Sasuke and Naruto

Act Five

By Zenerific1

Sasuke was almost at the front door when a piercing whistle split through the noise of the crowd. He was surprised by the volume; even over the conversation and music, it pierced his eardrums and made him want to clap his hands over them.

"Damn it, Naruto, was that really necessary?" grumbled the man showing him and his brother to the door. He was sure that he'd heard what the man's name was but he couldn't recall it, his otherwise picture-perfect mind occupied by Naruto.

In the middle of the foyer, Sasuke stopped, unable to take another step towards a portal that would create a barrier between him and the blonde. The knot that he felt in his stomach a new sensation that he's never had before. If he left right now, he would never see the blonde again, Sasuke knew that the pony-tailed man that looked at him in question before the door, plus Namikaze and his older son, would make sure of it.

Itachi looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, the fan hanging from his wrist as he placed a hand on the doorknob. His simpering from before was gone, a stoic Uchiha having taken its place.

"Sasuke?" Itachi asked, an unspoken question present in his tone.

"I…" Sasuke said, an almost imperceptive twitch in his shoulder caught by Itachi's piercing gaze. Those eyes were able to see even the tiniest sweat drop from a hundred paces. Sasuke saw his lips lift slightly in reply to Sasuke unspoken statement.

"I see…"




Sasuke felt relief as the knot untied itself. To Naruto's bodyguard/nanny, a conversation hadn't taken place, but the Uchiha brothers knew each other very well. Itachi understood Sasuke's need to see Naruto, just as Sasuke knew that Itachi needed to see Kyuubi, and Itachi had a backup plan. Straightening his shoulders, Sasuke finished the few steps to the door which Itachi was now holding open.

"Oh, there are two other gentlemen here with us, a piranha as well as a rhino. Will you please make sure that they know that we left?" Itachi murmured in his aristocratic voice. The voice he used on the servants at home to make sure that his bidding was done.

Iruka, automatically nodding, wondered what had happened. He'd seen a glimpse of something in the younger's eyes when he'd stopped in the middle of the foyer. Iruka had been afraid that he would need to cause a scene by throwing the boy out because that look had said just and sure as he'd spoken that he wouldn't be moving. With just the exchange of single word sentences, though, Sasuke seemed to be reassured and was leaving on his own accord.

Once leaving the mansion, the two brothers were escorted through the gates and to their car. Itachi hated being driven around, so his car now waited at the end of the street. Night had set in and the only light in the car once it was shut off was the street lamp that they were parked under. Itachi leaned over and pulled a roll of paper out of the glove box that he tossed into Sasuke's lap.

Unrolling it, he ignored the small note that fell from the page and saw that it was a blue print of a house. More importantly at the top it said that it was the blueprint of the Namikaze mansion. There were also handwritten notes at the edge of the page; these detailed what room it was, where the cameras were, and little squares that represented the locations of each piece of furniture.

Picking up the note that had fallen to his lap, he read it with a smirk.

You can thank me later. –Kisame

"So you hired Kisame? Is he still trying to get into your pants?"

"Hn," Itachi grunted, not deeming to respond.

Kisame was a source of irritation for Itachi. Having been a couple of years older while they were going to school, he'd thought that he was entitled to the older Uchiha, even going so far as to threaten anyone Itachi looked at twice. It had taken an ass kicking for the guy to back off, but he still tried on occasions when Itachi owed him a favor.

"So how come you didn't use Tobi?" Sasuke asked. In his opinion it would have been less difficult and less of a pain in his arse.

"Tobi got the map for me but I wanted to know where Kyuubi slept. Everything else was just Kisame trying to suck up."

Thank heavens for that, Sasuke thought, studying the map and finding Naruto's name almost hidden in between security notes and possible infiltration times.

"So what does he think you wanted this for?"

"An attack to defeat the Namikaze family once and for all."

"Is that what you told him?"

"No, it's what he suggested."

Sasuke couldn't keep the humor out of his eyes and Itachi narrowed his own on his brother, hinting that if Sasuke didn't drop it, Itachi would take pleasure in finding the most humiliating and painful torture imaginable and subjecting Sasuke to it.

"Second floor, left corner bedroom," Itachi spoke slowly. It told Sasuke just how much Itachi had studied the map. "There's a trellis that will give you access to the second floor."

"I can see that."

Sasuke opened the car door and checked his watch. According to the notes the change in shifts would be in about ten minutes. If the guards were as inattentive as they were on the Uchiha estate, then Sasuke should be able to slip into the garden and up to the house unnoticed.

Looking back he announced, "Don't wait up for me," and closed the car door.

Slipping from shadow to shadow, the younger Uchiha arrived at the tall stone fence. Scaling the wall easily, he jumped down into the garden. The house was still lit up like a beacon, so Sasuke hoped that if a guard saw him, he'd think he was one of the partygoers.

In less than ten minutes, Sasuke was slipping over the balcony. So much for the Hokage not being able to get in, Sasuke thought smugly. Of course the Hokage would have a personal invitation and wouldn't have to sneak through the gardens. Plus Sasuke doubted that Sandaime would have Kisame on his infiltration team.

Pausing just inside the room that Kisame had marked as Naruto's, Sasuke let his eyes adjust to the dim light. He could make out the pale outline of the double bed. What little light there was glanced off metal bars of a set of shelves loaded down with books in a corner. The other corner held a computer, the generic spacey screensaver giving it away.

Sasuke's breath caught in his throat as the door knob suddenly rattled and turned. He leapt across the room making it to the door just as it swung open hiding him behind it. The light switched on blinding him momentarily.

The heavy sigh followed the sound of the door closing and the Uchiha waited for the shout of discovery. Blinking away the spots he watched as his blonde target shuffled across the room and flopped onto the bed face down. The position gave Sasuke a perfect view of Naruto's ass so the raven indulged himself. Long legs were encased by black fabric, narrow waist and wider shoulders. The boy's hair was ragged and spiked, as if Naruto had run his fingers through it several times.

Needing to get closer, Sasuke ghosted to the bed. Leaning down, he allowed his breath to tickle the hairs that feathered against the pink shell of Naruto's ear.

"Hey," he said softly.

He immediately regretted it, as Naruto shrieked and scrambled away. Sasuke grabbed the blonde and clapped a hand around Naruto's mouth silencing the scream when it was still just a squeak. The consequence of grabbing Naruto the way he had was that Sasuke ended up sprawled across the blonde. Not that he was complaining.

"Shut up, idiot," Sasuke hissed looking down into startled azure eyes. "Are you trying to get me killed?"

Naruto's eyes widened when it finally registered in his mind that he wasn't being attacked by a ghost.

"Wnngh ll iungr?" he shouted and Sasuke was glad he'd kept his hand against Naruto's mouth.

"Sh! Damn it!" he whispered harshly. "Now if I let you go are you going to yell?"

Naruto shook his head and Sasuke loosened his grip slowly, ready to slap it back into place if the boy made a move to alert security. At this thought, Sasuke wondered if the blonde was worth dying for.

"A—are you going to kill me?" Naruto whispered, fear dimmed the bright depths of his eyes.

Sasuke almost laughed at the question. "No, baka, if I'd wanted to kill you I would have done it as soon as you'd walked through the door."

"Oh." He was quiet for a moment then, "Um, why are you here?" Followed closely by yet another as something occurred to him. "Hey! You broke into my room?!"

"Hn." The unholy smirk was back on Sasuke lips.

Naruto stared at the man lying almost on top of him, making it nearly impossible for him to think clearly. Since Iruka had made Sasuke leave, Naruto had thought that he wouldn't see the young Uchiha again. The notion had caused an uncomfortable sensation to gnaw at his gut.

And now the man was lying on top of him.

When it was clear that Sasuke wasn't going to answer, Naruto prodded him. 'Why'd you break into my room and how did you know that this was my room? Hey, are you sure you're in the right place?"

"Kami! You ask a lot of questions. Yes, I'm in the right room and it should be pretty obvious why I'm here. To see you, dobe."


"Fuck, I don't know, I just couldn't leave without knowing that I'd see you again." Sasuke's eyes narrowed on the blonde, as if this feeling was Naruto's fault.

His mouth gapped for a second before the truth of the words sank into his head. Teeth flashed as Naruto grinned overcome with delight. He wasn't sure why, but the confession had relieved the monster in his belly and made him feel special. The Uchiha wanted to see him.

Sasuke shifted his weight settling his hips more comfortably between Naruto's thighs. Naruto gasped as his cock rubbed against Sasuke's belly.

"G—get off!"

Sasuke actually did smile at the command. "No."

Naruto bucked his hips, pushing at Sasuke's shoulder, but the man refused to be budged and Naruto only succeeded in making their hips grind together more. The movement sent a jolt of pleasure through his body and his slacks tightened uncomfortably. Freezing into place at the sensation, Naruto's eyes met Sasuke's.

"Pl—please…" he whispered pleadingly.

"Please, what?" Sasuke replied softly. Naruto's squirming had affected him just as much and he was sporting an uncomfortable hard on, also.

"Get off me."

Tempted as he was to deny the smaller boy, Sasuke sighed then rolled off him. "All you had to do was say 'please'." He sat up on the edge of the bed and had to duck quickly as Naruto swung his legs to do the same. Sasuke surveyed the room and realized that he had never seen so much orange in his life. He hadn't noticed before because his attention was focused on the blonde, but seeing it now made him think that it suited Naruto.

"So is this a hobby?" Naruto asked looking around. Avoiding eye contact with the Uchiha, he was still feeling the lingering happiness that Sasuke wanted to see him again.

"Hobby? What?"

Naruto's lips twitched as he suppressed his laugh. "You know, breaking into strange guys' rooms and attacking them…"

"Hn," Sasuke grunted and then glanced sideways at the blonde. "You're my first, so if this goes well, I might take it up."

"So…is it going well?"

"So far so good. I haven't been arrested or kicked out yet."


Naruto felt the radiant heat from Sasuke as their shoulders brushed against each other. It was a small touch but he felt it march through his entire body to settle just below his stomach. Saber-toothed butterflies were beating heavy leather wings frantically against the inside of his tummy.

"Is the party over?" Sasuke asked softly, keeping his voice low, so that if anyone passed by they wouldn't hear him.

"No," Naruto said in a normal voice, though not as loud as he could be, "but I didn't really feel like staying for the rest of the drunken revelry."

"Why not?"

"I…well…" Naruto's voice trailed off as he blushed crimson. To the young blonde the blush felt like it was going to be a permanent condition every time he was around Sasuke, and Naruto wished that he could be as cool and collected as Sasuke was.

The cute flush made Sasuke lips turn up at the corners in smug satisfaction and he had to know the rest of what was behind the blonde's imitation of a cherry tomato. "Well, what?" He bumped his shoulder against Naruto's trying—and failing—to portray innocent interest.

"It's just that I didn't think that the rest of the evening would be as…um…as exciting as it had been earlier."

"Oh?" Again, a wide eyed expression of curiosity. "What happened earlier?"

Naruto tossed him a glare and returned the shoulder bump. "Well, this dick was chasing after me all evening, no matter where I went or how many times I told him that I didn't want his attention." Sasuke frowned. Sai was more exciting than him? But Naruto wasn't finished with his story so Sasuke forced his attention back to the rambling boy. "And when I finally ditched him by seeking shelter on the terrace, I run into this total prick of a bastard, who decided that he could molest me whenever he likes because I kissed him as a cover to keep the other said dick away from me."

"Really?" Sasuke drawled. "Sounds more…erotic and arousing to me."

Swallowing hard, Naruto closed his eyes so that he could escape the sensual, half-lidded stare that Sasuke was giving him. He didn't think that he could get any redder at the moment without passing out due to blood loss to his brain. Peeking, Naruto looked straight into dark eyes that were filled with amusement and something else. Something hotter. Sasuke was leaning so close that Naruto could see that those eyes weren't truly black, but there was a lacing of garnet so fine that it mixed into the coal and gave them a fiery illusion.

"I…I don't…" Stuttering, Naruto tried to think of a response.


"Yeah, Sasuke?" he sighed.

"Will you meet me at Ichiraku's tomorrow?"

Ichiraku's. Naruto's mind grab hold of that name in a desperate bid to pull his mind out of the whirlpool it was caught in.

"You know Ichiraku's?" He asked, with blatant surprise.

"Of course, idiot. Everyone knows that if you want the best ramen you go to Ichiraku's." Sasuke looked mildly perturbed by Naruto's incredulity. The blonde made it seem like Sasuke was a high classed snob and wouldn't stoop to eating anything as low class as ramen. It wasn't his favorite food, obviously, but he did occasionally have a craving for the sodium rich noodle dish.

"Well, yeah, but…" Naruto realized his blunder as soon as the words had left his mouth but he couldn't think of anything to redeem himself. "I—I just didn't think…" he slid into silence and waited for Sasuke to take the invitation back. To tell him that he'd remembered that he had a meeting, anything.

"So… Are you going to come?"

"It's alright, I underst—What?" Naruto's head came back up from studying his hands that had been fiddling with themselves in his lap. "Y—you really want to still go with me?"

Sasuke couldn't help himself because Naruto was very cute when he was flustered, so he reached across the small distance and took hold of one of his hands. He squeezed gently and said, "Of course, Naruto," drawing the name out in a deep husky voice filled with sinful images, "I'd love to take you on a date."

"A d—date?" The huge blue eyes got impossible larger as he stared at Sasuke. He shot to his feet and untangled he hand from Sasuke pacing across the room towards the balcony. Sasuke caught hold of his upper arm before he could escape and pulled him around. He could see fear in Naruto's expression.

"What?" Sasuke asked. "What is it?"

"I—I…" Naruto forced himself to stop stuttering and took in a deep breath then slowly released it. It didn't help. "I've never been on a date before," he whispered as if to say it softly would make it hurt less. "I—I don't have many friends. Because I'm always getting into trouble or screwing up, the people that I go to class with don't really want to have anything to do with me. I'm not smart. I have the hardest time understanding things at school and even with the tutors that Dad pays to help…they didn't help much. Even tonight, the adults downstairs at the party…they didn't know who I was and they said things…"

"Naruto…" Sasuke felt a deep burning rage burn in his gut on behalf of Naruto. He'd heard some of the things that had been said. Fuck! He wanted to storm downstairs and find that woman who he'd heard saying those things and slap her. "Naruto, you're father believes in you. I watched Kyuubi standing up for you so he believes in you. I, Sasuke Uchiha, want to get to know you. From what little I do know. You are funny, sexy, and hot. And if it's true that you refused to cheat off the Hyuuga girl, then you are honest and trustworthy. Those are some very important traits, Naruto. Trust is a big issue when it comes to developing a relationship."

Naruto ducked his head to his flushed cheeks. He really was getting tired of resembling a tomato. It was true that Hinata had offered to let him cheat, but Naruto had felt that if he was going to fail, he might as well do it honestly. Even if he had cheated, and gotten away with it, it wouldn't have mattered because his grades were just too low to have passed.

"Sasuke, I don't think…"

Sasuke pressed his lips over Naruto's before the boy could finish. Hearing the rejection in the blonde's voice along with the sorrow, Sasuke didn't want to let him finish. The Uchiha wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. Taking advantage of the open mouth, Sasuke proceeded to distract the blonde.

Naruto was lost to the heat that was Sasuke. It was like a switch in his head had been thrown and all there was in his universe was Sasuke. Sasuke's lips, his tongue, the taste of citrus and mint caused a low groan to emit from deep inside Naruto's chest. Kissing Sasuke was like being consumed by a raging inferno, but if Naruto was going to be burned alive then he much preferred this form of execution.

Naruto suddenly found himself being pushed up against the glass doors of the balcony, but they immediately gave way as Sasuke didn't latch them securely after coming through them earlier. Without the expected solid surface, the two fell through the doors and sprawled out over the stone. Naruto grunted as the air was knocked out of him when Sauske landed on top.

"Oi! You two need to keep it down over there! Some of us are trying to get a little tongue action!" It was a low hiss that barely reached Naruto's ears.

Glancing towards the call, and feeling fear crawl up his spine at being caught, Naruto saw Kyuubi pressed against the wall and glaring at him. What startled him the most was that Kyuubi wasn't alone. Itachi Uchiha, sans make-up, was wrapped around him like a barnacle. Legs clamped firmly around Kyuubi's hips and arms holding tightly to his brother's neck. Both of them were mussed from head to toe.

"Shit!" Naruto heard Sasuke's low curse and looked back at him. His cheeks were flushed a light pink and Naruto thought it was the most gorgeous color, almost better than orange. Grinning unashamedly, Naruto pushed Sasuke to the side and clambered to his feet then pulling Sasuke up with him.

"Seems like the Uchiha's have the same great taste in men," Naruto commented, earning himself a light smack on the back of his head. Kyuubi snickered when he heard the comment, but Itachi just unwrapped himself, sliding down Kyuubi's body with a shrug.

Sasuke clasped Naruto's chin and drew his head around so that his eyes were trained on Sasuke.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

A/N: It's a short chapter, so sorry, but its a new chapter so the story still continues! YAY! Please leave a comment by clicking the 'Review this Chapter' button at the bottom of the screen. -Just in case some of you didn't see it!- See you at the next update!