Oh wow, hi everyone~ It has really been ages since I've even looked at this story.

And honestly, reading it all over now makes me want to pour gasoline over my body then set myself on fire.

This story was the first? Second? Story I'd ever posted to this site. And I was so proud of it way back when.

And the ideas I had for it were so great, but I just didn't have the skill back then to make them legible.

But now I can say I've gotten better at writing and I really want to give this story another chance!

Though I'm unsure if I should simply delete this one to make the new one or what. I'm thinking of just posting the

new story as its own here instead of just deleting these chapters and adding new ones. Hmmm.

Now that I think about it, I'll probably just post the new story as its own thing and keep this one as is.

But I hope everyone who saved this story and liked it is excited for a revamping of it. But keep in mind I might not

keep my original characters or their relationships the same. Just saying.