I went to see a psychologist today. Under Shinra's recommendation, I thought it was a damn stupid idea, but it's the only thing I can control my anger.

As expected, everyone who saw me at the clinic probably shit some balls, but it doesn't matter. So long as no one pisses me off seeing this psychologist. It's my first visit to see one, though I feel a little jittery about it.

"I treat wounds, so I know nuts about psychology." Shinra told me in his apartment several days before my visit. Taking a card out of his pocket like a businessman, he continued. "She's quite well-known in Ikebukuro, so don't forget to tell her that I recommended you to her!"

What. The. Fuck.

"I…would like to see Rika Tachibana. Please." I've tried my best to sound as polite as I can, though I could see the receptionist shivering profusely. "Made an appointment with her."


By the time I've turned around, all the patients have probably run out. Geez, I hate violence.

"Sir…you may enter."

I made my way to Dr. Tachibana's room not without bowing at the receptionist. When I first entered the room, I feel…something tingling inside me. A woman, who was about my age and wearing a similar coat like Shinra with shoulder-length black hair, was sitting in a remote corner. Even for a lady, she was looking quite stern.

She took a slip of paper from a small gap while I made my way to lie down on this funny looking bed. "So, Heiwajima-san, what can I help you with today? I've heard about you from Shinra, so spill the beans."

I spilled everything out, but I don't feel uncomfortable revealing my problems to her. Everything from start, how I first got my violent tendencies, the time I met that egregious Orihara Izaya,, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, EVERYTHING!!!!!


But Tachibana did not say a word. Not one word. Scribbling down, looking extremely nonchalant about it, even when I almost became uncontrollable at what I'm even talking about. Yet, she still held that same boring expression.

She writes, and then erases it. She writes again, not before erasing her mistakes one more time.

"Go on."

When I've finally cooled down, I rant on with all that she needs to know, from being fired in countless jobs, then becoming the most fearful person in Ikebukuro, fight, fight, and I keep on fighting to get my hands on Izaya…

"I presume that you've explained everything. Well then, if you don't mind me rectifying everything you told me."

I just gave her a light nod. That is all.

"Somehow, you grew up in a normal family, and yet you begun throwing random objects every time you are provoked, some way or another. Sometimes without any apparent reason too. Your parents aren't abusive with you, yet you can't seem to control your anger as well. You don't have many friends (But its okay.), but according to your claim you made more enemies than you can actually count. You hate Orihara Izaya, and in your own words, 'I hate him more than anyone else in this world.' You've been retrenched an umpteen times due to your anger problems, and the only job you're stuck with is being an infamous debt collector in this city. I guess that is all you can say, Heiwajima-san?"

That…was direct.

"Don't worry. So long as you agree to work with me, I can guarantee that there are high chances of you to manage your anger problem of yours."

Right, so now we're getting somewhere.

"And just so you know," Dr. Tachibana began, not before taking a clipboard from her desk. "Your way of exerting your anger is extremely unhealthy. Somehow, in a way or another, you're going to get yourself in an unstable state." She said it while poking my chest using her clipboard in a rather professional way.

Usually, when someone does this to me, my victim would have me twisting his wrist by now. In the situation I am in now, I kept silent.

Plus, I do not usually twist wrists on women, unless they piss me off too much.

"Of course, you are direct in expressing your anger towards someone, but not in the correct way. But for now, take this home. I have other patients in the line in my schedule today; just try to see how this will work. Don't worry, I have written instructions inside the package." She took out a piece of fresh card out of her drawer, scribbling down my next appointment with her. "See you next time, Heiwajima-san."

That goes my first visit to a psychologist, not before I turned my appointment card around, writing down a small note at the very corner of the card.

"Know that you are the brother of Hanejima Yuuhei. Don't worry, won't tell anyone."


Author's Note: Hey, guys! How's life going for you?

Started writing this after I've seen episode 7. I laughed my heart out after seeing that episode. Don't worry, won't turn this fic with Shizuo X OC or any shounen-ai pairings. Just want to see Shizuo's reactions in acting out the steps of managing his anger. Let's see how things will work out for him. Though I felt like treating this story as a one-shot, but I think it would be better to continue, seeing how the results will turn out.

I'm working on a KH fic, so be sure to check it out!