A/N- OK so this is another idea I have of a Damon/Elena story. I have so many ideas for stories about them but I wanted to write at least the first chapter of this one right away since I felt kind of excited about it. I am currently writing 'Thank You Sweetheart' and that is my priority story right now (don't worry the next chapter is about 75% done and will be up tonight!). This will be a very short chapter…sort of a prologue…so let me know what you think ….
This takes place in the episode Children Of The Damned. My story begins when Damon asks Elena if he can trust Stefan. I couldn't find exact quotes from this scene and my DVR erased the episode already so I am going to make up my own dialog for the first part.
Chapter 1 – The Truth
I was in the kitchen cleaning up from our family dinner. Damon was being weirdly polite and nice to my Aunt Jenna and my brother. I went to the fridge to put away the leftovers and when I closed the door Damon was standing there. I jumped a little not as much as the average person would…guess I am getting used to all this.
"What do you want Damon?"
"Too bad Stefan is missing all this family time. I for one am having a blast."
"What are you up to?"
" Stefan, can I trust him?"
"What?" I looked at him and quickly looked away, I hated lying and I wasn't good at it. "Of course you can, he is your brother Damon." I said without looking at him.
"Elena, I trusted Stefan a long time ago. He betrayed me. I don't want that to happen again."
"What happened?" I asked becoming more interested.
My Aunt Jenna had gone up to her room and Jeremy was playing one of his video games so a police siren could have been going off in the kitchen and he wouldn't have noticed.
Damon stepped closer to me and rested his hand on the counter.
"It was about Katherine. Stefan swore to me he wouldn't tell our father anything about Katherine being a vampire. And of course he goes over to good ol dad and doesn't come right out and say anything but beets around the bush enough so our father figures it out."
Damon looked very hurt and series when he was telling me this story. I felt bad for him. I know how much he loved Katherine and I knew that his dad had treated him poorly. I didn't know what to do but I just couldn't go through lying to him.
"Wow, Damon. I am sorry."
"So, should I trust him?"
"Why are you so sure you can believe whatever I say." I said holding up my vervain necklace. "Stefan is my boyfriend, why would you think I would betray that?"
"Elena, please." Damon looked into my eyes and if I wasn't wearing my necklace I would swear he was compelling me. His eyes seemed to stare right through to my soul. I couldn't let him get hurt again.
"Promise me I will be safe."
"Just promise me I will be safe no matter what I am about to tell you. If you get in that tomb…I want you to promise I will be safe from whoever or…whatever is inside."
Damon lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes again. "I promise."
I stared at him for a few minutes before I began to slowly shake my head and very quietly said "No."
Let me know what you think….PLEASE REVIEW!!!