Chapter 5: Zak Gramarye
"With that, then I will be taking my leave," Valant said, concluding his meeting with Phoenix.
I guess that means it's time to meet with the other magician in our little show, Phoenix thought as Valant walked away from the visitation area. He beckoned one of the guards over. "I need to meet with my client, Zak Gramarye, please," he said. The guard nodded then radioed to another guard on the inside of the containment area. After a few minutes, the door on the detainment side of the visitation area opened. Zak stepped through the door and approached the side opposite Phoenix's seat. Zak had a stern look on his face as he entered the room and took his seat. He looked Phoenix in the eye with a stoic glare.
Yeesh…he looks grumpy… Phoenix thought as he observed Zak's apparent displeasure.
Suddenly, Zak's demeanor took a sharp turn and he burst out laughing. "Good to see you, Mr. Wright!" he said jovially. Phoenix was caught off-guard by his quick emotional shift. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Don't look so surprised, Mr. Wright. A performer can put on any expression he desires; it's merely part of the job!"
"Ah, nice…nice to see you too," Phoenix said unsteadily. "Doing well?"
"Ah, yes…well, this isn't the most hospitable of places but I can make due," Zak replied. He looked behind Phoenix. "Where…where is Trucy? I was hoping to see her with you."
"She's out in the lobby with my assistant…" Phoenix said, not sure how to explain what had happened earlier. He averted his eyes briefly but when he looked back at his client, he could see him staring intently back at him.
"Mr. Wright, I make my living by interpreting body language and knowing how to respond to it," Zak said. "Attempting to hide behind empty words will not disguise your thoughts. Your body will always betray your words. I am Trucy's father; if there's something you need to tell me about her, then don't try to sidestep the issue."
Phoenix felt uncomfortable about being put on the spot but he decided to tell Zak the truth. He explained that Valant had confessed to setting Zak up to take the fall and how Trucy had taken the news.
"She…she was really upset," Phoenix said at the end. "I thought it'd be better if I kept her out of this as much as possible."
"Well, I thank you for trying to spare my daughter's feelings," Zak said. "However, it's alright. Trucy is a strong girl, like her mother. She won't let this hang over her head for long."
"What about Valant?" Phoenix asked.
Zak sighed and adjusted his top hat. It was apparent his thoughts were clouded by serious matters.
"If it makes you feel any better, Valant expressed a great deal of remorse," Phoenix said, trying to ease his client's mind. "He wasn't proud of his actions and once he saw how he had hurt Trucy so much he understood the gravity of his deed."
"No no, Mr. Wright," Zak said. "The business between Valant and me should not plague your thoughts; this is a burden only those in Troupe Gramarye should have to bear. It is true; what he has done was quite callous and uncaring but…I must admit, I can't deny that he wasn't pushed to that point. With all that Magnifi had put us through and then knowing that Magnifi's challenge was really only meant for me to complete would have enraged even the most patient of men. Had Valant been asked as the first person to see Magnifi that night…perhaps I'd be the one trying to frame him."
Phoenix sat silently for a moment before speaking again. "I understand…I won't drag out this point any longer," he replied. "I respect that this is something for you and Valant to sort out between yourselves." He could see that, despite all that had transpired, there was still a deep connection that ran between the two men. It wasn't his place to step in between them and try to mend the wound.
"Thank you, Mr. Wright," Zak said. He was ready to change the subject. "So, Mr. Wright, what have you found out about the actual crime?"
"Well, I can absolutely guarantee that no one is guilty," Phoenix said. "Magnifi's death was a suicide." He showed Zak the security tape and EKG report. "I got these from the hospital. Together they show that Magnifi died when Valant wasn't in the room."
Zak breathed a sigh of relief. "It does bring me joy to hear that Valant isn't the responsible party," he said. Phoenix could see that Zak was not the kind of person to hold ill will against someone. "Honestly, I had suspected Magnifi would be the one at fault from the beginning. Valant is simply not the kind of person who would intentionally take a life."
"He told me something similar," Phoenix said.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to see Trucy before our meeting is over," Zak said. Phoenix nodded in agreement. He got up and went out to the lobby. A few moments later he returned with the rest of his party. Trucy walked in with her hat in her hands. Her eyes were still red but she was ready to face her father.
"Da…Daddy," she said with a sniff. "I know…what Uncle Valant said he did. I don't…think I ever want to see him again."
Zak shook his head at his daughter. "Trucy, don't say that. Valant did something wrong but Mr. Wright says he was very sorry for it. It isn't right to deny someone who is genuinely remorseful for their actions forgiveness."
"But…but…" Trucy stammered, trying to stick to her position. "Why aren't you ma-"
"Now now, Trucy," Zak interrupted, standing firmly on his own sentiment. "I don't want to hear any more about this. We'll discuss this more when we're home, OK?" Trucy looked frustrated that her father wouldn't let her stay angry but she silently nodded. Zak flashed a smile to try to cheer her up but she was still too upset. Zak started to stand up. "Well, Mr. Wright, thank you for looking into this matter. I look forward to seeing you in court." Zak was looking to end their meeting.
"Not…quite, Zak," Phoenix said. "We've solved the mystery of your mentor's death but…I think there's some other stuff that ought to be cleared up while I'm here…"
"Oh?" Zak said. He slowly sat back down. "What more do you need to say? I thought that you said had resolved everything."
"Yes, but…there's another issue…" Phoenix said. He showed him Magnifi's diary.
"Ah, my mentor's final scribe," Zak said as he looked at the diary. "Someday, I would like to read what he has written within."
"That…isn't why I'm showing you this…" Phoenix said. He called Zak's attention to the missing page. "You can see there was a page here but it was ripped out."
"Indeed…" Zak said. He was feigning thoughtfulness but Phoenix could see that Zak was trying to conceal something. "Pray tell, what makes you so interested in a missing page? I don't think you need anything else to close this case; you already know about Magnifi's suicide."
"I know but…there's something else going on here and I want answers for that," Phoenix stood his ground. He was determined to get an answer out of Zak before he left the detention center.
"And you think I have what you seek…?" Zak said.
I don't think, I know, Phoenix thought. If that diary page isn't in this book, then you're the only one who would know where it is. He was still holding the Magatama in his fist. "Mr. Enigmar, all day you've been claiming that you can determine what's relevant to this case and what isn't… That ends now…"
Zak's facial expression twisted with irritation at Phoenix's confrontational attitude. However, as he grimaced at Phoenix's probing, the world blacked out the same way it did when Phoenix challenged Valant's lie. The chains of deception wrapped themselves around Zak and three Psyche-Locks secured themselves onto the chains.
"Mr. Wright, I don't appreciate your tone," Zak said, sternly.
And I don't appreciate your games, Phoenix thought. "First of all, let's recap what you told me in court today: when you got to Magnifi's room, you shot the clown, Magnifi woke up, and you had a conversation. Am I right?"
"Your memory serves you well," Zak said, still reluctant. "But that alone doesn't establish relevance."
"No, but that was only because you said it wasn't relevant," Phoenix responded. "What did you discuss with Magnifi?"
"You want me to establish relevance for you!?" Zak said, laughing at Phoenix's boldness. "You are headstrong, Mr. Wright, but I'm not easily swayed."
"Maybe you won't tell me…but you don't have to," Phoenix said, knowing that he'd have to force Zak's hand. "Because someone else already did… Your partner, Valant."
The expression of irritation returned to Zak's face. "Valant was aware that I had been in the room first, yes," Zak conceded. "But there is no way he'd have known what we discussed. In fact, he couldn't even have known Magnifi and I spoke at all. Valant's words about that night can't be trusted; he tried to frame me as I recall."
"I am pretty sure he did know and I'm pretty sure we can trust him," Phoenix said, smirking with confidence. He presented Valant's testimony to Zak. "Valant said he was aware that you and Magnifi spoke with one another and that the diary was already open with the missing page when he arrived fifteen minutes later. He said this after he admitted to doctoring the crime scene; he had nothing more to hide when he told me."
"Gurk!" Zak grunted as the first lock shattered. Zak folded his arms and looked to the side. "Very well, I suppose it is no surprise that Valant would have been aware that Magnifi and I had shared words. A good partner should know his cohort. However, there's no proof that he was aware of what we talked about."
"Is that so?" Phoenix said, now knowing he was on the right track. "But you had already left the hospital by the time Valant arrived."
"I did," Zak confirmed. "But I don't see how that is important."
"Let me ask you something: when Valant arrived, what do you think happened?" Phoenix asked.
"I…assume he went into the room, saw Magnifi had already taken his own life, and then manipulated the scene to frame me," Zak said, painting his implied scenario of Valant's actions on the night of the incident.
"Sorry but…I must disagree," Phoenix said. He showed Zak the video tape. "If you watch this video, you see Valant enter the room at 11:20 PM, and then he stays inside for approximately six minutes before he exits." Phoenix then introduced the EKG feed. "This EKG shows that a minute after Valant left, Magnifi died. So Magnifi died after Valant had left the room. Plus, Valant had spent six minutes in the room before leaving; you don't think he was speaking with Magnifi in that time?"
Once again, the effects of Phoenix's deduction rippled through Zak and the second lock broke. Zak was starting to show signs of nervousness. "I-I see," Zak stammered. "So Valant talked to Magnifi… Perchance did he say what they discussed?"
"Yes," Phoenix said. "Valant told me that Magnifi had told you that you would be the one to inherit the tricks and secrets of Magnifi's magic. He also told me that what was written on the missing page was the confirmation that you would be the inheritor of those secrets."
Zak began to reminisce about his final meeting with his mentor. "You…would be correct, Mr. Wright," Zak said with more sorrow in his voice. "Magnifi had asked me to go to him first because if I could pass his 'test' then the magic would be passed to me. Valant going after me was almost a token gesture."
"So you admit that you have the missing page from this diary?" Phoenix said, referring to Magnifi's diary.
"I do, Mr. Wright. I was there when Magnifi removed it from his diary," Zak confirmed. "However, nothing you have said to this point has yet to prove that the page you're looking for is relevant in any way to this case."
Guess it's time I drop the curtain, Phoenix thought, ready to end his battle with Zak. "Zak, do you remember this?" Phoenix showed him the page he received from Trucy before the trial started that morning.
"Ah, yes…you got that from my daughter before we went into court," Zak said, recognizing the piece of paper. "You still haven't told me what it is."
"Perhaps it'd be easier to show you, Mr. Enigmar," Phoenix said. He showed Zak how the page neatly fit into the diary. Zak's eyes widened when he saw the page and its ripped edge locking together perfectly with the torn edge inside the diary. "The handwriting is also a match… But if you admit to having the real page, then this is…"
"…A fake," Zak finished for him. He was smiling by this point as the last lock holding back the truth broke away and the chains unwound themselves. The blackness that enveloped him dissolved. "Mr. Wright, you are quite a talented man. Perhaps you'd consider touring with Troupe Gramarye sometime?"
"I'll pass," Phoenix declined. "However, I think we do have something to discuss now, yes?"
"I do think so," Zak said.
"What's going on, Daddy?" Trucy asked.
"Mr. Wright has stumbled on quite a curious piece of information," Zak said. "It's about time I told the whole truth." He reached underneath his pink cape and came out with a folded sheet of paper. He passed the paper to a nearby guard who brought it around to Phoenix's side of the booth. Phoenix unfolded the paper and read it.
I hereby give all rights to the secrets, staging, and performance of my magic to the recipient named below.
Recipient: Zak Gramarye
Magnifi Gramarye
"So this is…" Phoenix started after he had read the page. The handwriting on the page was just as close as the fake's.
"…The actual diary page, yes," Zak finished for Phoenix. "When I met with my mentor on that night and he awoke, he wrote this page. The entire purpose behind Magnifi's little 'game' was to see if I was qualified enough to inherit his mantle. As this page proves…I did. He apologized for all the hardship he put me through and even said that dying by my hand would have been an honor… This page was meant to be a secret transferal. The only validation of authenticity would be the fact that it correctly fits into the diary. Had you never shown me this…surprisingly credible piece of fraudulent evidence, you'd probably never have seen this page."
Phoenix nodded. "May I…keep this until the trial tomorrow?" Phoenix asked. "I'll return it after the trial."
"If it will be of use to you, then do what you must," Zak approved.
"I suppose that would be everything I need to ask," Phoenix said. Now it was Phoenix who was ready to end the meeting. "Thank you for your cooperation, Zak."
"What do you plan to do with the fake evidence, Mr. Wright?" Zak asked.
"I have more to investigate," Phoenix explained. "Since we've wrapped up all the loose ends for your case, I'm free to examine the details surrounding the fake page."
Zak pondered for a moment. "Before you go, Mr. Wright," Zak said, "perhaps there is something else I might be able to offer." He beckoned a guard to his side and whispered something into his ear. The guard nodded then left the visiting area. He returned a minute later with an envelope in his hand. He stepped over to Phoenix's side and handed him the envelope.
"What's this?" Phoenix asked. He opened the envelope and read the folded paper inside.
Rescindment of Counsel
I, Shadi Enigmar, hereby release the following party, Kristoph Gavin, from their services as legal counsel. I am choosing to dismiss them from any further court proceedings.
"Why are you giving me this?" Phoenix asked after he had read the document.
"You recall I only selected you as my attorney yesterday, correct?" Zak asked. "Before you were selected to represent me, I had chosen another attorney."
Kristoph Gavin… Phoenix thought, noticing the name on the page.
"I had this filed before the trial began," Zak said. "I wanted to make sure that the court would have a record of my dismissal of Mr. Gavin as my attorney. However, that fake diary page is too good to be produced in a night's time. Whoever had it made had been allowed an ample amount of time…perhaps, six days?"
That's how long it's been since the incident… Phoenix thought. "Mr. Enigmar, are you seriously accusing your previous attorney of fabricating the fake diary page?"
"It is only a hunch," Zak admitted. "However, I cannot say he is above suspicion. He seems to be the only one who would have known enough about the case to have such an authentic-looking piece of evidence forged in time for the trial. Plus, if he had gone to court with it, it would have probably have been of some benefit to him."
Something's not adding up, Phoenix wondered after he had all the facts. Klavier was ready to target the fake piece of evidence when we walked through the courtroom doors… And yet Zak is claiming that had I not been called upon as his attorney, that evidence would still have worked its way into court… There must be a connection somewhere…
"I believe I have given you enough to work with, Mr. Wright," Zak said in conclusion. "I wish you the best… And keep an eye on Trucy, eh?"
Trucy nervously smiled back at her father from across the glass. She was slowly starting to cheer up.
"Will do, Zak…" Phoenix said. Zak turned away from Phoenix and his party and left the visiting area.
"Does this mean we…" Maya started to say after Zak had left.
"I think it's about time we paid a visit to this 'Drew Misham' fellow," Phoenix said. "Klavier said there might be answers waiting for us there."
To be continued…
(A/N: Eh, I don't know. That didn't feel like that great of a chapter. Just sort of moved the story along. Anyway, I need to work out what's going to happen in the next part.)