Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my own creations.

John Doggett surveyed the teeming mass before him.

He didn't know why he'd let his wife talk him into coming to the fair. This was a prime hunting spot for children to be abducted and otherwise go missing, only to be found later on in a less than perfect manner.

Both Summer and Ryder had both been repeatedly told about what to do if a stranger approached them or tried to take them somewhere and it had actually gotten to the point where they were joking about how best to scream. Sum appeared to be more partial to a werewolf howl, whilst Ry preferred a shrill screech.

He hadn't slept well last night, and as he now stood with so many people passing him by at the big event itself, he firmly gripped the hands of his son and daughter, determined to never let them out of his sight. 'Remember what I told you kids.'

'We know Dad! We know!' both shouted as they looked around gleefully – and not without a degree of awe – at the multitude of rides and action around them. 'Let's go! Let's go!' they called as they pulled on his hands.

When he refused to budge just yet, they gave up and attached themselves to their mother. They both jumped up and down, pulling on her arms in the furtive hope that by doing so, they could be propelled forward into this amazing place.

Taking in a deep breath, he was amazed that his youngest child could sleep through this all. He pressed a kiss to the dark blonde hair adorning the head of his baby daughter where she was firmly strapped to his chest.

He knew that Mon had convinced him to be the one to carry Ava as a means for him to be able to keep at least one kid paranoidly close, and not be so clingy of their elder children.

Stepping into the animal tent behind his wife and children, one hand on his sleeping baby's back, his eyes watched closely as Summer and Ryder raced for the lambs. He was still tense when his wife slipped her hand into his back jean pocket and pressed a kiss to his lips. 'It'll be okay.'

He nodded stiffly in response, attempting to reassure himself with a firm kiss in response to Monica's lips. He opened his mouth to speak, when Summer suddenly screamed. His heart pumped at a million miles an hour as he turned swiftly to the noise.

Even as Summer laughed and screamed happily as the lamb licked her face once again, his heart pounded. It was only when his wife gripped the nape of his neck and his five year old turned to him with a grin on his face and a call of 'Look Daddy! It likes me!' that he was able to calm down.

Forcing a smile onto his face as he responded to his daughter's happy cry, he knew without a doubt that it was going to be a long day for him.

A very, very long day.