My Mate

Some times ago, I read a Pan/Trunks fic and a sentence called to me (Trunks said to his father that he hadn't mated with Bulma because he would hope to find a saiyan female …something like that); since then, I have this idea.

Also, this fic is pre-Buu and Goku didn't stay dead after Cell!!!

All mistakes are mine, like I haven't found a beta reader; and yes, now, I search without searching…

I hope you'll like it.

Disclaimer : I don't own DBZ…

Summary : She's like a saiyan, but…she's not.

The hot sweet rays of sun were slowly penetrated the bedroom, where two bodies were clasped in a bed. The man was on his back, his left hand behind his head, looking at the ceiling; while his other hand were stroking the back of the blue haired woman. This one had her head above his muscular chest, her left hand stroking it. They were enjoying the moment.

"Vegeta", Bulma broke this peaceful silence. Her voice was soft and loving.

She raised her head to look at his face, her chin now on his chest.

"What is it?" The grumpy prince growled a little.

She bit her lower lip before opening her mouth. Since yesterday, she had a question on her mind, precisely since her discussion with Chichi. It was the very first time that Bulma and her best friend had that sort of conversation, and the curiosity of Bulma have been picked.

"Well," she began uncertainly, which made her husband impatient but he said nothing. Whatever she had in her mind, that couldn't be impossible for her to say it.

"Yesterday, I was with Chi and she told me that Goku had bitten her neck during their first time."

Vegeta widened his eyes, not only because the harpy have talked about such a subject but he also knew that planned nothing good.

"And?" he was getting impatient.

"I wonder why he did it and why you, never?" she looked at him with a little anxiety in her eyes.

"Because he's an idiot, who knows nothing about Saiyan culture. And he bit her to mark her. As his. He probably did it by instinct, without knowing why. I knew it, he has no self-control." He smirked.

He hoped that would end this conversation here. But he knew that it would be a dream, knowing his wife.

"But what does it mean?" Bulma persisted. She had a light idea, but wanted a confirmation.

"It's like the earth wedding, except there is no divorce. It's permanently, even after death. They are bonded forever," Vegeta sighed. That was not going to be good, but in time she would understand.

"So, why have you never bitten…I mean mark me?" Bulma was afraid to ask, but she needed to know or hear it.

"Because," he got up from the bed, naked, pushing her and went to his closet to take his boxer and training clothes. He carried on saying while he was getting dressed, "I have much control than that third class idiot."

"But, don't you think it would nice to do it? Like we did the earth custom, we could do the saiyan custom?"

"Why?" Vegeta sighed with exasperation, "I don't see why? We are fine like that, aren't we?" He turned round to look at her, in a way to give more force at his words.

Bulma was watching him; a light hurt and incomprehension could be noticed in her eyes. She was sitting on the bed.

She nodded softly, but couldn't help herself asking, "Why…why Vegeta? Why don't you wish to do it?"

"He has nothing to do with wish," he rolled his eyes. "It's just that…it's like that. Final point." He raised his voice, his arms firmly crossed over his chest.

"I don't understand Vegeta. Why don't you want to be bonded with me?" Bulma got up. Tears almost visible in her eyes. She went to him, put a hand over his biceps; he flinched a little under her touch. He couldn't resist at her touch and she knew it perfectly.

"Tell me why?" she insisted, almost implored him.

"That's enough!" he shouted. "I will never mark you, never bond with you! Put that in your genius brain that it's yours!"

With that, he turned and was about to get out of the room when he heard her,

"I see. Tell me Vegeta, tell me if I was a saiyan female, would it be the same?" Her fists were clenched at her side. Her voice dangerously calm.

He growled, "Behave yourself onna. Nothing you might say will change my mind and it has nothing to do with the fact that you are or not a saiyan." He tried to sound sincere.

In a way, Vegeta really thought or so hoped that it had nothing to do with it. He didn't want to be bonded to someone that's all. But, deep in his mind, he knew.

Knew that she was right. He didn't want to be bonded to an earthling, as beautiful, with a fire spirit as a saiyan she was. Because, even if she was like, she wasn't. And for him, it was out of the question to be bonded with a female who wasn't from his race.

Somewhere in his mind, he thought that maybe, even if the chance for that was near non-existent; he didn't want to be bonded with an earthling, if there was a light possibility that a saiyan female lived.

End Chapter 1