Summary: Ever since they were little tots, through thick and thin, he had loved him. Up until their dying day, he loved him. That will never change.
A/N: Restructured. Every single chapter restructured for your reading needs. :3
CHAPTER ONE: Scarlet Geranium
"As for loving-kindness and trueness they have met each other. Righteousness and peace—they have kissed each other." –Psalm 85:10
"Maylene Meurtriere!"
"Elizabeth Middleford!"
"Bard Blaisdell!"
"Finnian Durus!"
"Yes—! Tee hee!"
"Okay. Let's see now... Ciel—!"
A sigh. "...Yes..."
A soft clop from the front indicated that the woman had now closed the roll book, and all attention went to their teacher, Missus Rachel Durless-Phantomhive.
She stood up and went in front and smiled at the class, clapping her hands twice to catch their attention, "All right, children. Today we're going to have a new classmate. Now, this child is going to be a part of this family, meaning this class, and I want you to be kind to him, all right?"
A high-pitched chorus of approval was the response.
The chestnut-haired teacher then smiled and turned to the door with her hands clasped to her chest, "Okay, then. Introduce yourself, little one."
At that, all tiny yet wide and innocent pairs of eyes turned to the door with excitement for the new addition to their "family". The teacher always made sure that all students in her class would be like one, big, happy family, treating each other like brothers and sisters.
A pale little boy entered the room; he took tiny steps towards the smiling teacher, his head bowed throughout.
He gulped. And he clenched his little hands on his little black shorts, never once meeting a pair of eyes, including the still smiling teacher, as his lips started to quiver.
After much awkward fiddling, the boy nervously looked at the smiling lady on his right side. She looks kind, he thought. With that in mind, he faced the class and silently observed the pairs of eyes that have been looking at him with scrutiny.
With a huff of air through his lungs, he smiled his brightest smile he could muster and finally spoke, a tiny little blush formed on his pale little cheeks, "I'm Sebastian Michaelis and I love cats! Nice to meet cha!"
The whole class blinked. The teacher continued to smile and so did the little boy, showing off his pearly white baby teeth to the world.
What caught their attention were his eyes—they were the brightest shade of red that they had ever seen.
Missus Rachel turned again to the class, her beaming face blinding the students, "Little Sebastian here will be a part of our family from now on. Be kind to him, okay?"
And the chorus of high-pitched voices of approval rang in the room.
While they were still cheering, the blue-eyed teacher whispered to the child, "Now, where do you want to sit, little Sebastian?" Said child blinked in response as he stared at the random children again, contemplating about the place where he would sit for the rest of the day.
The various pairs of eyes that were on him before were now nowhere to be seen. Thanks to their short attention span, the children were now talking amongst themselves, chattering and tittering their little voices out.
He tilted his head to one side, carefully scanning the kids that were now his classmates. One child had curled, blond hair, wearing the most blinding shade of a pink skirt and blouse, screeching randomly about a bunny she found on her way home last night with her nanny.
The little boy frowned. Too girly, he thought.
He looked again, and he found a girl with shoulder-length magenta hair, and had a pair of eyes that could rival his own red orbs—except hers were almost the same colour as her locks. A pity though, that she had to hide her eyes behind a broken pair of eyeglasses.
He smiled a bit. Maybe she can be my friend, he thought. He was about to point at her direction until a blond boy blocked his vision of the little girl. Sebastian's frown deepened a bit as he saw the blond's eyes darted to him in what others might consider a look of disgust.
The red-eyed child whimpered, and his finger curled as he seemed to shrink back behind Rachel.
His eyes scanned the room again, red orbs landing on a mop of red hair. He looked timid enough... until another blond with green eyes pulled the redhead's hair scrutchy... Wait.
Hair scrutchy?
He blinked again. I thought those were just for girls?
He shook his head as he stared at "timid" boy—why is he long-haired, anyway?—who suddenly tried to cut the blond's hair with a pair of tiny scissors. The little blond wailed for help, and the teacher went to rescue the poor child, scolding the redhead as she did so.
And the black-haired boy was left alone in front of the uncaring class.
He scanned the room once more. He was looking for a quiet place to sit in, away from those little snot-nosed kids. He didn't quite care if it was in the corner of the room, isolated from the class...
And then, he found one spot at the back of the room. A lone child was sitting at the back, reading a book about—
"The History of World War I..." he whispered.
He blinked—and before he knew it, he was making his way to the back, scarlet eyes never leaving the shiny mop of dark blue hair that belonged to another child in the class.
He stood in front of the girl's (at least that's what he thought at first glance) rainbow-colored desk, smiling sweetly as he eyed an empty chair beside her (him). This is my chance!
He cleared his throat, and it got the child's attention. The book was lowered enough to look at the boy standing and smiling before him.
A quirk of an eyebrow, "Whaddo you wan'?"
The child's voice was cute, (s)he has sparkling blue eyes and a tiny, heart-shaped face with a bit of blush on (his) her cheeks, and had a pair of earrings that matched (his) her lovely eyes. She's shining!
Without beating around the bush, he pointed towards the chair, and smiled, "May I sit there?"
The boy pouted. He did not like his tiny space bubble being popped by random people, his parents or the family servants not included. He closed his eyes, thinking. He disliked people staring at him, it made him irritable. Ciel opened his eyes and looked at the pale boy, "'Lright. Just dun bother me with m 'reading." And with that, he buried his little nose back to his book.
Sebastian smiled and promptly sat on the little chair, and he looked at the classroom. Really, could these kids get even noisier? As though his question was answered, the girl in the pink clothes ran across the room, yelling something about, "Ash put something sticky on m'hair!"
The pale child sighed, why couldn't they be quiet like the child beside him? (S)he doesn't join in with the rambunctious noise.
And look, (s)he had already flipped a page on the book. Curiously, his red eyes peered over the page the child was reading, he could read the small letters perfectly, and he could see those blue eyes shifting from left to right swiftly, reading the words on the page intently. The child's long lashes mystified Sebastian, and he admired the child's beauty.
Without a second thought (the child had been ignoring him completely as he read), the smiling Sebastian pecked the child's left cheek, earning a startled look from the "girl".
Ciel had unconsciously let go of the book and it fell on his feet, then onto the floor. The child puffed his cheeks, all red and pink tinged together from embarrassment. "Why'ja do that for?" he whined.
Oh yes, the child was cute. Sebastian only leant back on his chair, his head placed behind his hands, "Nuffin'."
The child gaped like a bubble about to burst, "Whad'ja mean, "nuffin'"? Y'kissed me!" Upon hearing that, all eyes zoomed in on the back of the room, even Missus Rachel stopped scolding the redhead and another boy with white hair—is he that old?—and listened to their argument.
This time, the blue-eyed child stood up, revealing tiny legs with dark blue shorts. Creamy, the red-eyed one thought; but pity the one band-aid on one knee cap, he must have tripped, he mused. When he looked at the child again, he faced the anger in those blue eyes.
"Why didja kiss me?" the boy fumed.
In a split second, blue eyes met red ones and he was met with a hug. The whole class, the teacher, and even the child being hugged, stilled.
In a silent whisper, Sebastian breathed to the tiny shell of her (his) ear.
"Because you're cute."
And the child, the son of missus Rachel, the boy, blushed a several shades of shy pink to bloody red.
"I'm wha-at?"
Oh yes, the girl is this cute.
In the Language of Flowers, there blooms: a scarlet geranium, which symbolizes a kiss.