THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE REVIEWS! They made so happy~! You all get hugs and love. So, as thanks you get chapter 3! Sorry no sex scene in this chapter, but they talk about it (a lot). I suck at spelling and grammar and sentence stuff so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Oh and I'm sorry if my history is wrong. Ok now have fun reading.

"What do you mean you want to talk about my brother?" Norway questioned Hong Kong as he slipped a pair of boxers on. None of the countries cared about being seen nude anymore. Estonia had started a porn site, which became a hit with some countries like France, Spain, and Prussia, who then went on rampages to get photos of everyone naked.

"Well, as you know, Ice and I are dating. And recently, and we have been trying to move farther in our relationship but Ice seems to have a problem." Hong Kong explained in his usually monotone. He was watching Norway move around the room picking out clothes from drawers.

"So you're telling me Iceland, my baby brother, has a problem with having sex and you want me to help you solve it?" Norway's tone changed just enough that Hong Kong could tell he was angry.

"It's hard to explain, but Iceland said he can't have a healthy sexual relationship because all his life he was raped, on many occasions by different people." Hong Kong paused for a moment to think. "In his mind, if he has consensual sex with the first person that raped him everything will be ok. I truly don't understand this concept, but it's what Iceland wants so I'm willing to try it."

"Iceland told you about his past?" the Norwegian couldn't look at the younger man.

"Yes, he told me that, in your younger days, you liked to touch little boys." The Asian smirked for a second seeing the other tense up. "I know you probably want to keep this secret, so I'll make a deal with you."

Norway let rage he felt leak into his tone, "and what would this deal be?"

"That you will have sex with Iceland, while I am present. That's all you have to do, and I promise not to bother you about this topic again." The smirk didn't leave his face this time and he watched Norway think over his proposition.

"Why do you have to be there?"

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Then I should be there!" Denmark stated as he poked his head in the room.

"No." The smaller men said at the same time.

The Dane moved to fill the door way. His hair was weighed down by the water from the shower he had finished. He had put on a red t-shirt with 'Danmark' written in block letters across the chest and dark jeans. "Why can I be there if Norway's my fuck buddy?" Denmark whined and pouted.

"Because Iceland isn't you're fuck buddy." Hong Kong answered swiftly.

"And you aren't touching my brother." Norway continued.

"But I already have." Demark muttered. Norway quickly walked over to the taller blond, grabbed the front of his shirt, twisted, and pulled down sharply. Thus causing Denmark to choke and become face to face with the smaller nation.

Norway's features were unemotional as he looked in Denmark's slightly panicked eyes. "You will never touch Iceland again. He's told me the things you did to him when he was under your rule." Denmark started to struggle against the hold, and Norway let go.

"I only did those things… because you left me… and I was… pissed off and horny." Denmark panted. The old memories started to flood back into his mind and he glared as he caught his breath.

Norway shook his head. "Get out Denmark, go get drunk with Sweden and Finland."

The glare intensified. "Fine, have fun fucking your brother!" he stormed out and after a minute the front door slammed.

"Sorry, you had to see that, Hong Kong." Norway said after a minute. He turned and saw the brunette nod. "So, when can we get this over with?" he continued reluctantly.

"Tonight would be best, if you don't mind" Hong Kong wanted this done soon so he could have Iceland for himself.

Norway groaned, which was odd since his face showed no emotion. "Okay, go get him"

So, did I do well? It's been a year, so please don't hate me. And I'm sorry about it being so short and the whole fight between Norway and Denmark but that how I see them. Fighting and fucking with random times of sweetness thrown in. And if you couldn't tell Norway X Iceland + Hong Kong is going to be the next chapter. Not sure how I'm going to write that but if I get a review or two it might help. (They make me so happy you don't even know.)