Here's chapter 6 :D thanks for all the wonderful comments guys!

"What happened!" Alissia exclaimed while throwing her magazine aside and jumping up from her bed, an excited look on her face.

I glanced over at Trevor who had a smug triumphant look on his face and I tried to glare at him to wipe the look off. But, failed.

My heart was still pounding in my chest and I still felt oddly dizzy. A wave of heat rushed to my face as I remembered that kiss. Shaking my head slightly I tried to get back to my old stubborn self but I just couldn't.

I felt changed. I saw everything differently now, everything was so… clear… so vibrant. Like I was finally home again. My heart didn't feel empty anymore, it felt like what it used to be back then, with my family. I sucked in a slow breath, this is my home now. I looked at the three expectant faces, waiting for me to talk and I smiled all of a sudden. Filled with a sense of calm and serenity I haven't felt for a while now, this is my family.

But there was that nagging feeling at the back of my mind. Something wasn't right, I still felt like I was… in danger.

Then I heard snapping.

I focused back to my dorm room, which was reality and I saw Alissia snapping her fingers in front of my face, looking slightly annoyed now. Looking at her newly manicured gold fingernails I zoned out again.

"helllooooo. Earth to Scarlet." She said, dragging out each word like I was retarded.

"Knock it of Lissia" I grumbled forgetting about that sense of danger… and the color of her fingernails.

"Ugh, finally she responds!" She said looking at Konner and pointing at me.

"Soo! What happened!" Lissia exclaimed.

"Nothing." I said. That wasn't true at all, but I didn't need this kind of girl talk. What was I suppose to say anyways, 'oh my gods I totally kissed Luke, that invincible hot guy!' hah. No way. I'll give her credit if she even manages to get anything out of me.

"Leave her alone Lissia." Trevor said getting up to put his notebook on the small silver side table. "She's tired, she needs some rest."

I gave him a grateful look and he winked at me. Alissia grumbled and glared at me. I gave her my best I'm-so-tired-I-can't-talk-to-you-right-know look until she sighed and stormed over to her bed.


I opened my eyes to a dream. Although this didn't seem like any normal dream about rainbows and ponies… this seemed oddly real.

I found myself in front of a small office with a golden plated doorknob and reinforced steel locks. The door opened, and letting my curiosity take over I walked quietly inside.

Inside i found only one lamp on a small coffee table and no windows. Luke was sitting on a chair bowing his head to something in the darkness right in front of him.

Squinting I tried to see what it was but failed yet again. Looking at Luke once more, I couldn't help but feel my heart racing as I watched him… but i felt a colder more evil presence in the room, and it didn't feel so good.

Suddenly I head an ancient raspy voice that send shivers down my spine, "It is almost time again, boy."

I saw Luke clenching his hands into fists and replying, "Yes… my lord."

"You better not fail me again this time or your life is permanently over!" The voice said. I shivered slightly at the intense creepiness of it.

"If… if you think I'm not good enough for the job… why… can't you find someone else… my lord?" Luke said mumbling. My eyebrows knitted together in concern. Whatever is hiding in those shadows isn't any rainbow pegasi, if it can make Luke talk like that.

"NO!" The voice boomed and Luke cringed cowering a bit, "You, are the one that has to host my being again! You, are the one that must correct your mistakes! YOU, are the one that owe me your life, and don't you dare forget I saved you from death! Not to mention your little girlfriend will suffer if you don't."

I heard Luke suck in a breath and saw his knuckles turning white. This was getting to be too real for me. I didn't like this dream one bit.

"Don't you dare hurt her! She's… been through a lot!" He yelled squeezing his eyes shut.

Suddenly I saw him drop to the floor curling in a ball, agony written all over his face. "Don't you dare talk to me like that! You unworthy fool. Getting all soft again, are we now? Remember what happened last time… or do you need some reminders."

I felt tears enter my eyes as Luke took deep breaths to ease the pain inflicted upon him by whatever it was in that darkness. I saw him turn his gaze towards my dream form and I wondered if he could actually see me.

I woke up in a sweat. Shivering in the cold I gasped for air, not being able to take in enough. I shivered all over again at the thought of that dreadful voice that sounded so deep and ancient.


I pulled the bed covers off and jumped from the bunk, trying to quietly get to the door without anyone noticing. Worry enveloped me as I thought of the dream possibly being reality.

Opening the cold steel door I slipped outside, still in my pj's. Only then I noticed that I didn't know where to go. Acting on impulse I ran left and turned a corner only to bump into another person walking my way.

"Jeez! What the…" The boy fumed.

His golden brown shoulder length hair gave it away and I knew this guy was Max, the same guy that almost hit me with an arrow. He looked pretty pissed... me slamming into him and dropping his stash of… whatever it is.

"Max! Watch it! I need to find someone!" I said desperately.

"Gee, don't I get an apology," He stated.

"No, consider it even. You almost killed me with an arrow… and now… I slam into you randomly." I explained matter of factly. I hated admitting it was my fault, and this wasn't an excuse to start. I looked at the small brown paper bag he was carrying and gestured, "What's that anyways?"

Grinning he explained how he stole them from the cafeteria. I just nodded my head, not really following along, thinking of all the possible places where the room might be.

He waved a hand over my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. He frowned at me and asked, "Hey, you okay? You don't seem like your ruthless self as usual."

I rolled my eyes at him, "What makes you think that?"

"Looking for someone? Or could it possibly be a dream?" He shrugged at me raising an eyebrow.

"well… kind of. You know where Luke is right now?" I asked trying to sound casual.

He smirked, "Luke? You serious. That Castellan dude, right?" I nodded dumbfounded, "I have no idea why a person like you would be even anywhere near him, but I guess he's somewhere in that private room of his… always see him going there when I have my… lets say, 'trips' to the caf."

I punched him lightly on the shoulder asking where that was. After a few more teasing he directed me there and I ran, my heart beating loudly and my mouth getting dry.

I saw the door. Feeling the cold presence near, I slowed down taking deep breaths of air.

Noticing the doorknob turning I quickly looked around for a hiding place and hid behind a corner, hoping whoever it was wouldn't see me. The reality of my dream struck me full force and i began to shake from worry.

I heard the door open and shut, hearing footsteps leaving. Closing my eyes I counted to ten and turned the corner hoping that the person left.

I ran out of luck there. Guess who was standing in front of me. Staring coldly down at me with piercing blue eyes.

"Luke…?" I whispered. What was up with his cold expression? I thought he was in pain a moment ago… I guess not.

"What are you doing here Kieffer. You should be in your dorm. You want me to report you for cleaning duty at the drakon's den?"

I was dumbstruck yet again. What was this! I came here, all worried about him and he goes acting up on me.

I gritted my teeth not being able to hold my over reactive temper back and said, "What are you saying! Luke! It's me. What is wrong with you! You were nice a few hours ago! And now your back to your snobby self!" I felt hot tears escaping and I didn't try holding it back.

He stood there, not saying a word, and I looked down not being able to meet his gaze. Wiping away a tear I whispered, "I thought you really changed… I thought what happened between us was really something that could change you."

I sounded like a crappy love sick fool, who fell for things like that. How could I have let my guard down? Flashbacks of corny chick flicks entered my head and I envisioned this scene as one of them.

How ironic. I laughed humorlessly and turned around walking back to my dorm, not sparing him a second glance. Letting my over reactive moods wash over me I didn't even notice his pleading look or maybe the idea that whatever was in that room had something to do with Luke's behavior. Instead I kept walking, feeling my heart tearing for someone that I have been with only so briefly.

"Scarlet… you don't understand." I head him say. But it was done. I couldn't deal with this right now. I should have know we could never work out in the end.

I apologize for my laziness... and this cliff hanger ;)... But I did my best :D (good enough I actually updated, right?)

Anyways... you want to know what happens between them...Review! and I'll see about getting the next chapter up sooner :)

Peace Out!

Press the magical review button!