
"In ones life, you experience multiple situations that can be painful or misunderstood. Traumatic, insolent, and preposterous truths through the just thought of overcoming ones fault. To put it simply, in which you are I and I am you, we are put through things we hate in order to prevail and breakthrough these times. We do, however, know that the problem with this is that each situation is started by a being of power or misconception. In this particular case, you are the one that started this all."

"What kind of twisted joke is this?" whispered Mrs. Tama.

"Who would write something like that?" whispered Mrs. Julie.

"Was it done by a child?" whispered Mrs. Luna.

"I doubt it," whispered Mr. Harold.

All four teachers were hunched close together, looking down on a sheet of notebook paper on the big kid table. The paper had no signature on it, only an address in which to take it to. It was towards one of the older children in the daycare. Since ages ranged from three to six; each age was given a separate class so that the children could get to know kids their own age. The only way they could interact together as a group would be during lunch and recess.

"Why would you say that?" whispered Mrs. Julie.

"Well, for one, it looks like an adult's handwriting," whispered Mr. Harold.

"Hello, even if it looks like adults', it doesn't necessarily mean that it is one. I mean look, there are juice stains on the paper, that is a definite sign that a child wrote it," whispered Mrs. Luna.

"Wait a minute, a teenager could barely understand that, let alone a toddler," whispered Mrs. Tama.

They bickered some more before one of them sighed.

"So who would it be then? An adult couldn't have written it, the children's parents know that the kids wouldn't understand it. There is a possibility that a teenager could have written it, if one of their siblings was hurt. And there is absolutely no way a toddler could write something like this," whispered Mrs. Julie.

"Unless one of them was a super genius," chuckled Mr. Harold, the others giggled slightly, "but seriously, I don't know who would do this."

The others sighed and turned to watch the kids play, oblivious.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"-and so, with bloody hands, she prayed. Prayed with all her heart, that this war meant the end to the age of incompetence and loathing," said Light as he gently shut the book and looked up, out into the sea of college student's eyes.

All eyes were captivated yet again by their sensei's – Professor Light's – reading lesson. Light inwardly rolled his eyes at them and sighed out loud. He slammed the book onto his desk, causing a shockwave into the dazed sea of people.

"I assume you all were taking the mandatory notes," Light's stern voice said as the students snapped out of their shock, "Because here comes the discussion."

The class groaned, flipping to the start of their notes as Light started writing the two main characters down on separate sides of the chalkboard.

"How would you describe the two main characters in 'Deadly Apples'?" asked Light not caring if his students reached the beginning of his or her notes or not.

A couple of hands raised up, which was pretty rare for Light's class, Light raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Mr. Stockwood? You have something?" said Light, surprised that Lucas of all people raised his hand; he may have a hope for that kid yet.

"That chick reminds me of you!" exclaimed Lucas.

....Or not. Light sighed. Someone chuckled softly in the crowd.

"That's not a description Mr. Stockwood, that's an observation," said Light.

'And not a very good one either,' muttered Light under his breath.

"But it's a good comparison!" stated Lucas.

Light scowled at him and caused Lucas to shrink back slightly in fear.

"No, it's not, Mr. Stockwood. There are many things that are different about her and me. That little fact of gender is one of them. Now shut your mouth and let the rest of the class focus on the task at hand and actually pay attention," Light said as he turned back to the board.

Lucas, however, was persistent, and picky, depending on what time of day it was. Lucas' outbursts were causing some people to laugh, specifically the same person who laughed earlier.

"One main difference is that she's straight and hot while you're not!" screamed out Lucas unable to keep his mouth shut for even a second.

The one person that was laughing stopped laughing and if you listened really closely you could hear a faint growling coming from that direction.

Light halted in his stance as everyone gasped. He slowly turned around with his mask on, making sure no one saw his irritation; he wasn't hurt by the comment, he was used to those. It's not like his pride hadn't been hurt before. Light realized that he was going to loss his class if he didn't ease the tension before it became to unbearable.

"I will ignore that comment, Lucas, only because it came from you," said Light.

"Because you're falling for me?" snapped Lucas. All eyes were on Light, afraid of what he would do, but Light just laughed and smiled.

"No, it's because your life sucks enough without falling in love with your gay, already taken, teacher. That and your timing is wretched, I already have children," smiled Light smugly.

Lucas' face was pure red from anger, embarrassment, and disgust.

"Fag teacher," muttered Lucas, just loud enough for people to hear.

Light choose to ignore that comment. No need to cause uproar from him. Light continued to write notes on the characters.

"Now what's so different between the detective and the murderess?" asked Light.

Many people raised their hands while Light looked out into the sea.

"Just shout out what you think, and try not to interrupt anyone, please, if possible," said Light, whispering the last three words.

The students then started to get into the discussion, shouting out what they thought about the characters.

"Detective Eru is anti-social and has horrible hygiene!"

"Raito-chan is well dressed and acts professional in everything she does! She is the perfect person! I LOVE HER SPUNK! I LOVE HER PERSONALITY! I WANT TO BE HER!"

The room stared at the person talking. An awkward silence followed.

The girl blushed embarrassed.

".......I mean if it wasn't for the killing?"

People laughed out loud as this was said.

"Well Eru is possessive, a sugar addict, and has the hot's for his suspect who happens to be the murderess and his best friend!"

"I say that he might have more personal issues then Raito!"

"Yeah! Who wants a seventeen-year-old girlfriend who is your best friend, suspect, and a murderer, when you are twenty-three? Isn't that, like, illegal?"

More laughter went around the room. Light snorted at the class's total oblivious state to how close the book was to his real life. The class went on with their shout out until almost the entire board was filled. Light looked at his class's work.

"Is that all?" asked Light.

"....No," said a most velvet voice.

Light raised an eyebrow, instantly recognizing the voice.

"Then tell us, oh great all knowing one, what we missed," said Light.

"Obviously Raito-kun has a God Complex," stated the velvet voice.

No one seemed to realize the suffix mix-up, except Light, that is. Light's eye twitched irritably. Some students chuckled.

"Is that a bad thing?" asked Light.

The voice's mouth smirked and was about to say something when Lucas remade his appearance.

"Of course it is a bad thing!" yelled out Lucas, "Someone who has Raito's personality would be horrid! They would kill innocent people just because of his or her own 'perfect' views! They would be too much like you, Professor Light! Totally heartless!"

Everyone in the room started at Lucas. They knew that even for Lucas, this was going way too far. They all knew that Professor Light had a painful past. The whole mercy aspect was never an option and heartlessness, was ironically, or insanely, the heart of the operation. The slightest little talk of it makes, his eyes water up......he however, says that it's from his over emotional state his children put him in. Like when he gave birth.... But at this moment, Light's eyes were watering slightly, which, in public, was almost impossible. The class fell silent at this. He inwardly rolled his eyes, he learned how to fake his way through almost any emotion, though no one will ever find out about that. That is, other then his family. He had told the story of his 'past' many times before and at the moment; it was indeed a good thing to have. Although, Light was tired, so some of the tears were from him yawning slightly.

The classroom was dead silent except for a low growl emitting from someone in the sea of people. This person was Ryuuzaki, or L by his family. He was and is protective and possessive of his family. He didn't like it when his 'wife' was in any pain or was sad; he loved him too much and knew he hated painful memories and his past, even though he didn't remember all of it. He also knew that his Light was a good actor, but this was too real even to him. He was going to kill the boy who dared to hurt his Light.

While L was thinking those thoughts, a bundle by his feet started to wiggle and move. The bundle realized it was woken about an hour and a half early (1). It did not like it when it was sleep deprived. It needed that energy reserved so that it could play with its mommy and daddy. It was so mad that it was going to shout out its anger and hopefully get some more shut eye. It was going to SCREAM....at the exact same time as its daddy was going to say something. Three, two, one......


"WAHHHHH! AH-WAHHHHHH!" screamed the bundle, flailing around helplessly in its spot.

L and Light went wided-eyed as they snapped into action. Their baby was awakening way before she needed to be.

The room gasped. No one knew that the couple ever had a baby, they just knew they had three adopted sons.

"Hush, Kira, it's alright," whispered L as he picked up the flailing bundle that was his daughter, and rocked her. Light looked up at L, silently pleading that L brought Kira down to him. L noticed immediately and walked down, towards Light with Kira in his arms. Gently, Light grabbed Kira and rocked her like he did at home. Kira, who had calmed down a little when her daddy held her, recognized when her mommy held her and knew she could rest again.

"...frwoo gee (2)," said Kira reaching her arms towards her mommy's face, "Mo...mmy."

"...well, that explains who's on the bottom," whispered Lucas, causing the students next to him to blush madly.

Light smiled and let Kira grab his finger, ignoring Lucas' comment because he was happy that his baby knew him. L watched the scene in forlorn. He was happy that Kira recognized Light, but sad that she didn't know him even though she had been with him longer anyways. Then Kira started whimpering, spreading her other free arm towards L.

"...coo, daddy?" asked Kira.

L walked over beaming with pride, on the inside that is, and sat on Light's desk. Light raised an eyebrow as L wiggled his finger in the come-here-please way, but used more of a subtle 'seductive' posture. Light, slightly curious, walked over to L cautiously, trying to keep Kira steady in the crook of his arm. He was fatigued, but by damn was he going to show it.

L grabbed Light gently around the small of his back and picked him up so that he was sitting on the small bit of desk between his opened legs. L then moved Light's legs over his right leg so that he looked like he was a baby himself. Light blushed furiously and held Kira closer so not to hurt her by letting her fall. L kissed Light lightly on the forehead and held two of his most important people close to him. L then looked up and stared straight into the deep pit of Lucas' eyes, as if to kill his very soul.

"Mr. Stockwood," said L in his most monotonic voice, Lucas gulped, "Let me ask you a simple question."

"...Okay?" said Lucas cringing from his toes up.

"What is your definition of heartless?"

"...Well, sir-" he cringed again, "-there are many definitions that I use. There is one without pulse, one devoid of compassion or feeling, unemotional, or a killer,.... Sir."

L's stare didn't waver, but flared. Lucas again, for a third time, cringed.

"Well then, I can say right now that my Light-kun has a pulse-" said L as he kissed Light's neck, bit it, and licked it, making Light gasp/blush/moan, which in turn caused the students to blush too, "From my Light-kun's reaction, I would say that he has emotions. Also, my Light-kun has our Kira-chan held in a protective stance, thus stating that he is very caring."

Even though he cares only about his family, thought L.

"And finally, my Light-kun has NEVER killed anyone and if you even dare to make that accusation again I will personally hunt you down and kill you. Or something to that extent."

And that's the truth; KIRA was the one that was killing. He's trying not to remember. So it's not a lie, thought L as he glared daggers into Lucas' soul.

Light, during L's little speech, was turning red from being pissed off and from embarrassment. He was embarrassed my L's way of making a point, causing him to act like that in front of his students, for being in public and by harming student minds of his stature. Then he was pissed because L was totally blowing his cover for his mission. The inside information is the most important and his sources are going to hear about this and get suspicious. L, however, was paying no heed to Light's temperament.

"Now, Mr. Stockwood, I'd kindly advice you to shut your mouth, and explicit mind, and behave in a manner in which a college student should...or the consequences will stay forever embedded in your soul, understand?"

The entire room gulped and stood up as the bell rang, ending class. L picked up Light as he got up and set him on his feet as he got up. L stood in front of the classroom as people reached the door, in a hurry to get out of the class.

"I would assume," said L as the class stopped in their tracks, "that you know that the homework sheet you got from the basket near the door is due tomorrow? I also assume that the homework you are doing requires the book you finished reading?"

The class groaned and, while murmuring under their breaths, went to collect their homework and books.

"Hopefully, you will have a nice break and you enjoy the holidays," said Light as he tried to calm down.

The students said their 'goodbyes' and 'happy holidays' to Light behind L and then quickly shuffled past L, not wanting to meet his wrath, and walked away. Lucas was the first one to leave, sneering at both L and Light as he went. L smiled at this, happy that he got to get his Light-kun back. He turned around, picturing his lovely Light-kun's hand gently sweeping his face in a lovely gesture-


.....well that's not what I expected, thought L as he rubbed his now flaming red check.

Light was dead pissed, in fact, he was livid.

"You damn bastard!" shouted Light.

Light needed to calm down before he hurt himself or Kira, but L wasn't making it any easier when he just tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"You don't just go out and dis' a student! Even if they insult me!" shouted Light as he paced back and forth, "You can't control your instincts for one second and your blatancy could cause me to lose the little information and contacts that I have!"

L just blinked which caused Light to cry out in frustration. Kira started whimpering. Light looked down at her, smiled and the walked to sit in his chair behind his desk, rocking Kira soothingly, and sighed basking in the revelation of being important to his daughter again.

"She's hungry....." murmured Light to no one in particular and started to undo his shirt buttons.

L smiled at his Light-kun's ability to change moods at whim. He chuckled and walked over to Light and stole a kiss from him as he finished unbuttoning his shirt. Light blushed like a school girl and pulled away gently only because Kira was grabbing at his skin in a silent plea for food. He picked Kira up and kissed her forehead as he pulled his shirt back to expose his toned chest....or as toned as a post-labor male can be. He brought Kira's mouth to his nipple and allowed Kira to suck her favorite, and highly missed milk. She greedily drank and tangled her small hands in Light's shirt and skin. Light sighed.

"Why did you have to go and do that?" asked Light, covering his face from L's view with his bangs.

"The kid made a harsh comment towards my Light-kun in which caused him some pain. I don't like seeing my family members in any sort of pain or distress," said L with narrowed eyes, almost as if he was stating something to a disabled person.

"I get harsh comments like that all the time. Besides you should know by now that most of the emotions I display before others are not as real as the ones I show to my family," stated Light, ignoring L's tone.

"Yes, I know that, but I can tell when there are real tears." Same tone.

"L, only a little of them were real, but not because of the past, thank you very much."

L blinked in thought; if Light-kun was crying then he has two options. One; He was lying about his past, or two; he was tired, which caused him to yawn. If he was lying then it would be a problem, but if he is tired it is a problem.

"Now why the hell did think you could walk into my mission and interrupt me in the middle of it?" asked Light with his you-better-have-a-good-reason voice. L stared, thinking about what to do next.

During this time, Kira had stopped drinking and wiggled closer to her mommy, she didn't take her mouth from the nipple, but she did suck lightly, like a pacifier, excepting any milk that came out anyway. Light watched her, awaiting a response from L. He gently started rubbing her tummy and very lightly, rocked her in his arms.

L still stood, contemplating what to do next. He stared at his family, thinking about all the possibilities of his family getting hurt because of him. He greatly hoped that he could protect them from anything and everything possible.

"I have the right to see my lawfully wedded husband after three weeks of not being able to love him don't I? I would also believe that a nice visit from our lovely daughter-" Kira yawned and rubbed her eyes, desperately trying to keep awake to stay with her mommy longer, while her mother rocked her to get the opposite effect, "would be an adored surprise, no?"

Light ignored L's statements and watched his daughter, chuckling at her feeble attempts to stay awake. He raised her head gently and with delicate hands, placed her head on his shoulder with practiced ease. L saw this and grabbed a burp towel, placing it underneath Kira's chin and on top of Light's shoulder. Without even muttering a simple thank you, Light put his hand on Kira's back and rubbed it with a slow circular motion. Kira gurgled slightly at the contact. She burped up what was some of her mother's milk and proceeded to nod off somewhat.

Light gently took Kira off his shoulder and wiped her mouth, grimacing slightly as some of the wash-up spilled out of the side of her mouth again. He wiped that up too and kissed her forehead. She finally nodded off as her mother rocked her gently to sleep. He smiled down at her when all of a sudden, L reached down to tuck a piece of hair from Light's face to behind his ear. Light jumped, startled and surprised, realizing that L was still there and doing the one little pet peeve he had with his hair. He scowled at L and slapped his hand away, remembering that he was pissed off at a certain someone.

"You pompous jackass!" hissed out Light. L flinched slightly, but he'd never admit to that.

"Why do you say that?" L asked.

"WHY? You are seriously asking me why?" asked Light with obviously faked, surprise and mock horror, "The great detective actually has no idea why? Is he losing his touch?"

L narrowed his eyes as Light stood up and walked towards the garbage can to throw out the dirty blanket, "Light-kun needs to stop using that tone of voice with me."

Light rolled his eyes and threw the blanket away, with as much force as he could muster, "Or what, L honey? It's plainly your fault that your skills of observation are wavering."


"'Do you honestly need help comprehending how your behavior is affecting this mission?' is what you want to say right?"

Light started pacing back and forth.


"Well listen here, pal, I think that you can just shove it up your ass-"


"Cause I'll be damned if our daughter gets hur-"

L's fist slammed onto the desk in frustration and irritation.


Light stopped pacing and slowly turned towards L, aware that when L uses his name that way, he was going to die. He stared with fear in his eyes, at his husband, paralyzed at his sudden out burst. L walked towards him and pressured Light into a corner where he couldn't escape. Kira started to stir, slightly shaken up a bit.

L stood straight at full height, glaring at Light with deep, soulless, pure black orbs of emotionless proportion. It was as if they could burrow its way to the pits of your soul and destroy it. Light ripped his eyes away with as much effort as it would have been for L to not eat sugar. He took a deep breathe and then opened his mouth to speak.

"No, Raito," said L's voice with an icy undertone, Light flinched, scared to death, shutting his mouth as quickly as he opened it, "I know that what I did was reckless, I admit that at least. However, I would enjoy it if you would not contradict my decisions. What I -we- do, as detectives, is justice, but our job as parents is just, if not more, important. We have certain, different, jobs as parents; mine is to love and teach our children. Yours, is to take care of, love, and clean-up our children, it's your birth right, as is mine. At this moment, though, I have proceeded to do your job as the birth mother, and my own. So shape up and come back; you're tired, probably still from post-labor, and when you have my next kid, I want you to be in top shape."

L stood with arms crossed staring at Light.

Light just stared back, shocked, feeling surprisingly sad and even more surprising, like a used-up fuck toy. He felt betrayed, shocked, and unimportant. He slowly lowered his head, looking at the floor, tightening his grip on the sleeping Kira. His hair covered his face, hiding it from L, so that he couldn't see the burning tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

L watched his 'wife', eyes widening as Light started to visibly shake, from anger or sadness, though, he couldn't comprehend.....maybe I am losing my touch. L raised his hand to place it hesitantly on Light's shoulder, but, for the first time in there married life, Light shook him off and pulled away. This immediately turned on the warning signs in L's head.

".....Is that what you think about me?" whispered Light so faintly, that L was straining to catch what he said.

"What? What do you mean by that Light-kun?"

Light's body shuttered uncontrollably and Kira started to whimper at the thickened atmosphere. Her mommy was going to leave her again! This was what happened when her mommy left the first time! All she wanted to do was sleep in her mommy's arms, but things were too scary to.

"Am I only here, by your side, because you want to use me? Fuck me and impregnate me to give birth to the heirs of the L title? Your personal slut?" Light's voice cracked at the last sentence, pure tears of pain and sorrow fell from his face to the ground, temporarily rendering L speechless. Kira started to cry as her mommy's tears fell on her face.

"L-Light-kun, I-I" stuttered L. Light snapped his head up angrily, emotions swirling chaotically in his eyes.

"ALL I AM TO YOU IS JUST SOME FUCKING TOY?! My love isn't important enough for you is it? IS IT?!? SO YOU WOULD JUST BE THERE TO RAPE ME?!?! PUT ME IN SO MUCH DAMN FUCKING PAIN!?!?!" screamed out Light, stepping to slam his fist into L as Kira screamed out in fear and bawled her eyes out, "L YOU BASTARD!! DAMNED BASTARD!!!!" pound "-FUCKING JACKASS-" pound "-BAKA-" pound "-Asshole-" pound, pound, pound.

After a while, Light's pounding became half hearted slaps. Kira's crying was still at a screaming level, tough. Finally, after about three minutes, Light just leaned into L and cried his eyes out. He was so tired, and wanted to get rid of this migraine, sleeping sounded like a good plan at the moment. His body gave way and he would have not only fallen, but dropped Kira, if L wasn't expecting this and reacting in the way that he did. L scooped up Light with Kira screaming on his stomach and briskly walked over to Light's desk. He knew something like this would happen, but he didn't want to believe that Light would just drop Kira!.....speaking of.....

"Hush, Kira, don't worry know, I won't let anything hurt. I'm here now, shhh," cooed L soothingly. Kira looked up at L, eyes brimming with tears as she started to calm down. L smiled slightly and kissed her forehead as he gently placed her down on the comfortable chair so he could look over Light.

Light's appearance was very chaotic. Light's shirt was open wide, dried drool and leftover milk on his chest. His skin was a sickly pale color and unusual ring (for him) were under his eyes. He was sweating slightly, hair sticking to his face and strewn across his desk (now that it was long enough to put into a pony-tail). His lips were dry and his eyes were unsettled and moving in his sleep. Even his nose was turning red from what seemed like the flu and stress. His entire being looked positively retched to L. He sighed at this and then started to whisper in Light's sleeping ear.

"This, Raito, is the real reason I came and got you. You silly baka, I knew you wouldn't be able to take care of yourself. Not when you've lived with me that long."

L sighed again as Light's lips moved silently. L kissed his 'wife's' clammy forehead and then took his phone out from his back pocket. He dialed one of the six contact numbers on his phone and held it delicately in front of his face. While waiting for the other end to pick up, he watched his sleeping 'wife'.

".....Yes, L?" said the good old voice of Watari.

"Could you please bring the stretch limo truck with the king sized bed to the campus entrance?" asked L.

"Do you want to head to the hotel or do you want me to call in a helicopter to pick up the boys and go straight to Tokyo?"

"If we didn't get the boys now, we won't be able to sleep for a while you know."

"Alright, then," chuckled Watari, "I shall bring the necessary items then."

"Thanks Watari....."

"....Would you like to talk about it?"

L sighed, pondering, then thought, why not?

"I would like that. When we get to the car, I will gladly take you up on that offer."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes then," Watari said and shut off the phone.

L closed his phone and placed it back into his pocket. He checked out Light's temperature, and found that it had been rising ever so slowly, up. Not really all that surprising, considering he was half-nude anyway. L went to grab the baby bag from his spot in the student section and proceeded to go back to Light, getting out an adult sized blanket that was always in there. He quickly wiped Light up with an old spit rag, and wrapped him up gently in the blanket.

L went around grabbing Light's things and placed them in the baby bag (which was, by the way, a regular back pack, but was a camping sized one), his laptop, books, and phone, among the short list of things Light had with him. He put on the bag, picked up Light and Kira, and skillfully maneuvered them so that Kira was lying on Light's stomach, and Light was held bridal style in L's arms. L then walked out of the room and gently shut the doors behind him.

While passing the administration office, L slide a letter of registration down the mail slot and walked on. Even if Light didn't get a ton of information for the mission, it was alright, because he was back with his family where he belonged.

L walked towards the mile long circular garden, in which, beyond it, was the entrance. Without even noticing before, L realized it was raining out, so instead of going straight through the garden, he prompted to take the covered walkways of the outside garden outline. He really didn't have time to deal with wet close on a sick Light and a cranky Kira, just incase one of them got worse, for they surely would in that rain.

Lightning flashed, followed by thunder, causing Kira to cry out. She really disliked the lightning, and she hated the thunder, mainly because it always meant something was wrong. L knew, and he lifted Light enough so that he could stare at Kira, straight into her eyes. Kira stared back for a couple of seconds, before long her eyes fluttered shut and she yawned, some stray tears falling from her eyes. She curled up close to her parents and fell asleep, thinking about her daddy's calming and deep eyes. L kissed Kira and before long, he had reached the entrance to the campus where Watari waited with umbrella in hand.

"Hello, L," said Watari as he gently reached out to help L by holding Kira and unbolting the back so that L had full access to the bed.

"Good evening, Watari," muttered L as he graciously allowed Watari to grab Kira and get Light settled into the bed.

"...Would you like to tell me what happened?" asked Watari as he handed Kira up, back to L, inside the truck and bolted the back so he could go to the driver's seat up front.

L sighed and got Kira and himself settled by Light's sleeping form. He placed the bag next to a night stand and found the keypad lying on the stand. He punched in a few combinations on it and waited on the bed.

"Well?" Watari's voice popped up on an intercom.

"....He blew up on me, to put it simply," said L, not even having to speak into anything because the entire room was wired, just like the driver's spot.

"Was it you, or him?"

The keypad's jobs then started to activate, all of which were quite simple; move the bedroom side from the back to the front while moving the bathroom side back, give L his sugar and tea, and hand L a cool wet towel for Light.

"I assume that it was both, allow the stress must have been eating him from the inside out I warned him that it was to early from him to start doing physical work again," L said as he took a sip of his tea and placed the towel on Light's forehead after pushing some stray hair out of the way.

"You more of yelled at him, then warned him."

Watari started the vehicle.

"Yes, but I had the best of intensions," L said as he downed the rest of his tea.

"What finally made him snap?"

Watari pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded to turn onto the highway.

"Like usual, he had selective hearing and proceeded to twist my words against me after I said something that was not that crucial. He said such atrocious and insulting things. I can't believe he would think I would purposefully hurt him even slightly....."

L looked at Light with adore.

"....He should know by know that I love him too much. I'd do anything for him.....and Kira, and the boys. Anything...."

L curled up next to two of his most important people.

Up in the driver's seat, Watari smiled, reminiscing about the past.

It had taken more then a decade to gain L's trust, and yet it took Light less then two years to not only gain L's trust, but his friendship, and love too. When Light said that he was pregnant with Kira, L had already proposed three months prior. The estimated due date was the beginning of November. Their wedding was to be during the harvest moon, the day before L's birthday. L was twenty-five and Light was nineteen.

The wedding came around soon enough, planned before the Harvest Moon was to hit its peak at 7 o' clock. The I-do's were said at the exact point of the peak of the Harvest Moon. The moon glistened off L's black tuxedo, he had been standing up straight and was wearing shoes, both of which were extremely rare sites indeed. Even so, nothing could compare to the competition that was Light and Light's dress. Light had wanted to wear a tux like L, but with much arguing about pants, pregnancies, and move ability with L, he was forced to wear a dress. The dress itself was a blessing to Light, one that he both loved and cherished (He would never, ever say that out loud to L). The dress was bigger then the average dress and it held perfectly around his very swollen mid-section, showing just how feminine he truly was. It was beautiful, silver with barely a hint of orange colored dress; if it were on anyone else it wouldn't do them justice. It did on Light.

Once the line 'you may now kiss the bride' was said, Light's water broke. L quickly peaked Light, and proceeded to pick him up and sprint towards Watari's car. L had predicted that Light would be early, because his own mother had him early too. Soon, they were zooming down the road as L called the specialized and hand-picked doctors that waited hands and feet only for L and his dear ones. When they arrived at the small "hospital", Dr. Mizuki and Dr. Skeltor had already mad sure everything was organized and prepared for the birthing process. They immediately set to work when the saw Light.

For thirteen long and painful hours, Light had to endure labor; L had to endure a broken hand, his now-wife's screaming and his language, and all the threats that were mad to his manhood; and those that came to the wedding: all of seven people (Light's father, mother, sister, and Watari, Mello, Matt, and Near), had to endure sleeping in the small waiting room outside of the birthing room, because none of them wanted to leave.

However, in the tenth hour, Light was ready to push, but the baby hadn't positioned right, this increased the chances of fatality to increase drastically, and it was too late for a C-section. With a near death experience for both mother and child, and much screaming, blood, and pain later (three hours worth), the baby was born. The doctors split up so that they could take care of the patients. Dr. Mizuki helped the baby, while Dr. Skeltor went to work saving Light. L was with him for as long as possible, just in case.

With the baby's and Light's procedures finished and stitched up, and L's hand set in a case, the family was united. Dr. Mizuki brought in the baby and handed her to the barely conscious Light. Light took one look at the baby and kissed her lightly on the head and looked up at L with a pure, and tired, smile; the gleam in his eyes melted L. L had to take only one look before turning to Mizuki and saying the one word that was to be the baby's name: "Kira. Kira Elle."

Light and Kira were to stay in intensive care for two weeks so that they could recover and become stronger. They were lucky enough that they had only the three rooms in that little establishment, because then they possibly could have ended up in two different rooms.

L and Light were ecstatic when the doctors discharged Light and Kira. They went straight to one of many pent-houses, were they were greeted by L's three heirs, Near (3 yrs.), Mello (6 yrs.), and Matt (5 yrs.). L ushered Light, who was holding Kira, to sit down on the couch and turned to the boys in order to point to Light. The boys nodded and lined up in front of Light after L sat down next to him. Light raised his eyebrow in curiosity at L. L leaned towards one of Light's ears and whispered his request into his ear. Light's eyes widened a fraction and pulled away to stare at every face of the three boys in front of him. He then turned his head back towards L to find that L was doing his signature hurt-panda-bear look. Light looked towards the toddlers and a smile graced his lips. He then opened one of his arms inviting the boys into his family with his whole heart. The toddlers squealed and jumped towards Light and L on the couch. They hugged their new parents with all of their body mind and soul.

Things had been peaceful in the young family up until the point L got a challenging case which required undercover work. That was essentially Light's job. Light was happy to be able to go back to work, L, was a totally different story. This caused some yelling, hitting, screaming, crying, blood splattering, etc.....which led to Light kissing his children goodbye, grabbing his laptop, cell phone, and wallet, and walking out the door. He left L gawking, stuck to the ground with knives imbedded around his clothes and cake on his pants. This was how we got to the current situation.

Watari sighed, when L's voice hit through the intercom.




"Your welcome. Also, we are here."

Watari turned into the parking lot, watching as the boys came into view. They had just come from the hotel room, with there pajamas on and their assigned suitcases in their hands. Watari had told them ahead of time to get ready to go; they wasted no time in getting ready, for they were glad to finally leave. Watari parked and he and L got out.

Near yawned and his and his mother's things out to the vehicle, followed by Matt with his stuff and his father's things, and bringing up the rear was Mello with his and Kira's things. Watari went to check things out while L got everyone situated into the vehicle.

"Dad?" asked Mello to L.

"Yes?" asked L.

"Can we sleep with you and Mom?"

"Yea' can we papa? Please?" begged Matt.

"Just be mindful of your sister and your mother, both are tired and your mother is running a fever," said L.

Mello and Matt nodded and carefully climbed onto the bed after the suitcases were put away. Near, however, was so tired he fell asleep leaning against the suitcases he was carrying. L took Near in his arms and put the suitcases away. L nodded to Watari as he came back out and went to the bed, hearing the bolts on the door latching shut. He placed both himself and Near on the bed and smiled when Near turned and curled next to his mommy. L just laid there and watched the angelic scene wanting to join in with them.

"Sleep now L. It's been awhile and you have nothing else to do. It's a two day drive, so sleep."

Watari is such a mind reader.

L sighed, "Alright, Good night Watari."

"Good night, L. Sweet dreams will come tonight."

L spread his arms and wrapped them around his sleeping family. He then shut his eyes for the first time in a long, long time, and dream of his loving family, and the feeling of fulfillment.

1. Ok not really, but it would be cool to have a time knowing bundle right?...

2. Yes. That says Froggy.....