been going the right way.

I ended up at some random bridge that looked over the Royal River , and I loved it. It was so calm and peaceful. It made my panic-ridden state of being lost actually feel soothing. I felt like I was the only person for miles. I sat down and put my legs through the bars that blocked people from falling into the river. I let my feet dangle and closed my eyes, relaxing and relaxing…

"Well look who's fallen asleep."

My head shot up and I opened my eyes, looking at the twitchy-eyed guy I saw the day before. He was with more guys this time, about 5 or 6 more, including the spiky haired guy.