"What do you suppose happened to them?"

"I'm more concerned about what's going to happen to us." Isa growled, peering out of the bushes alertly. Tam'li made a face at him before sitting back against her tree.

They were on the run. Saix and Isa had both survived the tumble into the moat, and Tam'li had leapt into it as well after the boys had vanished. Normally that would have been fatal to a T'assa, but bolstered by the Beast, she had survived as well. The god of feral instincts and the monster within, he had graced her with his power just long enough. They had managed to meet up on the shore and escape before Saix could gather up some reinforcements.

Unfortunately, Saix's survival meant they had to escape very, very quickly. Isa was dead certain his brother would be hunting them down and had delicately hinted at the fact that he and the Duke had enjoyed a more intimate relationship than master and servant. Hints that were wasted when Tam'li asked him flat out if they had been having buttsex.

So now they were hiding in the bushes as a troop of soldiers went by, trying to plan their next move. Tam'li peeked out for a moment before shaking her head, setting her hair to rattling.

"We can't meet up with the caravan. That would put them all in danger." She said and Isa frowned before nodding reluctantly.

"Saix is vengeful and we're both hard to hide. But what do you suggest?" He asked and Tam'li tilted her head to one side, considering. Then she smiled.

"Why don't we go East?" She suggested and Isa looked at her curiously. "Past the God's Breath mountains. I've never been that far. No idea what's over there."

"I've heard they're cannibals and the women have no souls." Isa said contemplatively and Tam rolled her eyes. "Sounds excellent. Let's go." Tam'li grinned and nodded, leaning back again and folding her hands behind her head.

"I'll miss Hupo and Lupo but it's just as well. It would be a pain to feed them on our own." Tam'li closed her eyes for a moment, resting. "But I still wish I knew what happened to them…"

"So do I." Isa said quietly. Axel, Roxas and Riku had simply vanished after the explosion. All the equipment had been burnt out and useless even if they'd had time to check it, which they hadn't. The three of them were just… gone.

He hoped they'd gone to a better place.

Roxas stirred and sat up, hitting his head on the underside of a chair.

"Unh?" The blonde blinked and crawled out from under the table, glancing around. He stared in stunned disbelief at the home he and Axel had abandoned weeks ago. It was just the same as it had always been. Roxas heard something ding and glanced over at the kitchen, seeing that the toast had just popped up. There was a pot of coffee perking merrily away and Roxas slowly began to relax. It must have all been a dream. An incredibly realistic, long lasting dream.

"Ow." Roxas turned sharply at the muffled complaint and stared as he saw familiar silver hair. It was that boy, the one who looked like the Duke. "Where am I?" He seemed dazed and Roxas suddenly paled.

"Axel." Ignoring the boy, he searched for his love. The redhead was sprawled across the living room carpet, unmoving and breathing deeply. "Axel, wake up." Roxas shook him gently, then harder when the redhead didn't stir. "Axel!" Roxas bit his lip, then snapped at the boy. "Call 911."

"What?" He said blankly and Roxas realized he couldn't have the least idea what 911 was. Or a telephone for that matter. Cursing, Roxas quickly went to the phone and heard the familiar dial tone. The operator on the other end had him check Axel's vitals, then assured him an ambulence was on the way. Setting down the phone, Roxas turned to the boy.

"I'm sorry. What's your name?" For the first time Roxas had leisure to examine the boy and realized he was younger than he'd thought. No older than fifteen and maybe a bit younger. The muscular build had fooled him into thinking he was older.

"I'm Riku. What happened?" Riku was looking out the window and looked very disturbed. Roxas followed his gaze and saw a bright blue sky. It was utterly unlike the greenish blue of Riku's world.

"This is our home. It's another world." Roxas hoped Riku wouldn't freak. But the Duke's son seemed intrigued.

"Is it warm?" There was a strange longing in the silver haired boy's voice and Roxas blinked at him. But then the doorbell rang and Roxas ran to answer it. It was the paramedics and they quickly had Axel in a stretcher, carrying him to the ambulance. Roxas hesitated a moment when they told him only one person could come on the ambulance.

"Just stay here." Roxas told Riku, who looked at him helplessly. "I'll send someone to help you, alright?"

"Okay." Riku closed the door, peeking outside curiously. Everything here was alien to him but that was not unwelcome. The silver haired boy could see vehicles, things that would never have worked in his own world and he ached to understand them. He wanted to go out and look and experience what this place had to offer. But there would be time for that later.

All the time in the world.

A week later.

"I saw Sora at work today." Roxas spoke softly to Axel, gently touching his hand. The doctors weren't certain whether or not the redhead could hear him but it certainly couldn't hurt. "He had Riku with him. They're really getting along well. Sora says it feels like he's met his soulmate and Riku feels like he always belonged here." Roxas paused, feeling the tears pricking at his eyes. Seeing the two of them so happy hurt. It hurt a lot, but it wasn't their fault Axel was in a coma so he'd tried to be happy for them. "Axel… please, come back to me." He whispered, gripping Axel's hand tightly.

The doctors were very confused by Axel's condition. They'd finally labeled it a stroke. Roxas knew better, but he didn't think an explanation would go over well so he'd stayed quiet. It didn't make much difference for the treatment. The scans and tests had showed a peculiar pattern of damage in the redhead's brain, as if tiny pieces of it had been seared out. It made Roxas want to curse the gods. Had it really been necessary to send them home? If only they hadn't done that, maybe Axel wouldn't be in this state. They'd still be stranded in an alien world but that would have been a small price to pay to have his love by his side.

Roxas stayed as long as he could, but he finally had to leave. He still had a job and there were still bills to pay. Thankfully, Medicaid would pay for the hospital stay. Roxas could never have hoped to touch those bills. His parents were helping as well, shocked by the sudden change in Axel's condition. Roxas went to bed as soon as he got home, but the bed felt so lonely...

Briiiiing! Roxas groaned as the phone went off. It felt like he'd gotten no sleep at all and prying open one eye, he saw it was two in the morning. Who could be calling at this hour?

"Hello?" He mumbled as he grabbed the handset. A faint, tinny voice spoke in his ear.

Roxas? I'm calling about Axel's condition. Roxas' stomach lurched and he was suddenly wide awake. He's awake and asking for you. If you could come down to the hospital please?

"Oh god, really? I'll come right away." Hanging up, he quickly dialed his parents number. They wouldn't be happy at being woken this late either, but they would be willing to help. It didn't take long for his father to arrive and soon they were on their way to the hospital.

When they arrived Axel was awake, sitting up and smiling. He looked happier than Roxas had seen him in years although he was weak as a kitten. Roxas found that out when a too vigorous hug almost knocked Axel back onto the bed.

"Ow, hey! I'm okay, don't crush me." Axel said jokingly and Roxas almost started to cry. It was so good to hear him again. "Roxas, I'm so happy." The redhead murmured in his ear as the nurse left, giving them some time alone.

"I'm so happy too." Roxas sniffed and smiled, feeling like his heart might burst. It was perfect. They were home again and Axel was well. Or at least as well as he'd always been. The only thing missing was Aristotle, and he was sure Rikku would take good care of the cat. Axel laughed and it sounded so carefree and happy.

" Not for the same reason though!" Roxas blinked at him uncomprehendingly and Axel lowered his voice. "Roxy, I felt what the Green Lady was thinking, sort of, when she used me." Axel didn't like to think of how the touch of that alien 'mind' had overwhelmed his. He wasn't sure what the gods were, exactly, but they weren't easy on their chosen vessels. Still... "She burned out my gift. She had to, to make this work." Axel sounded overjoyed and Roxas' eyes widened as he began to understand. "I'm normal Roxas. I'm not going to hear voices or see demons again!"

"We should be careful Axel." Roxas quickly cautioned the redhead. "Make sure of that before we discontinue all your medication." Although to make sure of it they might have to take him off. Axel shrugged with a smile.

"You'll see Roxas. I'm fine now. I'll be able to get a job and you'll be able to go to school and it's just perfect." Axel spread his arms widely, grinning. "Give me another hug!" Roxas laughed and obliged, wondering if Axel was right. He wanted to believe it but didn't want to deal with crushed hopes.

But they would find out soon enough.

As it turned out, Axel was correct. He would never show any sign of mental illness again although it would take some time for the doctors to consider him cured. He ended up having to endure many, many tests as the doctors tried to determine exactly how his 'stroke' had cured his schizophrenia. Axel and Roxas both wished them luck but doubted they would ever be able to replicate it. The gods had used a red hot needle to sear away the parts of his mind that could carry them. Anything mortals could do would be like a chainsaw in comparison.

Once it was clear that Axel was cured, Roxas' parents opened their home to them again. Axel decided to take up a trade and became an apprentice plumber as Roxas went to university. Eventually the blonde got a degree in Journalism and managed to secure a job as a reporter at the local newspaper. They were never rich but they made a good living and soon owned their own home. And most of all, they were both happy.

Riku settled into his new life with a great relief, despite the difficulties with paperwork. Finally, he had found a world that made sense. He quickly showed a great aptitude for machines and eventually became an auto mechanic. His friendship with Sora deepened into love and they were every bit as happy as Axel and Roxas.

In a far off future in a galaxy far away, Isa and Tam'li went on to have many adventures. And Aristotle lived to a ripe old age, the pampered pet of the caravan.

And now we have reached...

~The End~