A/N: Don't judge me because I can only write at stupid times of the morning/night! xD
Disclaimer: I don't own anything vaguely DW related...apart from some action figures, posters, models, books...and pretty much the entire contents of my room!
"Strawberries?!" the Doctor shouted, offended.
"Yes, strawberries. They taste good." Rose replied offhandedly as she turned the page of her magazine.
There was a pause as the Doctor stared at his companion, shocked.
"But...strawberries...why?" He mumbled.
Calming down, the Doctor peeled his banana and took a large bite.
"You put cream and sugar on them though, right Rose?" He asked, his hopeful voice muffled slightly by the large amount of yellow fruit he was chewing.
"No, Doctor, I just put them in my mouth and chew. Nothing else."
She turned another page and focused on the article as the Doctor's face returned to the shocked position.
"Oh look who's adopting another baby, Doctor, don't you think they should just stop now?"
"That's not nearly as important as your shocking taste in fruit!"
"Well what was I supposed to say?" She asked, looking up from the magazine.
"Bananas!" He called, "Your favourite fruit should be bananas!"
Rose rolled her eyes.
"That's your favourite fruit. It isn't my fault I like strawberries."
"No," he said, "It's your mother's fault – you obviously weren't raised properly."
"My mother raised me just fine, thank you very much! And I'll tell her you said that, just you wait!"
The Doctor finished off his banana and stood up, throwing his peel into the nearest bin.
"...Can't use your mother as a threat...That's completely unfair..." He mumbled on his way out the door.
"What was that, Doctor?" Rose called after him with a smirk.
"Nothing, Rose, nothing at all!" He called back.
"Honestly," Rose muttered, returning to her magazine once more, "Bananas..."
In the console room, the Doctor was under the metal grating, tinkering with some of the controls.
"Honestly," He asked his sonic screwdriver, "Strawberries...How could she?"
A/N: So? Whaddaya think? I really do like bananas, you know...And so should you! *shakes fist* "Barrowman!" =D