
yes, an update ! I'm really sorry for the delay, really. I don't know where the time flew. Anyway, here the next chapter. I hope you'll like it and normally, see you next week for the next :)

Again, thank you to everyone who review and add me on the different alerts. I really appreciate it, thank you ^_^.

Chapter 6

Pepper and Vegeta had left Capsule Corp. and were now on their way to the space ship. They were flying side by side. Vegeta was quite surprised that she seemed to have no difficulty to follow him. She matched him very well.

After all, he thought, she was a saiyan and had worked for Frieza. But, there was something else in the way she flew. A sort of grace, a natural grace that he bet, she hadn't learnt or developed under Frieza's "training".

He increased again his speed and smirked when he saw her do the same. Yes, she had some…potential.

Pepper glanced at the Prince, and thought sarcastically, *If I didn't know better, I could swear he's testing me.* She shook her head and smiled at that reflection.

"It's a beautiful planet," she said, but obtained only a "Hmpff" as answer.

*Okay,* she thought, *not a big talker.* Not that she was one either, but here it was like they made vow of silent. Since they had left Capsule, the Prince hadn't even said a single word to her. Not that she complained. It was just a total opposition with the other Saiyan she had met earlier. When the first was opened, friendly and cheerful; the Prince was closed, reserved, which was a weak word, and cold.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if maybe it had been such a good idea to come here, at the search of some people from her biological race. Sure, to know that she wasn't the last one was somewhere a good thing. She wasn't the last one being alive from her biological race; but she was the last from her race actually. She was and would always be a Caranane, whatever happens.

So, they reached the ship without real words, except the necessary; and it was in that same ambiance, they came back to Capsule.

Even if she was a saiyan, Vegeta didn't want to talk with her just now. Sure, she and him had some common points; like both had been forced to work under Frieza. He wondered if she was aware that Frieza was the one who destroyed their planet, Vegeta-sei.

He glanced at her; yes, she was a saiyan, but there was something else. Something that he already saw in…Kakarrot.

He shook his head, her presence wouldn't change his life…he hoped.

At Capsule, Bulma was looking at the sky, waiting for their return. A part of her, the scientist part, was exciting, curious and impatient to see that ship. Even if it wasn't the first time, each time it was an excitation, a new discovers.

Another part of her was worried. The woman part.

While she had watched Pepper and Vegeta leaving, together; she couldn't help feeling a sensation of insecurity. Not that she should be worried. Even if she had been a little upset, when she learnt that on Vegeta-sei, she would have been

nothing; as he told her, they were on Earth. And on Earth, she was his wife.

She knew him, and she knew his pride wouldn't let him be unfaithful to her and shatter their vows of marriage. Not only that, but she knew that even if he didn't say it aloud, he cared deeply for her. She could feel it each time he touched her, when he looked at her thinking that nobody saw him, when he looked at their son. Vegeta enjoyed his life with her, enjoyed to have and be a part of a family. His family. She was certain of that.

No; there was no reason for her to feel some insecurity.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean she could forget the nothing thing. She smirked evilly, if he thought that she would easily let that. How wrong he was…

The sound of the ship far away brought her out of her thoughts. Soon, they would be back.

When the ship touched the floor of Capsule, Pepper and Vegeta had just the time to open the door, which a blue rocket went through the ship.

Bulma run everywhere, her eyes widened when she saw the database,

"Wow, this database is huge. I think I've never seen so much information concentrated." Say that she was ecstatic, was an understatement. Her eyes were shining from excitation. This ship was a wealth of information and technology.

"From what I understood," Pepper told her, "this ship was the prototype of a new space ship generation."

Bulma raised her head to her and nodded madly, "I'm glad you chose this one," she giggled, her hands joined against her chest, stars were sparkling in her eyes. She was like a kid in a candy store.

Vegeta growled; right, that ship was interesting, and seeing his wife like that, she was beautiful, almost as she was when she was angry. Anyway, she could look at that ship later while he would be in his GR.

"Onna," his voice was grave, enough for Bulma to stare at him.

"What?" she answered him back, putting her hands over her hips.

Before one of them added a word, a happy voice caught their attention.

"I didn't know that we expect a guest, sweetie," Bulma's mother giggled. Bunny looked at Pepper and giggled more.

"Nice to meet you," Pepper said visibly a little uncomfortable. Decidedly, they were all strange.

"Come on, you needn't to be so formal," Bunny said in her usual singing voice, waving a hand in front of Pepper.

Pepper blinked and then nodded at her, she didn't know how to really react facing Bunny's attitude.

Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. Even now, it was still a mystery that that ditz blond could be Bulma's mother.

Bunny watched her daughter and son-in-law, and couldn't help a giggle. They formed such a so beautiful couple and Trunks was the perfect proof of that.

Vegeta saw her and knew what she was thinking; he did the only thing he could when he was in that situation, he "Humpff" and turned his head on his side, his arms firmly crossed over his chest.

Bulma looked at him, then at her mother. She closed her eyes, put one of her hand over her mouth and let escape a soft giggle.

Hearing it, Vegeta stared at her. At least, she had the goodwill to stop giggling. She shrugged and stuck her tongue out at him.

"That's very adult," Vegeta said in a mockery tone.

Pepper was observing the scene, a discreet smile was appearing on her lips. She was sure she was going to like being here. Finally, it was a good idea to have come here.

"Mom, Trunks is not with you?" Bulma asked suddenly. Not that she was worried, but she thought he was with her grandmother. Fortunately, Goten, his best friend, wasn't here; because if that were the case, here she would have all the good reasons to be worried.

"No sweetie, he's with your father," Bunny answered delightfully, "both were all excited about a scientist project your father asked Trunks to help him with. My adorable grandson was so glad to accept it."

"The little Prince," Pepper said tentatively.

Bunny looked at her, and nodded, " He reminds me so much of my daughter. He's so more like my husband and Bulma. And of course, Vegeta," she laughed happily.

"Thank Kami," Vegeta muttered.

"Vegeta," Bulma warned him.

"What? It's true!"

Bulma rolled her eyes; sometimes, it seemed to her that her husband was a real lost case. Even if here, she couldn't really say he was wrong.

She smiled at him, but her smile disappeared when she realized where his attention was.

He was looking at Pepper with a strange glare; no, a glare full of curiosity. She had already seen that expression in him. Usually, it was about earth things, or about…her.

She shivered almost involuntarily and couldn't help a soft gasp.

Vegeta returned his attention to his wife with a questioning expression. She shook her head and mouthed "Nothing" with a big smile.

In fact, Vegeta had been again surprised by Pepper's statement. He was very curious to know how and when she learnt so much about saiyan customs. Of course, he presumed the database of this ship had had to inform her, but he was certain there was another thing.

Like that clown of Kakarrot, she had been sent to another planet as a baby, but she was very aware of the custom of her biological race.

Vegeta was lost in his thoughts, when he heard the soft gasp of Bulma and mouthed to him "Nothing", in such a sexy way in his eyes.

Now, his full attention was centered on his wife. He was smirking at her, and she shivered under his glare. He didn't forget they hadn't had their little fun. He planned to remedy at that as soon as possible. If he could, he would do it now. But, something deep in his mind told him he couldn't. He wanted to ignore that little voice and take her right here and now, when Bunny said to them that it was dinner's time.

Here was the reason he couldn't ravish his wife now.

A tint of red appeared on his cheeks, which made Bulma smile. As her mother…Pepper looked at the walls, trying to not smile openly.

So, they all left the ship for dinner; some more reluctantly than other; especially a certain blue haired woman…she didn't want to leave that marvelous piece of knowledge and technology.

Before having dinner, Bunny decided to show at Pepper one of the guest rooms. At first, Pepper refused, saying that the ship would be perfect for her; but Bunny's insistence and seeing the despair face of Bulma, she agreed to Bunny's offer.

Bulma smiled with gratitude. That ship would be hers now. She could go and come at her wish. She was so impatient to look at it. She would do it now, if a certain saiyan prince weren't smirking at her with a so well known expression.

"Vegeta, I thought you wanted to take a shower?" Bulma said.

He smirked at her, "Yes, so are you."

Before she could react, she was on his shoulder and they reached their bedroom with some speed. When their bedroom's door was closed, he released her, making her slide slowly against his body. He felt her shivering at this "contact". Nevertheless, as soon as her feet touched the floor, she took some steps back. She surprised him, she had still some self-control.

"Wait a minute mister," she put her hand in front of her to prevent him to advance more, and then put her forefinger over his chest, "I find you a little presumptuous and sure of yourself here."

He smirked at her, his eyes locked on hers. Without left her eyes, he raised his hand, and with his forefinger, he began caressing sensuality her finger. Some long and low movements, forward, backwards on her finger; and then, he managed to go on a bit further, over her hand. Always some long, low movements to and fro.

She swallowed and was sure that his smirk turned into a smile. A proud smile of himself. He knew perfectly what he was doing to her. The effect he had on her…She couldn't think straight. She was just able to look in his eyes and tried to remember to breathe…sometimes.

What was he doing to her? Just by a simple gesture by him, her body was on fire. Her knees were so weak; she wondered how she managed to stay up.

Well, it was not a so simple gesture but a very suggestive gesture though.

She closed her eyes and couldn't stop emitting some groans; he chuckled at her reaction. Then, he broke the silence,

"You said?" he asked with malice.

At the sound of his voice she opened her eyes, and for a brief instant, she wondered what he meant.

Then, she realized it…She tried to compose herself, the better she could, and in a voice she wanted assured,

"I find you too sure of yourself, my Prince. After all, I don't see why you are with me, I'm nothing." She lowed her head, and look at the floor besides him.

Vegeta could hear the hurt in her last word. He growled of frustration. Why did she make that? Didn't she understand or listen what he had told about that?

He raised his hand, and with his thumb and forefinger, he put her chin between these, his thumb was caressing in circle her chin. Slowly, he raised her chin,

"Bulma, look at me," his tone was soft and hot; it wasn't an order, more a request.

Reluctantly, her eyes crossed his. When he was certain their eyes were locked, he put his forehead to hers.

"Haven't you heard what I said? Vegeta-sei isn't anymore. My planet was destroyed some years ago. We're on Earth, and here, you're my wife."

"Yes, but-" she was cut by his finger over her mouth, and by "Stop thinking about a thing that doesn't exist and matter. I don't understand you; usually, you're the one to enjoy the moments. Stop mourning for a fact which is not."

Bulma's eyes held his, searching for any signs of lie but was relieved to find none.

She approached her lips to his, he didn't wait to capture hers with eagerness.

Their kiss was languorous and passionate. Vegeta let his hands run over his wife, caressing gently her body. Bulma was always amazed at seeing how her husband could be so gentle in those moments. He was one of the biggest powerful being alive in the Universe after all, and especially, he was not a man who expressed and shared his feelings; but in these moments, he was a man full of tenderness and delicacy. He shown to her, and only her, a side of him calm, tender, caring…loving.

One and a half month had passed by and Pepper seemed adapting herself to Earth and her new life at Capsule without real problems. She trained almost every day with Vegeta in the GR and, almost of the time, Trunks accompanied them.

Bulma and Pepper had become friends, even if Pepper kept some distance with her; she didn't forget Bulma was the wife of her Prince.

Bulma didn't mind, she understood and in a way it was reassuring that for a saiyan, other that Vegeta or Goku, she was more than nothing.

Bulma liked to talk with her guest; in a way, Pepper reminded her of Goku. Like Goku, she had been sent on another planet when she was just a baby. Like Goku, she had been adopted and loved by her family. Like Goku, she managed to keep an innocence, at least until she was under Frieza. But even with that, it was clear she had kept one. Not like Goku, well nobody could be like Goku, he was very unique! But, she succeeded in conserving it.

Bulma had been curious about that; she knew if Goku was Goku, it was because he had knocked his head and had become amnesic. But it wasn't the case of Pepper.

Vegeta had explained to her that the saiyan females weren't like the males. They could be very powerful, but had an instinct of adaptation bigger than the males. Pepper had been certainly sent to Carana, not as a soldier to destroy the planet, but more like a sentinel to study and learn techniques before the saiyans males come and destroy the planet.

Then, everything seemed going all right for the residents of Capsule. Bulma couldn't help some giggles thinking at Vegeta. He proved her often, in his way, how much she could count for him; and, she knew she had no reason to doubt him now. No one; until…that day.

End Chapter 6