Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or anything related to it. This is only the second Kingdom Hearts fan fiction I've written so if it's not too good, sorry. Also the * marks indicate Axel's thoughts. Anywho here it is.
Axel's eyes opened as he heard knocking coming from his door. He looked over at the alarm clock on his nightstand. The red lights showed 1:48 am. He groaned and put his pillow over his head hoping that whoever it was would just go away.
2 minutes later the knocking still continued. Axel couldn't stand it. He threw his blanket off himself and stormed over to the door. He opened it ready to scream the person's head off or set them on fire.
He opened the door to find a crying Demyx. Now he felt like an ass. Demyx was a close friend, his best friend, even though the water-bender always found a way to annoy him.
Axel taking pity on poor Demyx gestured for him to come in his room. He closed the door and sat him on his bed trying to calm him down.
After Demyx stopped crying he started to talk, or at least tried.
"I…I'm…it's…" Demyx stuttered. He was still sobbing quite a bit.
"It's ok Demyx. Just try and relax a little. You can talk to me after you get a hold of yourself." Axel reassured.
So he sat there, patiently while Demyx's breathing slowed and his sobs faded. He let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry."
Axel looked at him and said, "Well it's alright, I just want to know why you were crying and why you came to me."
Demyx looked down at the floor. "I was crying because I had a nightmare. I know it might sound childish but it was terrible. It was just so…vivid."
Axel didn't think it was childish. He'd had quite a few dreams that scared the living shit out of him. But he'd never tell Demyx that.
"So then the other question would be why you came to me."
Demyx paused before he said anything.
"I didn't think anyone else would care and since you're my best friend I thought that you might help me calm down."
The sandy blond was looking down at his feet still. His eyes were red from crying and his hair was disheveled and fell in his face from where he had no doubt tossed in his bed during the nightmare.
Axel knew he might regret this later but Demyx looked so shaken and sad.
"Hey umm you could stay with me if you don't feel like being alone. If you want to."
Demyx's face lit up as he looked at Axel.
"Really? You wouldn't care?"
"Not much no."
"But where would I sleep?"
Axel hadn't thought of that. He only had one bed and he didn't want to make Demyx sleep on the floor.
"Well I guess you could share my bed with me."
"I don't know."
"It's ok just don't snuggle with me or anything."
"Oh no, I won't."
"Ok then."
Axel crawled back under his covers and Demyx followed. Demyx turned so they were back to back.
"Night Axel."
Axel smiled and said, "Night Demmy."
The next morning Axel woke up but felt something lying on his chest. He opened his eyes and found Demyx's arm laying across him and his head snuggling into his shoulder. Axel got up to push him off but then stopped. Demyx was just too cute when he was asleep.
Axel laid back down letting Demyx cuddle with him.
*Demyx having nightmares isn't so bad.*