Disclaimer: I don't own anything Bleach-related. *sighs*

Sincerest apologies if will be dislike for any reason

Hopes the enjoyment of reading from here on

Please bear in mind to review ^_^ (Onegaishimasu!)

Inspired to write more because of awesome readers like YOU!

A/N: This was just written in my notebook and well, I would like to see what you readers would think. To be honest, the plot is not yet planned out but depending on its outcome, I'll work it out… so here you go.


She's flying…so high…she didn't like it though; the feeling was unsettling. She can't feel her body even if she tried to move them. Everything was numb – well, except her mind but from what's happening, it seemed to be heading on that stage as well. She began to close her eyes in a slow manner. Before all went blank, she remembered him, "Ichigo, you're an idiot…"

A loud thud was heard.

An hour earlier:

"What are you doing?" Rukia asked with a flush of anger slowly rising from her chest up to her face.

"What am I doing?! I should ask you that question!" Ichigo shouted back with a much deeper scowl on his face than before.

Rukia turned her back at him and crossed her arms, "Look, I already told you that I just went out with a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. What part of the word 'friend' don't you understand?"

"Oh, I understand what friend means; what I don't get is why do you have to go out with him like on a date?!"

She used her high pitched-voice, "oh dear, oh dear; are you getting jealous with Ashido?"

He spat out his name like a venom, "Ashido?!!! No way!"

"Then why be mad about it? And I told you for the tenth time, it's not a date! If you do have a brain, might as well use it now!"

"What was that, midget?"

From what he said, she gave up on the bickering even if she hated it; she really hates that M word. "Now, you're insulting me? That's great, really great," she replied sarcastically and huffed out of his way.

Ichigo pouted and mumbled a few words; he wanted to follow her to apologize but this wouldn't happen if she just refused to go out with that gut. That Ashido bastard, stepping into the picture all of a sudden after a few years they got separated for reasons he didn't know. Obviously, he had something for Rukia but everytime he would ask her about him, she'll just smile and tell him not to worry. I'm sure she'll come around. I'll talk to her tomorrow and clear everything between us then this 'insanity' will be over. He's not letting go of this relationship. Rukia was the first and the last girl he wanted to be with. He was planning on asking her for marriage tonight but she just told him that lame excuse, "I'm going out with a friend. We haven't talked for ages. 'Till next time, okay?" He cursed himself for giving into her just like that all of a sudden. Sure, he can obey whatever she says but not all the time and this was an exception. She should know that very well. He walked home to his apartment and opened the door. The lights were off when his hand accidentally swayed an object that caused for it to fall. Shatters of glass were heard so he quickly finds the switch and flicked it on. What he saw made him go back a bit and a feeling of worry and fear rushed all over his body. His heart was beating so fast, he's sweating and his hands were getting cold. It was a picture of him and Rukia together on their first date a month ago. "Rukia…"

"Are you sure that she's Rukia?" a deep but mellow voice asked the young woman who was walking in front. "Yes, she really is, shizuku. I saw her fighting with HIM again." Her voice was shrill but it sounded deadly as she said the last two words of her sentence. "If we can follow them, we might get Rukia back with us."

"Onee-chan, look!"

Her emerald eyes glanced at where his brother is pointing out and they both ran hard as fast as they can. The driver escaped leaving a lifeless black haired woman on the side road.

"Rukia!" they both screamed in unison as they kneeled before her. The male lifted her up as the said woman touched her face. When her hand soothe to the side, she realized that her fingers were covered with blood. Together, they both brought Rukia to their house, couple of miles away from where they're standing. "Homure nee-san, it's like luck is on our side, huh?"

"No, it's not luck. This is how fate works; this time, we'll be together with Rukia."

Ichigo rode fast on his black Mercedes benz towards the apartment where Rukia lives in. he was downright worried about her; he might as well forget about their fight a few moments ago. He can swallow his pride for all he care, as long as she's wrong of what he's feeling and both his eyes can see her safe, nothing else matters. It might sound disappointing to others if they were in his shoes, but he'll definitely ask forgiveness to her. He had tons of ways to do it and even felt smug as he thought of the things he'll do to her later. As he reached the front desk of the apartment, he asked the caretaker residing at the front desk. Unfortunately, the caretaker answered that she hasn't come back yet. Afterwards, he went outside –still anxious– and called his friends whether they had the chance that she was encountered upon. None of them have seen nor talked to her. He called Renji Abarai last –he hated calling him to ask Rukia's whereabouts since he had promised him to take care of her or he'll get it– and he had to get his phone out of his ear at arm's length on how loud his voice was and the fact that he was saying words he couldn't understand although curse words were quite clear. Ichigo had no choice but to flip his phone off. It's obvious that he hadn't seen Rukia either. "What the heck happened to Rukia?"

From the rest of the night, he didn't stop looking for her and almost searched every possible place where Rukia could be and still, nothing.

In the slums near Karakura town, an unconscious Rukia was brought into a medium-size residence where Homura and Shizuku reside. The yellow-haired female quickly grabbed a first-aid kit and gave it to her brother to tend her wounds: they were not serious except for her head where blood mostly flowed out from –there was a slight opening– but shizuku covered it immediately with a bandage in order to stop it. The siblings were quite glad that she looks okay now and her pulse rate is normal; there seems to be no threat to her health.

After a few hours of waiting, Rukia wearily opened her eyes. Her expression was confused because of the unfamiliarity as she spoke, "Where… where am I?"

Homura jumped at her gently in excitement to call out her name and not answering to her question, "Rukia! Thank goodness, you're alright!"

Her expression did not change; she fluttered her eyes several times and then asked, "Rukia? Who is Rukia? Is that me? Who are you?"

The girl turned her now disappointed face towards her brother, ready to sprout tears, "She doesn't remember…"