Disclaimer: No English accent no matter how hard I try. Not JKR.

A/N: This story is fem-slash (Hermione/Ginny) so if this isn't something you like to read stop now. But hey even if you don't you should give it a try.

Italics are thoughts and flashbacks.

Chapter 9- You Think I Won't Find Out

Malfoy turned his head in the direction of the voice. A sadistic smirk played upon his lips as he turned towards the girl struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Well, well, well. Now, who might that be?"

Ginny's heart quivered in her chest.


"Tell her you will be out in a minute." Malfoy whispers harshly dropping her arms. Ginny doesn't say a word. "Do it!" His pale fingers shoot to her arm. He squeezes hard causing her to wince.

"I-I'll be out in a minute!" Ginny yelled trying her hardest to conceal the tremble in her voice. Her eyes return to her captor, glaring.

"Now thats a good girl." Malfoy sneered, "Who would have imagined? You know, I always knew you were a bloodtraitor but a queer too?" laughing sadistically.

"Who is that?" Malfoy squeezed harder. "I bet it's that slut Parvati, or maybe that crazy girl…lovegood?"

"Like I would tell you!" Ginny said loudly but not loud enough for Hermione to hear.

"You think I won't find out? You are more stupid than I thought." he said, twisting her arm behind her so her face was against the wall.

Malfoy dipped his head lower, his lips brushed the redheads ear, "You better hope I don't find out who your little girlfriend is." he whispered breathlessly, "I always get what I want."

With that he let her go and walked away to the back of the locker room. Ginny turned around just in time to see him disappearing around the corner. Ginny was confused as to where he was going but at the moment she didn't care. She just needed to get out of there. All that mattered was that he was gone and their secret was still intact…mostly.

She leaned her back against the locker and looked up slightly. She could feel her eyes clouding with tears. She tried choking them back.

I can't believe...No, don't cry. Come on pull your self together!

"What in the world are you doing in…?" Hermione said rounding the corner. She stopped dead in her tracts when she saw her girlfriend against the locker.

"Ginny! Wha-what's wrong?" Hermione said as she rushed to her girlfriend's side throwing her arms around the shaking girl.

Ginny felt Hermione's comforting arms wrap around her and she couldn't keep the tears from streaming down her cheeks.

Hermione held her girlfriend as she cried. She had never seen Ginny cry before and that scared her.

This couldn't be about the game, could it? What would make her cry?

They stood their what seemed like hours. Ginny's breathing started to even out and the tears eventually subsided. Ginny pulled away from Hermione and used her arm to wipe the last of her tears away.

Ginny smiled and laughed weakly, "Thanks."

"Gin, tell me what happened." Hermione asked grabbing both of her girlfriend hands.

Ginny looked at the ground and said quietly, "Malfoy."

"What! What happened? Are you okay? Hermione frantically looked Ginny up and down making sure there wasn't a hair out of place. Her eyes stopped dead on the dark bruise starting to show through her girlfriends arm.

Ginny shifted her feet knowing where her girlfriend was looking. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

"Ginny, that doesn't look fine to me," Hermione said harshly. Her brown eyes locking on the taller girls green eyes as if to find the truth.

Ginny spoke more stingily than before, "I'm okay, I'm okay, really. Malfoy just...he said he was going to make me pay for humiliating him during the game." Ginny's eyes faltering. Not being able to look at her girlfriend, again.

Hermione gasped. "He didn't…he didn't do anything did he?"

"No, no. He heard you and…stopped…but well let's just say our secret is no longer a secret." Ginny said.

Hermione covered her mouth with her hand remembering what she said, "Oh my gosh. I am so stupid…I should have been more careful."

"What are we going to do?" Hermione said as she started to pace somewhat hysterically.

"He doesn't know everything. I wouldn't tell him who you were. But I can't see him taking very long in putting the pieces together." Ginny sighed as her mind searched franticly for a solution.

Hermione stopped her pacing, "Out of all the people in the school…it had to be him."

"I don't think he will tell anyone…yet. For one, I have a hard time believing people will talk to him much after today's game. Secondly, would anyone believe him?" Ginny thought out loud trying to convince herself as much as the older girl.

"You're right. I mean we can just deny it, right?"

"Mmhmm." Ginny said finally getting complete control of herself.

"You know, I don't let many people see me cry…" Ginny said as she walked toward her girlfriend, "and by many…I actually mean nobody." she laughed slightly while grabbing the older witches hand.

"You don't have to be afraid to cry in front of me." Hermione reassured her girlfriend as she brushed a stray piece of hair away from the girls face, looking into her green eyes.

Ginny grinned knowingly and let out a sigh, "We have to be careful from now on, okay?"

Hermione shook her head in understanding but then her face contorted in confusion. "How did Malfoy get out of here if I was at the entrance…surely I would have seen him…he would have seen me." Fear leaking into every word.

"That I don't know. He started walking toward the back and just disappeared. Poof." Ginny said still straining to understand what she saw.

"How could he just disappear? No one can apparate on Hogwarts grounds."

"Well, at least he's gone for now." Ginny shrugged. "We can try to figure everything out tomorrow. For now, how about you and I get to this party everyone keeps telling me about?" Ginny said trying to make the mood lighter.

"That sounds amazing." Hermione said pulling Ginny in for a kiss.

They left the locker room and started to make thrill way back to the castle, hand in hand.

Unknown to them, a hooded figure in a black cloak crouched on the roof of the locker rooms, smiling evilly.

By the time the two girls got to the common room the party was raging. The music was loud and there was hardly room to walk around. People were dancing everywhere. It didn't take long for everyone to notice the new arrivals. As soon as everyone saw Ginny they started cheering wildly.

"Great game, Ginny!" Dean said giving her a slap on the back as they walked by.

Katie bell waved the two girls over. "Pretty awesome party, right?" Giving each girl a glass.

"What is this" Ginny said making a face while looking into the glass, "this is not firewhisky?".

Katie laughed as she took a swig out of her own drink, "It's vodka."

Hermione looked at Katie strangely, "How in the world did you get vodka?"

"I spent some time with my muggle cousin this summer and she got me to try it. I think it's almost better than firewhisky." Katie said nonchalantly.

"You guys can have mine." Hermione tried handing her cup back to Katie.

"Come on Hermione relax a bit." Katie gave her cup back.

"Let's have a drink or two. I think both of us need to loosen up a bit." Ginny said sipping the clear liquid from her cup.

"Yeah, I guess you guys are right. One won't hurt." Hermione mimicked Ginny's actions and grimaced as the liquid burned all the way down her throat.

"Here, I have a few bottles of my own. You two can have this one." Katie handed Ginny the tall clear bottle.

"Really?" Ginny took a look at the brightly decorated bottle. "Thanks, Katie."

"Have fun girls." Katie said with a smile and a wave as she walked over to her boyfriend.

"We are definitely going to have to share this with people. Where are the boys?" Ginny said surveying the room.

It didn't take very long to find them. They two girls walked over with their drinks in hand.

Harry looks over at Ginny giving her a light slug in shoulder, "Well done, Gin! You were amazing out there today!

"Yeah, Ginny, people are going to be talking about what you did to Malfoy for ages." Ron said congratulating his sister.

Ginny and Hermione just looked at each other, smiling slightly. "Well, the only reason why people even care is because we won and that was all of us, not just me" Ginny said smiling.

Harry's eyes float to the bottle clutched in Ginny's hand. He lets out a laugh. "Is that what I think it is? Where on earth did you get it?"

Ginny lifts the bottle, letting out a small laugh, "Katie Bell."

"Wicked! I tried some last summer at the Dursley's whilst they were on vacation."

Hermione and Ginny giggle at the thought of Harry getting sloshed.

Ron looks at the group as if they are speaking a different language. "What are you guys on about, what is that?" motioning at the bottle.

"That's a muggle drink similar to our firewhiskey." Harry told Ron.

Ron's eyes lit up. "Wicked! Can we try some?" motioning to himself and Harry.

"Of course. Katie gave the bottle to us so we could share it." Ginny said motioning to the bottle.

"Guys, why don't we go to one of our rooms. I'd rather not get caught on the one night I decide to break the rules." Hermione said nervously.

"We can do that, its kind of loud in here anyway." Ginny responded with a smile at her girlfriend.

The group of friends climbed the boys dormitories to Ron and Harry's room. It didn't take Hermione or Ginny long before they drained the original drinks Katie handed them. The four sat on the floor and talked about everything. Laughing until they thought they would wet themselves.

Hermione took another swig out of the bottle then passed it to Ron who was next to her on the floor. "I have a brilliant idea!" looking around the circle triumphantly.

"What is it?" Harry asked laughing slightly at his tipsy friend.

"Truth or Dare!" Hermione said smiling wildly.

"That is a great idea, Hermione!"

Ron and Ginny looked at the other two questioningly and completely confused.

"What's Truth or dare?" Ginny asked looking at her girlfriend.

Harry and Hermione attempted to explain what the game was all about. They struggled at first but when they were confident the redheads knew the basics of the muggle game they began.

"K. I'll go first!" Harry looked at each of this three friends. His gaze stopping on Hermione. "Hermione, truth…or dare?" Harry asked Hermione as he drank another sip out of the bottle.

"Um…" Hermione was unsure of what to pick. "Dare sounds kind of fun."

"Ooo, feeling adventurous tonight, are we? Alright, then." He looked around the room for inspiration. "Aha, got it. Hermione, I dare you to go grab Ron's Quidditch uniform and smell them for 10 seconds!" Harry said triumphantly. Ron began laughing hysterically.

Hermione's face went stark white. "Ew, that's completely disgusting! I am not doing that."

"Nope, those are the rules. You have to." Harry laughed.

Ginny giggled whilst trying to look apologetically at her girlfriend.

"Damn it. Harry, I hate you." Hermione slowly stood up on her wobbly feet and walked over to Ron's dirty uniform which hung off the side of his bed.

Ron was laughing hard his face was as red as his hair.

Hermione grabbed Ron's uniform which was still damp with sweat from the game not long ago. She

OK, Hermione. You can do this. On three. One…two…three!

Hermione took a long intake of breath with her nose only millimeters from the uniform. Harry and Ginny suddenly burst into laughter very similar to Ron.

After ten excruciating seconds she returned to the circle and sat down, her face a weird shade of green. She looked around at her friends who were still laughing. She glared at Ron and punched him straight in the arm.

"Blimey, what was that for!" Ron said rubbing his now sore arm.

"That was for completely destroying my sense of smell!"

"Shouldn't you punch Harry? He was the one who dared you!" Ron said pointing to Harry who was still chuckling. Hermione leaned over and punched him just as hard.

After many embarrassing dares, a few truths and an empty bottle of vodka the girls hugged each boy and stumbled down the stairwell to the common room who's floor and couches were littered with students who were deep asleep. Ginny more or less carried the older girl to through the room toward the girls stairwell trying to be as quiet as possible as to not to disturb the slumbering students. Ginny couldn't help but let out a small giggle as she thought about how useless everyone was going to be the next day after such a celebration.

Good thing tomorrows Saturday or we all would be in a mess of trouble.

Ginny tightened her grip around the waist of her drunk girlfriend as they climbed the stairs to Hermione's room.

"Tt-is wass the mo-most fun ever." Hermione slurred into Ginny's ear.

Ginny couldn't help but laugh at the older girl who turned out to be quite a lightweight when it came to alcohol.

They reached Hermione's room. Ginny opened the door and peeked in to see if any of Hermione's roommates were asleep. She scanned the two beds that were completely untouched. The redhead let out another laugh knowing that Hermione's roommates must be among the litter of bodies downstairs. Ginny walked the rest of the way to Hermione's bed on the other side of the room.

"Alright, baby, time for bed." Ginny said as she let go of her girlfriend to turn down the blankets. She gently pulled the brunette over helping her lie down, covering her with the blankets. Looking down at her glazey-eyed girlfriend she leaned over kissing her girlfriend, tasting a mix of strawberries and vodka.

"Night, baby. Sleep well. I will see you in the morning." Ginny smiled at her girlfriend then turned to leave. Knowing her eyes probably looked just as glazed over with how tired she felt.

She felt a hand grab hers suddenly. Turning she saw her girlfriend looking at her longingly.

"Stay." Hermione whispered. "P-pleese"

Ginny looked at her girlfriends sad face. She looked around thinking.

What about her roommates?…I can't stay. What if they see us?

ah an illusion charm. That would work for sure.

She pulled her wand out of her back pocket waving it around Hermione's bed. She smiled to herself.

"Alright, 'mione, skooch."

Hermione smiled wide as she moved over to make room for her girlfriend.

Ginny laid down lifting her arm slightly. Hermione moved closer and laid her head on her girlfriends chest. Fitting perfectly. The redhead didn't waste any time in wrapping her arm around the smaller girl, kissing the top of her head.

I have got to be the luckiest girl.

"Lovee you" Hermione mumbled as sleep took over her.

"I love you too 'mione" Ginny whispered as she let the sound of her girlfriends breathing lull her to sleep.