"Well that was a true rush..." Duo said wringing his brown braid out. leaving a puddle of water.

"You're telling me..." Quetre said shaking his blonde hair.

"Hey!!!!" Mini Moon said.

"Sorry.." He pulled a semi-wet handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her face off.


"I wonder her Uncle J is..." Serena said walking with Heero who had his arms wrapped around his waist taking awkward steps, but neither said or did anything to keep them from the position they were in.

"He should be fine now..." Wufei said opening the door and froze in the Door way.. when Serena pushed them inside.

"Be ready to jump in a corner." She whispered to him.

"MAXWELL/WINNER/BARTON!!!!!!!" Three voices yelled at once.

"Uh-oh!!!!" Duo said.

"Why do I think we're in a lot of trouble??" Trowa said.

"Because you're a very wise man." Quetre said backing up to find the door. Duo got it first and Yanked it open with a lot of force.. the three guys left the room, Wufei was laughing.

"CHANG!!!!!!" a voice behind him said. he turned around to see a very angry Sailor Uranus. Seconds later he too was out the door.

"Amara!!! Amara Tenoh.. don't you dare hurt that boy!!!!" Neptune ran behind the duo.

"Amara.. Michelle!!! Wait!!!!" Hotaru followed after them.

"Hotaru!!!!" Rini took off running.

"That was interesting..." Heero said sweat dropping along with Serena.

"You're telling me.. but I'd hate to be Duo... Lita's the most vicious one.. I can be a close second depending on whether Rei is angry or not." Serena leaned on Heero.

"Rei.. the girl from the park??" he put his arms around her protectively.

"Hai or Sailor Mars..." Tuxedo Kamen said from the corner of the room.

"And Where were you when we were fighting??" Mamoru said De-transforming.

"Here... Rei told me to stay and watch over the old man... but he left mumbling something about a lab." He said leaving the room.

"Oh yeah.. did i forget to mention that Mamoru is Tuxedo Kamen??"

"Yes..." Heero said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Oh well Mamoru's Tuxedo Kamen.." She smirked at him.

"Glad to know.." He said lifting her chin planting a kiss on her soft lips.

"GO HEERO!!!!" A Very Cheerful voice said breaking the moment between the two.

"Shouldn't you be running??" Heero glared at him.

"Oh yeah." Duo left the room rather quickly. No sooner they picked up their pace again.

"Serena's Back!!!!!!!" A Womanly voice said. They turned around to see Lt. Une. "Whoops.. sorry i didn't know that.. you're with HEERO?!?!?!" She said shocked and left.

"You know Une??"

"Of course.. through my Uncle J..." She said Kissing him once more.


   Serena and Heero were on the Shuttle on their way back to earth reading the book from when they last left off. Lita and Duo were making out in the very back of the Shuttle... Mina and Quetre were talking about something.. Well Quetre was talking Mina was trying to understand it all. Ami and Trowa were asleep.

     The Doctors had decided to relieve the boys of their jobs as the Gundam Pilots.. and they were relieved to see that Heero still clutched on to his Perfect Soldier role on some level. So they really didn't mind letting them go. (Besides with Serena Being J's niece she trained with him.. she could kick just about everyone's butt. They say she's better than Heero skill wise)

      Rei looked sadly over at the girl who had once been her best friend. She wasn't even sure why she chose Mamoru to be her first... She didn't even know why she believed that Serena  had gone through with it. She was right.. those simple words, If Meatball head could do it so can i, would haunt her. She lost probably the greatest friend she will ever have. She couldn't help but smile when she watched Serena crawl on to Heero's lap to take her turn to read. She longed to do something like that with her Mamo-chan... But the sadness kind of held her back.  Rei just watched them when he leaned forward to whisper something her ear and she turned red and play slapped him.. Which resulted in a short make-out session between the two.

"If it's killing you that badly go talk to her.." Mina said finally getting Quetre to shut up about machines... or a rock.. maybe it was sand  whatever!!! (He was talking  about SandRock for those who didn't get that)

"I can't... Lita had a right in being ready to beat me up that day.. I had pushed away the only person who would constantly forgive me for any stupid thing I've done."

"Listen to what you just said..." Ami Stirred from her sleep. " Who would constantly forgive you for any stupid thing you've done... Doesn't what you did account for something stupid??"

"I Guess.. but I've broken the number one rule in the unwritten law of being a best friend... never touch your best friend's boyfriend under ANY circumstance." She sighed sadly and watched Mamoru rise from his seat in the very front near the pilot and sat down with Heero and Serena. Heero sent him a cold glare. "And I don't think that Heero Guy is very forgiving over things like that."

"ehh.. don't worry about Yui..." Wufei said. "He's never been in love before.." He said. "Actually he's never let anyone get really close to him.. it's just how he is.. So it's only natural of him to be protective like that."

"Yeah.. and look.. They're all laughing." Quetre pointed to the Trio.. "although it is weird to see Heero Laughing."

"So go Onna." Wufei said. Rei took a deep breath and went over to the laughing group.. Mamoru immediately pulled her onto his lap...

"Hey Rei!!!" Serena grinned waving happily.

"Hi.." She said.

"Oooooh i think i have something for you!!!" Serena squirmed around a little on Heero's lap and grabbed her bag.

"If you know what's good for you.. don't Squirm like that again.." Heero said reverting to his monotonous voice once more.

"You mean like this.." SHe wiggled a little more.


"Are you Wufei now??" She dug through her bag and pulled out a red box, a green, box, a blue box, and an orange box. She tossed out the boxes but pegged Lita in the head since she was still sucking face with Duo.

"Serena!!" Lita glared at her.

"You needed to breathe anyway!!!" Everyone cracked up laughing. Rei opened her Box and Gasped. In it there was a ring with gems the colors of the inner with a red stone in the middle. Ami's was the same but had a blue gem in the center.. Lita had green, Mina had a yellow/orange color gem.

"What's this for??" The girls all asked.

"5 years of us protecting the world as the sailor scouts." she said The girls all smiled.


{Some years later}

"Mommy!! Mommy!!! Mommy!!" A small pink haired kid banged on the door.

"Heero go see what your daughter wants." Serena whined.

"Before 10:00 she's your daughter."

"Ohh you!!!" She got up and whacked him with the pillow. He only smiled Innocently at her. "You helped make her you know.."

"Yes i know..." He mumbled.

"Yes Rini??" Serena looked at the pink haired girl holding her younger sister who was no older than 3.

"Chibi Chibi hungry.." The younger one said with her pink hair pulled into its heart shaped buns.

"Ok.. Ok.. I'll make you breakfast.. but Daddy gets none" Serena smirked at the man who was watching the scene before his eyes.. They left him in the room by himself.

"Kami i still love that girl" he sighed. then what Serena said sunk into his brain and he scrambled out of the bed after the top 3 girls in his life.


Hai I know Chibi Chibi is Galaxia's starseed but i thought she was so Kawaii I had to put her in here with her hearts shaped odangoes... and yes i also know she only says Chibi Chibi.. but why not give her some other words.. I hoped you liked the story.. Ja!!

oh yeah and if anyone's interested in reading my original work e-mail me at [email protected].. Ja!