Hi! This is my first Teen Titans fic!
But I feel confident!
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own the Teen Titans; but I would LOVE to!
Wishful Thinking
It was a great day for the Teen Titans to go to the pizza place today. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, and most importantly the city was villain-free for the moment! Now the only thing keeping them from a perfect day is their constant arguing on what the pizza topping would be.
"Dude, I say we have seaweed!" shouted Beast Boy.
"Who puts seaweed as a topping?!" Cyborg retorted.
"Let's have pepperoni," Robin butted in.
"Dude! Pepperoni is from salami, which comes from--" Beast Boy didn't even want to think about it.
"Friends, why can we not have the mustard?" Starfire asked hopefully. Her three male teammates looked at her with "are you crazy?!" faces, which formed a small bead of sweat on her head. Soon, though, they went back to their argument.
The only one not participating in the fight was Raven. So when the waitress came to ask for their order, she was the only one free. "We'll just have cheese pizza," she said in her always tired, bored voice. The waitress jotted it down and then smiled nervously; her eyes, along with the other customers, were always darting towards the group of teenagers who were shouting complaints and insults to each other. With sweats forming everywhere, she quickly walked away to deliver the order. Now a normal person might think that she has a bad job, always putting up with these types of customers, but Raven had a different idea. Lucky her, she thought. She actually has an excuse to walk away. With a sigh, Raven continued listening to her friends' bickering.
"Hey, it's the Teen Mutants!" a voice rose above the commotion. The five teenagers turned around to where it was heard. On a newly occupied table that was nearest to them, a gang of seemingly high school bullies were sneering at them. There were six of them: four boys and two girls. The one who called out was in the middle back with his arms folded and smiling proudly. This one, as the Titans assumed, was the leader.
"What?" Robin said. The pizza palace was now silent. The customers all turned to see what the commotion was about.
"You heard me, freak," the leader said, spitting at the last word. His gang continued to sneer.
"Hey, man," Cyborg stood up, "you have no right calling us that."
"What are you talking about, metal junk? It's a free country." This received "ooohs" from his gang.
"You do not call my friends that!" It was Starfire's turn to talk.
"Oh, so the freak's alien girlfriend speaks, huh? 'Guess I should call you alien freak, then?" The group laughed. Their gang leader was obviously enjoying this.
"People with no lives," Raven muttered, although the gang leader still heard.
"What'd you call me, demon?" he asked.
The Teen Titans widened their eyes in fear. They all knew Raven was sensitive around the word "demon." However, she remained quiet, not wanting to lose control.
"Oh, silent type are we?" the leader teased.
"Hey dog, you know how she gets angry she goes all crazy?" one the boy members asked.
The leader smiled cruelly. "Hear that, demon? We're gonna try to make you angry."
"Anger is pointless," Raven said, quoting something she had said to Terra once. "My emotions are under control."
The leader, though, wasn't listening. He was too busy thinking of ways to make her tick. He snapped his fingers when he thought of one. "Hey demon, have you ever thought of being normal?"
This shocked the whole Teen Titans group.
"Yeah, you heard me," the head gang member continued. "You're not normal. You're not like Alien Freak over there. You're not like any normal teenage girl I know of." Then with a mocking high voice, he said, "Girl are supposed to love shopping, and painting their nails, and combing their hair, and putting on make up. You don't do any! You're a dark, freaky, goth, emo, witchy, creepy, bit--"
"Shut up!"
That didn't come from Raven.
Green hands slammed on the table as its owner stood up. "Just shut up about Raven! Shut up about all of us!" yelled an infuriated Beast Boy. The loud shout by him was followed by shocked silence. However, that silence was broken by a whistle from one of the gang members.
"Hey dog, it's the king mutant!" one of the girl members said. "Dog" didn't recover right away, so he didn't respond. Nevertheless when he did, he smiled his same wicked grin.
"Oh yeah, the one who looks like and is a mutant." Another wave of "ooohs" at the table.
Beast Boy was stunned, mostly because they were right. He was the only one in his team who was a mutant. He almost started to cry. In fact, he was going to if the pizza hadn't come. Raven noticed that the waitress seemed relieved that they weren't fighting. She must have been new, because she was so relieved that she missed the group of high school students whom she passed through. As soon as she placed the tray for the pizza, she hurried away.
"Oh? The Teen Mutants actually eat normal food?" This received pats and high-fives for the head gang member. This time, Robin stood up.
"Why are you humiliating us? What did we ever do to you?" he asked.
The leader shrugged. "We had nothing to do, so we decided to just drop by our favorite heroic team." Robin was used to sarcastic tones from Raven, but she never meant it for him, more for Beast Boy. But nobody has ever made a sarcastic voice to him yet, and it bugged him.
"Why, though?" he asked with more force. Before getting his answer, though, Beast Boy slammed his fist on the table. The two groups looked at him questioningly.
"I'm not hungry anymore," he mumbled. Then he turned into a bird and flew away.
"Beast Boy!" Cyborg cried. The gang of bullies laughed harshly.
"Ha ha! Look at that! Mutant King ran away!" " 'Couldn't handle the taunts!" "He's such a baby!"
Ignoring them, Robin turned to his team. "I'll go after Beast Boy; meanwhile you guys put an end to--"
"I'll go after Beast Boy," Raven stood up. "I'll find him easily." Seeing no point in arguing, Robin nodded for his team member to go. Raven turned around, but hear head swiveled back. "But before I go . . ." Her eyes turned pure white while the pants of the laughing head gang member turned black. With just a thought, it fell to the floor.
"Hey, you guys feel a breeze?" the gang leader asked after he finished his snicker. The bullies laughed even louder, banging fists on the table and turning red in the face. "What's so . . ." When he looked down at his trousers, he found it was not on his waist anymore.
"Gang members always have their pants below their butt, so it's easy to make them fall," Raven smirked. With one more good look, she levitated up and away. The head gang member quickly put his pants back on, but that little pause was the only thing the three Teen Titans needed.
"Titans, wanna show them our 'mutant' powers," Robin smiled.
"Glad to." Cyborg smashed his fist into his other palm.
"I shall tell the citizens to leave." When Starfire turned around, the customers were already gone.
Now the only ones left were the gaining Teen Titans, and the terrified bullies of the gang.
Beast Boy flew all the way over to the dock. There was a small carnival over there and thought maybe it'll cheer him up. He swooped over to behind a booth and changed back to his human form. Well, a human with green skin and pointed ears. He walked out and immidiately saw a cotton candy vendor. Indeed, that did cheer him up.
Raven was high in the air looking for anything green and walking. She flew over buildings and parks, but still no sign of Beast Boy. Where has she not looked? She searched with her mind, so maybe if she used her eyes . . . She found herself flying over the docks. She looked down to see if he was there. The whole dock was empty. She moved on.
After finishing his twentieth cotton candy, Beast Boy, who was now feeling sick, found a booth that said "One Wish" on its sign. "One wish, huh?" he wondered aloud. Even though he knew it wouldn't work, he still went to check it out. He flipped the yellow and red flap to reveal a drak room with a table in the middle. On top of the table was a genie lamp, and behind it was a man wearing clothes seen from Aladdin. His eyes were closed, so Beast Boy was able to stare at his extremely long moustache. It was black and swirling.
"You've come here because you seek for a wish, yes?" he asked without opening his eyes.
"Um, actually I just came to check it out," Beast Boy replied. He was about to leave when the man beckoned him back. He thought about it, and since he wasn't really in the mood for returning to his friends, he shrugged and walked in to sit down at the chair accross the man. He looked up to see a light coming from the top of the tent, but he didn't know where it came from. It made a creepy atmoshpere.
"You've come here because you are sad. Something's troubling you, yes?" the man asked again. "By the way, my name is Rokum."
Beast Boy wasn't really that impressed that Rokum knew that. He bet most people who come here had troubles. "Some bullies had come and made fun of you and your team, yes?" This caught Beast Boy. How could he know that? There was a short silence before Rokum continued. "Your name is Garfield Mark Logan, AKA Beast Boy. You are 14 years old and is currently looking for a girlfriend. You are part of the Teen Titans, the official team of Jump City . . ."
Beast Boy again wasn't surprised with this information. All his fans knew this. Maybe this was just another one. That's why he ignored all the other facts he said about him until the last one: ". . . and even though you are currently looking for a girlfriend, you are also seeking the heart of a certain dark purple-haired girl whom you've liked since you've met." Beast Boy choked on nothing but air when he heard this. This was something his fans never knew. "And now the bullies had taunted her, so you got angry and stood up for her. Then the bullies directed their taunts toward y--"
"How do you know all this?!" the green one blurted out. Rokum didn't flinch or do anything. Eyes still closed, he replied to his client's question.
"I am a genie. Genies know everything."
"Prove it!" cried Beast Boy, who didn't believe this guy and was getting ready to leave.
"Okay. The difference between mass and weight is that mass measures how much matter--"
"No, no!" the changeling shook his head. "Prove you're a genie!"
Rokum nodded his head. "Make a wish. Any wish."
Beast Boy cocked an eyebrow. Any wish? This seemed . . . impossible. He couldn't believe it for some reason, yet there was a part of him that did believe. "I . . . could wish for anything?" Rokum nodded again. It was just one slow bow of his head, like how a sleepy person bows their head when they try to stay awake. "I-I don't know. . ."
"It's all right," Rokum said. "Take your time." While the changeling thought, his mind went back to earlier that day. He didn't know why he was thinking of it but he was. The gang members shouting a special insult just for them. The leader calling Raven a demon. He clenched his fists as he was reminded of how quiet she was. He knew she was scared under that hood. They taunted her even further, calling her nasty tricks. Finally he couldn't take it, and he stood up. From that whole conversation, he remembered one thing that stood against the others: the question about being normal. He lowered his eyes to the ground. The question shot through his mind, racing around and around his head. What if they were normal, he and his teammates? What if they didn't have powers? How would their life be? Would they not get mentally tormented like that? As he thought about it more and more, he knew what he wanted to wish for. "I wish my teammates and I were normal," Beast Boy whispered.
The genie seemed to hear that, though. The lamp in the middle of the table started glowing and turning hot. "You're wish is being fulfilled," Rokum explained. With a great flash of light, Beast Boy shielded himself from blindness until it was gone. He was able to tell because Rokum spoke. "Your wish is fulfilled. It will start tomorrow." Although he suspected it that it will never work, Beast Boy found himself disappointed that it couldn't happen now. Breaking the train of thought was none other than the genie himself. "Is that cash or credit, sir?"
The green changeling returned to the tower after a bit more fun at the carnival. It was night by the time he came back. He was able to see just a little bit of what the Teen Titans were previously doing while he was gone when the doors to the main room slipped open. Robin was searching for him on the giant map that they had; Starfire was pacing left and right behind the couch; Cyborg was trying to call him on the T-Communicator; and Raven was reading again.
When they heard the doors open and find the very person they were looking for, they were all relieved, even the stoic ones.
"Yo BB! I've been trying to call your communicator. Why weren't you picking it up?" Cyborg cried. Beast Boy told him he never heard his comm go off.
"Where did you go?" asked Robin, who was always concerned with his teammates and like a father, he needed to know where exactly this child had been.
"The carnival at the docks," he replied. Raven looked up from her book. The docks? She didn't see him at the docks. "Look guys, I'd really love to answer all your questions, but I really want to sleep right now!" BB stretched and yawn. He then left the main room through the sliding doors.
"I never found him there," Robin commented, which was growing to suspicion.
"On my flight, there was nothing at the docks," Raven took off her hood, like she always does when she was telling information.
"I don't care where he's been but at least he's back here safe and soooouuuuunnnd!" Cyborg yawned. "And he's right about the sleeping part." The half-man half-robot marched off to his room with a "Good night, y'all" at the end.
"We should get some rest, too, Robin," Starfire suggested. Robin nodded and he and the two girls went to their quarters.
Please review!
Yay! Done with chapter 1!
I was hurting while I was making insults for the Teen Titans.
I know; Robin doesn't have powers, but he has karate skills.
That's his "power."