The next morning Shawn and Juliet took Elaine and Ian out for a quiet breakfast before their flight. All enjoyed their meal and left the restaurant stuffed. Final farewells took place outside the restaurant in the parking lot. Ian hugged Shawn quickly and told him to "take care of my little girl". Shawn promised and then shook the older man's hand.

Elaine and Juliet sobbed into each other's shoulder professing how much they would miss each other until the next visit. The moved to get into their perspective cars. After Elaine had stowed her purse away in the back seat she turned back to Juliet and whispered something in her daughter's ear, a large smile across the older woman's face. Juliet stood stunned as her parents waved and drove off.

When Shawn realized Juliet was making no attempt to move Shawn came around to her side of the car. After a few seconds she realized he was standing beside her. Juliet turned and looked up at him wonderingly, "They knew the whole time!"

The two started to laugh as they embraced each other.