15 years later…
(Ray's POV)
Waking with a start I opened my eyes to meet the pale room around me. Everything was calm and still. The moonlight leaked from the window and washed over everything in a faint glow. My wife, Christina, laid still and breathed softly. It was almost 4AM and for once I didn't need to be up early to meet the guys. I sighed and carefully got out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes. Christina still hadn't woken when I left the house, walking down the street aimlessly. But it didn't turn out to be such an aimless walk after all. I ended up back on the street I would take to school every day. Back by the apartments. Where Casey had lived.
I could see the old archway that led up to the stairwell that led to her apartment. I stopped along the neighboring wall and ran my hand over the deep scrape now forever embedded into the concrete. A faint "meow" made me look down and see a very old looking Mittens. "Hey buddy…" I said smiling and rubbing the cats head. He purred happily in response. "You too Ray?" a voice said from behind me. I turned and saw a short figure walking up towards me. I smiled "yeah I guess so…Why are you here Frank? I thought you and Gerard were supposed to be in LA?" Frank shrugged and sat along the wall, I joined him.
Mittens moved into Frank's lap and curled up; purring as he absently rubbed his back. I closed my eyes leaning against the wall. I could picture Casey's smiling face and warm eyes. The thought of her made my eyes sting with tears.
I could feel everyone's panic as we all ran down the hallway of the Hospital. Casey's aunt was standing outside a room looking through the window. She turned when she saw us approaching, her face had streams of tears running down her face and her eyes were red. "W-what happened…? Is she ok…?" Gerard asked out of breath. She shook her head and motioned into the room. I gasped when I saw Casey. Wires and bandages covered her body, a doctor and nurse stood over her with solemn looks. When the doctors came out, we went in. Casey wasn't conscious at the moment but we all sat and waited for her. "R-ray…?" I looked down at Frank; he has tears in his eyes and looked more frightened that I've ever seen him before. "It's ok Frank, she'll be ok…" we had all silently agreed to these words but we knew they weren't true.
We heard a slight moan as Casey managed to open one eye. "G-guys…?" he breathes were labored and she couldn't even open her other eye. "Hey beautiful…" Gerard said as we all moved closer. "Why…are you…dressed up…?" she asked. I took her hand gently "that's not important now Cass…try not to talk too much, ok?"
"O-ok Ray-Ray…" she attempted to give a smile, but it ended in a wince. I bit my lip nervously. Then the doctor came back in. "I'm sorry, but…you're all going to have to leave now…" we looked back at Casey, her eye was closed again and she seemed to be sleeping. We all got up carefully and exited the room.
That was the last time we ever saw Casey.
"She wouldn't have wanted to know anyway…" Frank said softly. I nodded. It had been almost 15 years since Casey had died. We found out later that she would have died soon after anyway. They had found out she had a disease during her autopsy; we were never told what it was though. I sighed and leaned my head on the wall. Mittens had left leaving me and Frankie alone.
"How's Christina?" he asked, breaking the silence.
"Good, how about Jamia?"
"She's ok; you know twins and all…"
"Right…" Frank's wife, Jamia, was expecting twins in the next 3 months.
"Have you and Christina…tried anything yet?"
I nodded. "Yeah, she wants a boy though…"
"And you don't?" he turned and looked at me.
"I donno… I guess it doesn't matter…"
"You want a girl don't you?"
"Yeah I guess I do…" Frank nodded knowingly turning back to face the street. We sat there and watched the sun rise, filling the streets with light. "We should get back home…" I said but had no intention of moving. Frankie nodded "We should…" but he to, didn't move at all.
Finally Frankie sighed "You know what Ray…?"
"I think Casey loved you just as much as you loved her…" I stayed silent for a moment before nodding and letting the tears finally flow down my face. "I hope your right Frankie…"
"I am right Ray; we made a whole album and tour practically based around her…" I nodded once more and wiped away my tears. "…besides how could she not love you?"
"I-I guess…"
Frank wrapped his arm around my shoulders "stop beating yourself up Ray…"
"OK…" I said pathetically. Frank got up and stretched "we really should get home now…" I nodded and got up.
Frank put his hand on my shoulder "see ya later Ray. Take care of yourself" he smiled and walked down the street away from my view. I sighed and began walking back towards home where I knew Christina would be awake.
I took my time walking up the street and up the front steps. When I opened the door I could hear Christina talking on the phone upstairs. Moving into the kitchen I began making a cup of much needed coffee for myself. Christina came down eventually, the slight bump of her stomach was barely covered up by her shirt. "Hey hon" she came and gave me a soft kiss. "Hey…"
"So guess what?" she said smiling and sitting at the table.
"What?" I sat across from her sipping my coffee.
"That was the doctor on the phone"
No she had my attention "really?"
"Yup, she knows the gender."
"And…?" I became nervous and impatient.
She smiled wider.
"It's a girl."
Weeeeelll hellooooo~
I know, it's over….what the hell…. :I
*derp face*
Im glad if you made it to the end, if no….you will be missed /3
I hope you enjoyed this, and I am SO SORRY it takes me forever to update .
Ummmm…..what elseeee….
I will be writing a new FanFic soon (I hope)
But it probably won't be MCR, so feel free to stay or not
Well then, goodbye! And I hope to hear from you in my next FanFic!