Disclaimer:: I don't own Supernatural, Dean, Sam, Castiel... ugh! ANY of the characters!!

A/N::: This is a depiction of zee 5 stages of getting drunk. (Our Victim of the day: Castiel). Following each stage will be Castiel and a certain member of the Supernaturl Team of Doom. It'll be a dialouge-only script between the two chacters. The hyphen is before the extra character (not Castiel) and this indicates their speech. This list gives you the sequence of the characters in their order of appearance::

Stage 1: Smart... Castiel and Ellen

Stage 2: Good Looking ....Castiel and Dean

Stage 3: Rich... Castiel and Jo

Stage 4: Bulletproof.... Castiel and Sam

Stage 5: Invisible... Castiel and Dean

Yep, these are the stages people go through when they are totally turning their livers into shrivelled prunes.. aahhh the good times - Like College, only with Angels and hunters this time!

Please enjoy! R & R's are really appreciated!!

The Five Stages of being Drunk

"… I think I'm starting to feel something"


Ellen started off the party, persuading Castiel to go shot-for-shot.

"We should just go and blow up Lucifer"

-"Jo, get us another beer would you, sweetie?"

"You're not listening… if we just out some gasoline, propane and a few other flammable items in their circle we could just blow him up….. Poof"

-"Thanks, Jo… Here you go, Castiel. Another shot"

"Thank you. We should though. Make him go poof… like the Powerpuffs Dean watches when Sam is not around"

Good Looking

Dean waltzed in a few minutes later....

"Did any of you notice… no wonder Dean attract so many women"

-"Did somebody say my name?"

"… hmm… yes… makes sense. No wonder "

-"No wonder what?"

"Women find me attractive as well…see these abdominal muscles? "


"Yes, Dean? … hmm….I choose to show you my own because they are quite alluring. I chose very impressive vessel"

-"Jo! Stop staring at the Holy Man!!"


Of course, Jo just innocently wanted to make conversation..

"Joanne, you need more tequila shots…. Here you are"

-"Um…. Thanks, Castiel?"

"My pleasure…. I have a whole bottle"

-"You sure do…."

"I will take another shot….. and….. whoa, carefull... donn't spill –here you are"

-"It's still my mom's booze"

"And yet, I posess it…. HEY! IT IS MINNNNEE"

-"It's okay, mom. I think Castiel has got it under control"

"Thank you, Ellen. I shall now pour a round for everyone!"

-"…. Maybe we should just call it a night"

"Never accept defeat!"

Bullet Proof

Sam saw trouble brewing and wanted to be reasonable....

"Ifff mwee takegh on the dewil right now… we can't loooooossee"

-"Um, Castiel, maybe you've had enough"

"SAM! We should fffiiigght ghim right now! "

-"If any of you four fiiiigggghhhhttt him right now you'll be pummeled"

"No…. we can't loozzee…. Phhh…. Ellen, maayyy I hab another ground, pleass"

-"He's so much fun when he's trashed"


And yet, the semi-innocent bystander got the butt-end of the joke.

"Yoouu spin my hhead righht rouunn, right rouun… when youuuuggiicckk go down… wwen you goohh doooaawwoooonnn-"

-"Since when did angels start listening to hiphop?"

"HEEYY!! Iww goott tehhh hhouuusss ….. uh…. Nyaya ya ya papa pa laday … YAHOOO!!"

-"Hey, Sam, twenty bucks the angel does a striptease in the next five minutes"

"A reguesst?! YEsss! I shall!!..... holgghhhdd swtill, Dean…. Hahaha!! Wannnn ahhh see moooreeh?"

-"YYEEKKK!! Bobby!! Get the holy water!!!"

....and what a butt it is.

Yes, Castiel is totally OOC but hey, he's wasted on human liquor. That'll do that to a person... angel.... holy man.... xD