Spring Cleaning. Ahh, A time for fresh beginnings…
I pulled a cotton fiber black dress off of the hanger in my closet and held it up to my body. I scrunched my face and tossed it in the rapidly growing pile near the door.
"I don't get it." I heard Garrett say from beyond the doorway
"What don't you get?" I asked starting to shuffle through a folded stack of v-neck tshirts
"You buy all these clothes and then give them away…" He said fishing a pair of ivy green leggings. "These still have the tag on them!"
"Gar." I said turning toward him "Those are hideous!"
"Hideously Expensive!" He exclaimed flipping over the pricetag
"Someone will appreciate them more than I do, well did." I laughed and shrugged "I see it as a donation, to the less fortunate"
"Your thinking is ridiculous…"
"You're ridiculous" I jokingly shot back closing my closet doors "Now onto your closet!"
"I wear everything I own, so this is a waste of time…" Garrett said plopping down on our bed
"Really?" I asked pulling out the royal blue polo with the embroidered Blockbuster on the top "Even this?"
Garrett's face dropped. He had worked at Blockbuster with John while I was still in school, he used to "rent out" the new releases and send them to me. Late fees were not even a question.
"Did you ever OFFICIALLY quit?" I asked tossing the shirt into the pile
"John said they just assumed I quit when I didn't show up."
"Whatever, you know you don't need to work there anymore anyway."
"Exactly" He replied tinkering with his phone
"You probably should call them though… you know, just to make things right." I said finding a spot on the bed next to him
"Yeah… I will, right now" He said seeming suddenly empowered
I could hear his feet shuffling around in the hallway. I couldn't hear much and the conversation seemed to last longer than it should have.
I rolled over on my back and hugged my pillow into my chest.
"Garrett?" I called in the whiniest voice imaginable
"One second!" I heard him grumble
"Yes, dear?" He appeared in the doorway wearing his non-prescription wayfarer glasses
"Let's watch a movie tonight" I laughed
"I'm down to go to blockbuster if you are"
"So it went well I assume?"
"Well is an understatement."
"Good, I'm in the mood for something romantic and funny" I said laughing pulling a light blue cardigan from my closet
Garrett rolled his eyes "We'll see when we get there…"
We pulled up to the small blockbuster and my eyes darted immediately to John Ohh talking on his phone perched up against his beat up Black car.
"John!" I said play-punching him in the stomach
"Ow Fuck!" He said pulling the phone away from his cheek "Hey Liv!"
"You know, I really feel like that nickname is only acceptable when you call me that" I said pressing my lips together.
"Fuck Yeah!" He laughed picking me up for a hug
"Are you on break?" I asked once my feet returned to the hot pavement
"Um" He started, his eyes darting around the parking lot "Not really…"
I laughed and wrapped my fingers around his wrist pulling him toward the store where I could see Garrett busily chatting with a short female employee at the counter.
"There she is!" I heard Garrett say as I moved closer to him
"Hi Olivia!" A mousey looking girl with golden brown hair stared up at me. She was familiar looking and different all at the same time.
"Hi…." I said with my voice trailing off at the end
"You don't remember me?" She asked
"Um," And then it hit me like a speeding bullet when I saw the small diamond ring on her middle finger. The last time I had seen that hand it was prying open my heart locket "You're the girl from the airport….Charlie!"
"Yes! Hi! How are you?" She squeaked
"I'm good! You, uh, work here? I didn't know you lived here, and I thought I knew everyone in this town."
"I just moved here actually." She replied tapping her fingers against the countertop
"Oh well, if you ever want, uh, a tour or something, let me know!" I replied tugging at the hem of my blouse.
"Actually, a better job would be nice" She laughed
"Wait, aren't you a photographer? I mean you had that sweet camera" Garrett asked
"I dabble…" She replied.
I tried not to noticeably roll my eyes at her attempt to 'play it cool'
"Well, Olivia works at Warner Brothers, maybe she could hook you up" He said turning to me.
I bit my lower lip and said: "I really don't think there are any photographer jobs available by me."
"What about at AP?" John said sneaking up behind us
"What about it?" Garrett asked
"They're always looking for guest photographers, just prepare a portfolio and you can come to our photo shoot with them on Thursday!" John laughed scrawling his number on a scrap of receipt paper
"Thanks John…I'll definitely do that" She laughed "Shouldn't you be doing inventory?"
He shrugged and headed toward the back room
"So are we going to rent a movie or just stand and talk all day?" I asked anxiously
"Rent a movie…" Garrett said leading me away from the counter "How about this?" He asked pulling out a random movie called 'session nine'
"This looks promising…" I rolled my eyes and began to scan the other shelves
"C'mon! It looks good! I'll cover your eyes during the scary parts" He laughed wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my ear
"Fine, but if I have nightmares…"
"you won't!" He pleaded and brought the movie to the counter to be checked out
"Hmm good choice." Charlie said with obvious sarcasm scanning it.
"I'm watching it against my will" I said punching Garrett lightly on the arm
"Would you rather watch the Notebook?" Garrett huffed
"Actually…" I laughed and walked out of the store with Garrett's arm resting on my shoulder
At the apartment, we cuddled on the couch enjoying the veggie burgers I had quickly prepared before the movie.
I watched with wide eyes as construction workers at a mental hospital became insane themselves. As the credits finally rolled up the screen I screeched.
"Garrett!" I whined "I cannot believe you made me watch that!"
"I'm sorry you're such a wimp!"
"I'm not a wimp you're an asshole!" I said picking the plates off of the floor "Remind me why I've been with you all this time?"
"Because you love me." He laughed stretching his arms over his head
"Just keep thinking that." I said dropping the plates into the soapy hot water that was filling the sink.
"I'll try." He said coming over to me and splashing some of the searing water onto my arms
"Hey!" I screeched as the hot liquid hit my skin
"Olivia." He said pulling me into his arms "loving you is the easiest thing in my life."
"Why do you always have to get so sappy?" I asked
"I don't know, I just have a lot of feelings…" Garrett mock-cried imitating the girl from mean girls spot-on
I laughed and kissed him.
"I love you Gar." I said peeling the yellow rubber gloves off of my hands "now put the dishes away." I stomped out of the kitchen, and heard him groan.
Mission Accomplished.