AN: I got two reviews. TWO! And I thought you cared about me! -Sob- (btw I'm being sarcastic.) Anyway… If you want me to update… REVIEW!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians!

Chapter 2: Why? Annabeth's POV

Why? How could he? I thought he wouldn't even think about it, but he chose to be a god with only a couple moments of hesitation.

I was sitting on the rim of a fountain in honor of Hestia that wasn't destroyed by Kronos. Unlike everything else. I'll make sure this fountain stays, I'll work around it. Then it hit me. I am the one who gets to design all the new buildings. I am going to decide what fountains go where. I am the new architect of Olympus.

The new found reality didn't make me feel any better. I knew all of my siblings would give anything to design Olympus, but I just didn't care about that right now. I felt numb to the world.

I just couldn't believe Percy is going to become a god. I thought he wasn't selfish like that. I thought he would just leave me like everybody else in my life. Like Luke.

I couldn't be here anymore; the fountain was starting to remind me even more of Percy. I got up and started walking towards the elevator.

When I got to the streets I found Black Jack and climbed up. He didn't fly off right away and I knew he was waiting for Percy. "He isn't coming Black Jack. Just get me to camp," I told him. He was confused but took off anyway.

When I got to camp, everyone was there. I must have been sitting by that fountain longer than I thought.

Chiron trotted up with the rest of the campers following. "Where's Percy?" He asked, confused. He knew that he wasn't dead, but didn't know what had happened.

"He's… he…" Even if I didn't want to tell them, I had to. "He's a-"

At that moment, Dionysus appeared off to the side of the mob of students. "So, I'm guessing you heard the extremely wonderful news?" (He's using sarcasm right there.)

That was it. My world came crashing down around… and I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to the ground; sobbing. I heard people asking Dionysus what happened; others asking Chiron what was wrong with me. Someone was helping me up and I felt hands patting me on my back. I looked up. It was Clarisse and my siblings.

Clarisse helped me stand and walk to my cabin. She and Malcolm helped me to my bed and I shoved my face into the pillow. A violent shudder ran through my body. Someone ran their hand over my hair. "Shhhh…" they said. They were trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. The only person that could calm me down now was Percy.

Slowly, the tears slowed down and I fell asleep. My last thought was… Why?

AN: I have most of the rest of the story figured out, but I still need to write it and make sure you vote on my profile. It'll help me a lot with the story.

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