Prompt: Spock, McCoy - Fingertips


Leonard's skin prickled and tingled in the wake of Spock's fingers as they traveled across his skin from shoulders to hips. The touch was soft, a mere brush of fingertips against flesh, hardly more than a whisper considering the control the Vulcan could exert over his own body and strength.

Spock held a similar control over Leonard's body, it would seem, if the swiftness in which he moved from a fog of exhaustion to a blaze of desire was any indication. Leonard tried to remain as still as possible, to resist the urge to squirm and draw away even when the sensations danced on the right on the edge of ticklish as they moved from his waist and up his sides.

Spock was a scientist at heart, and when he came to Leonard in an exploratory mood like this it always meant for a good night, regardless of how long and stressful the day had been.

Spock's fingers then traveled downwards, spread across Leonard's ass, and he couldn't resist the small gasp that escaped him as the heat from Spock's fingers set him ablaze.

Leonard also couldn't resist the chuckle that followed when Spock spoke the first words to pass between them in response.
