Disclaimer: We do not own Bleach!! If we did..would we be on FanFicion? [=

Just a little note! This story is all in chibi form, not all future stories will be in chibi form we just thought it would be more funny this way lol.

This story is just complete crack and none of this is meant to offend...however if your highly religious, we recommend you don't read this story because it contains some that you might take offence to...just warning. We don't want any reviews telling us this...thank you! ^o^

All characters are OOC...you have been warned.

Enjoy! xXxXx

Checkmate and Holy Hollow
By StrawberryEspada

"I WIN!" Zangetsu cheered as he won for what seemed like the hundredth time for our little friend Ichigo who was visiting his inner pals, Zangetsu and Shirosaki. Ichgio folded his arms across his chest and scoffed "You cheated!" he accused pointing his oversized zanpakuto at the old man.

"I didn't cheat" Zangetsu answered sarcasticly, "I don't need too when I'm playing against you"

"Wha-What's that s'pose to mean, old man!" Ichigo yelled, "I could win if I wanted to! You should let me win, I'm your 'King' after all! Now lose once and a while dammit!" He smiled smugly as he thought of himself winning against Zangetsu for the first....I mean tenth time...

Zangetsu stared blankly at him, "Lose? I don't know the meaning of such word" He pondered for a moment, "Ichigo?"

Ichigo hugged his knees' "What?!"

"You lose all the time, why don't you tell me what it is?"

"That's it!" Ichigo yelled flinging his arms in the air, "I've had enough with you! Why don't you just play chess on your own...hah!"

"I get it" Zangetsu replied, "Your too stupid to play such a complex game like chess that you're throwing in the towel before you embarrass yourself...looks like I win again so?" He began to clear up his chess pieces when Ichigo sat down opposite him and challenged him to another chess match of death. "You love to lose don't you Ichigo" Zangetsu teased as he began setting up the chess bored again.

"Yeah right, this time I'll win for sure, and you'll be the one crying in the corner!" Ichigo nodded at his own statement, "Prepare yourself old man!"

Zangetsu looked up at the young shinigami.."Sorry did you say something loser?" he tormented.

"Why I outta kill you, you son of a...-!"

Suddenly, a shinnying bright light blinded the arguing pair as a booming voice came to them...

"Thou shall not fight!!"

Ichigo raised his arm in front of his face to shield it from the gleaming light, "What the hell!"

The light descended on them, and the blurry figure came into focus...there in front of them was Ichigos' inner hollow...Shirosaki, dressed in white kimono complete with angel wings, a halo and a bible in his right hand. He stepped closer to the two dumbfounded inhabitants with arms open wide with what seemed like love. "Come. Let us in embrace. Let me tell you the good news"

"If he's dressed like that, I don't want to hear the good news" Ichigo whispered to his chess partner (who by the way was winning their match)

Zangetsu nodded in agreement and then turned to the holy hollow, "Ar-are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, normally around this time you would've tried to become the King" Ichigo said.

"I do not believe in becoming King anymore" Shirosaki answered, "there's only one king, and he is our savour!" he looked up into the heavens above.

"No way.." Zangetsu started.

"Has he really"..- Ichigo mumbled.

"Yes my brothers!" Shirosaki nodded, "I have taken up...RELIGON!"

Ichigo and Zangetsu turned their backs on their now "holy" friend. They figured he had lost it, and the best thing for him was to ignore him and hope that all this "God crap" would pass over.

"Checkmate" Zangetsu said proudly as his cornered Ichigo's king with several of his chess pieces, "looks like I win again loser"

Ichigo was about to cry when he was interrupted by Shirosakis' preaching. "No my brothers.."

"We're not your damm brothers!" Ichigo yelled, frustrated that he lost yet another chess game.

"Don't ignore me and my god, he loves you all and he loves....GOD DAMMIT I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" he yelled as he throw that wretched bible on the ground, "Who the hell believes in all this crap anyway..God! Tsk!"

Zangetsu looked up, "You shouldn't make fun of religion like that, readers might take offence"

Shirosaki laughed, "Do you think I care what the readers think..huh?" He turned round and looked at an empty space in the blue city, "That's right...you all heard me, what are you doing reading this crap anyway?"

Ichigo threw a chess piece at Shirosakis' head "Who the hell are you talking too, you crazy hollow!"

As Zangestu saw his prized chess piece being lanced across the room so carelessly he grew angry. "What the hell do you think you're doing"

Shirosaki raised an eyebrow, "Hell now there's an idea" He then grabbed a book from nowhere and began to read....


Meanwhile Ichigo ran for his life as Zangestu chased him while launching chess pieces at Ichigos' carrot top head.."This is how you throw a chess piece like a man...you loser!"

As Ichigo ran he wasn't watching where he was going and he ran straight into Shirosaki with an 'oomph' which cause Shirosaki to drop his new book. Ichigo picked up said book and flick through it. "Satism?"

"Yes I've taken up a new religion!" Shirosaki stated proudly, "Now if you don't mind..I have to find a goat and then sacrifice it!"

Ichigo was about to argue when a crazy old man came running this way. With only a book in hand Ichigo threw it with all his might and it smacked him dead straight in the face! "Take that you crazy old goat!"

Shirosaki perked up, "Hey I need a goat!"

Well that completes our first story together! We hope you enjoyed our ummmm *cough* spoof. There will be many more to come [=
In the meantime, if you want to check out more serous stories made by either of us, there are links to our other accounts on the profile page so check them out...there pretty cool I guess but that's up to you.

Maeve: Woah! You can do alot of things when your high on coke!
Jenna: You mean the drink right?
Maeve: Of course! *cough cough* I'm a good girl!
Jenna: *laugh snort* Yer right...good girl my ass!
Maeve: ......
Jenna: See'ya!

Don't forget to review!! If you want us to make anymore stories or perhaps a suggestion drop in a review.

We'll thank every reviewer in the new chapters