A/N: Alright guys this is the last chapter but if you want more interaction with Cuddy and Andy I'm going to be posting a story that's just a bunch of moments between them called Candy, i don't know when I'm going to get it up but look out for it if you'be liked this.

Chapter 7: Soothing Hurts

Later that night Lisa was washing dishes, House was playing the piano and Andy was just staring back and forth between them. He didn't understand how his little sister could like someone who was so unpleasant. Song after song that House played was melancholy but Lizzy was just humming along with a smile.

"Ow," Lisa suddenly yelled, trying to grab for a towel that was close by. She then pressed the towel to the cut to stop the bleeding. Hearing her House quickly stopped playing and made his way into the kitchen to make sure she was alright.

"What happened?" He asked as he took the towel from her and started to gently dab at the fresh cut on her hand.

"Nothing, I just cut myself. It's not a big deal, I just grabbed the wrong end of the knife," she said as he was reaching for the first aid kit in the cabinet next to him.

"It still needs to be bandaged," he said simply as he cleaned the small cut that looked worse then it actually was and wrapped gauze around her hand.

"Why. . ."

"The gauze will stay on better then a band-aid," he said and then kissed her bandaged hand.

Andy smiled at the interaction between the two of them. Maybe he wasn't the only one that wanted to take care of her, and maybe he could stop worrying so much about her. She did seem to do ok for herself after all.


"Andy, wake up," 5 year old Lizzy Cuddy urged her brother.

"What is it Lizzy?" He asked sleepily.

"Grandpa's here," she said running out of the room leaving Andy behind.

". . .And then Andy caught him and made him give me my dolly back." He heard Lizzy say to their grandfather as he walked into the room.

"Well, Lizzy it sounds like you are a lucky little girl to have such a good big brother," he said looking at Andy with a smile.

"Yup, Andy is the best big brother in the whole wide world," Lizzy said with a smile that lit up her whole face.

"How about I take the two of you out to lunch?"

"Can we go to McDonald's?" She asked excitedly.

"That ok with you Andy?" Their grandfather asked.

"Sure, McDonald's is fine."

"Let's go," Lizzy shouted and ran out side. Following her out Andy and his grandpa were met with the sight of Lizzy sitting on the ground holding her bleeding knee.

"What happened sweetheart? Andy, go grab some band-aids and something to clean her knee up," their grandpa said gently.

"I tripped," she sniffled.

"So what does that tell us about running?"

"Be careful?"

"That's right. You are such a smart little girl, Lizzy and I think you Just earned an ice cream," He said cheering her up.

"With sprinkles?" she asked with hope.

"Of course. What's ice cream with out sprinkles?" He said as Andy returned. After cleaning her knee their grandpa picked her up and buckled her into his car. "Come on. We don't want anyone to eat all the ice cream before we get there."

Andy loved when their grandfather came to visit them. His parents acted like they cared, his grandfather treated him and Lizzy to restaurants and stores. The man enjoyed the time he got to spoil his grandchildren, and they got a taste of what it was like to be loved. Andy especially loved how their grandpa treated Lizzy. Yeah, when Grandpa was around life was perfect.

The End

And for the final time (for this story) please review and let me know what you thought