(AN: Here is another one shot I had laying around. Thought I might share it. Hope you enjoy an please review.)

The moan sent a shiver down his spine as he sucked on the sensitive skin on the neck of the person beneath him.

"I love that spot," he mumbled as he ran his hands through the shorter man's hair.

"Are you going to let it grow?"

He was graced with a smirk.

"No I thought about cutting it. It's getting in my eyes."

He tugged at the hair softly but firmly enough to get his point across.

"Fine, I'll let it grow some more, Elliot." The taller man kissed him.

George smiled slightly against his lips. Elliot rolled them over so that George was on top.

Elliot smiled before turning away.

The doctor frowned.

"What's wrong?" Elliot looked back at him.

"I haven't seen my kids in awhile."

George nodded. "I know. I told you to go visit them the other day."

Elliot glared at him but ran his hand down George's arm.

"Kathy took them out and they didn't come back until late. That day I had to stay late at work."

George nuzzled into his neck.

"I remember. You didn't come by until midnight." Elliot smiled as the words vibrated through him.

"And you loved the way I woke you up."

George hit him. "I nearly killed you because you woke me up."

Elliot rubbed his back. "You loved it after you got all mad. You're sexy when you're angry."

George smirked. Elliot rolled his eyes and kissed him.

"You're just saying that to save your ass," George said, as he kissed him down his neck.

Elliot moaned as he felt teeth nipping at his chest. The buzzer rang and Elliot groaned. George got off of him and handed him his boxers.

"You might need these," he said the amusement dripping from his voice.

Elliot glared at him and took them. George lay back on the bed and watched him.

"It's eleven at night. Who could be at the door?"

George shrugged, amused at Elliot mumbling to himself.

Elliot walked out of the room and to the door. There was a knock at the door. Elliot wondered how the person was buzzed up. He unlocked the door and was surprised to see Kathy.

"We need to talk." Elliot shook his head.

"Now really isn't a good time." Kathy walked past him. He rolled his eyes and closed the door.

"What do you want Kathy?" He said it loud enough for George to hear and he hoped the other man wouldn't draw any attention to the room.

"I think we need to talk about the divorce." Elliot sighed.

"What is there to talk about? We're divorced. It was what you wanted." Now Elliot was somewhat annoyed.

"Well I think I made a mistake."

Elliot sighed. "No you didn't. It was what needed to be done. Just leave it alone."

Kathy narrowed her eyes at him. "Before you wanted to get back together, so what's wrong now?"

"I figured it was better this way." Elliot paused. "No, it is better this way. You're wasting your time."

"What? Is there another woman?" Elliot rolled his eyes.

"Trust me when I say there isn't another woman." He thought about George and shook his head. The doctor definitely was not a woman.

"I don't believe you." She looked at him.

"You don't normally answer the door that way unless you were naked."

Elliot folded his arms and shook his head.

"That's a forming hickey." Elliot frowned.

"What hickey?"

"On your chest, Elliot." He looked down and sure enough there was a hickey.

"So who's the bitch?" Elliot glared at her. Kathy stared at him.

"I'll be right back," Elliot said as he walked to his room. He saw George pulling on an undershirt.

"Are you sure?" Elliot asked him. George gave him a small smile and nodded.

Elliot walked back out of the room. Kathy was still standing there.

"This happens to be none of your business what I do with anyone," Elliot said, glaring at her.

"I don't appreciate the name calling," George said as he came into view.

Kathy's eyes widened and she looked back and forth between the two men.