Author's Note: This is my first fanfic after a break of about 7 years actually, but more importantly it's my first Ichihime fanfic :D For those of you who have not read Jane Austen's works, read them! It would be a sin otherwise.
Context notes: 'Fortune' for a guy would be his property, assets and income, but for a woman it means her dowry which she inherits after the death of her parents. The bigger a woman's fortune the higher chance she has of getting married.
Setting: Early 19th century England, let's say, around 1806.
Disclaimer: I do not own bleach or Pride and Prejudice, but I wish I did.
It had been a decade since Miss. Orihime Inoue had first started living at the Livingstone estate under the guardianship of the well known Rangiku Matsumoto. The reason for Miss. Inoue's sudden removal from her family's household; Clampton, had been due to certain tragic circumstances resulting in her orphaned state. The family fortune being entailed away to a distant male line (as she had no living brothers) left her with little inheritance of a few thousand pounds.
She had then been taken under the custody of Mrs. Matsumoto, a widow of comfortable living. However, due to an earlier loss of a most treasured young daughter, Mrs. Matsumoto had opened several female orphanages in memory of her buried child, she even went as far as to open the gates of Livingstone to orphaned girls and sustain both an education and lifestyle fit for a modestly provided lady, a feat which raised several disagreeing eyebrows. Despite some contradictions from her neighbours, Mrs. Matsumoto was henceforth famously known for her very affectionate heart and vast generosity. The contradictions arose from the traditional view that it is highly improper for individuals of obscure birth to be able to rise in status or gentry in society; an opinion that brought a certain degree of prejudice and ill behaviour towards Mrs. Matsumoto and her charges.
The friction felt by the disciples of Livingstone were only received from the more aged members of the local community, the young being in every way agreeable, however, this was partially due to the favourable report of significant beauty and charm in both manners and person that the inhabitants of Livingstone owned. The attentions these 4 ladies were subject to were currently being displayed at a local monthly ball. Miss. Inoue was considered the greatest beauty that could only be paralleled by Miss. Nemu Kurotsuchi. Miss. Tatsuki Arisawa and the youngest Miss. Momo Hinamori were also highly desired, despite a slight diffidence in nature of the former, contrasted by the very bashful character of the latter.
The ball was filled with the general high spirited chatter of the audience, dancers and onlookers, but was suddenly formidably silenced by the entry of 3 gentlemen and a lady. The first was a strikingly tall gentleman of around 25 with equally striking red hair, but his dark markings about his eyebrows rising into his forehead made the older audience paralyse in shock. The second was a slender, slightly shorter gentlemen of equal age with the first, having a calmer effect on the audience by the absence of any skin markings and the spectacle of his dark hair curtained over his eyes, which were bestowed with the rare object of spectacles. The lady entered the room holding the arm of the dark haired gentleman; her looks were handsome but shaded with ill disguised disgust. The 3rd and final gentlemen had more shocking hair of bright orange, which further paralysed his onlookers, it was only his noble mean, wise features and majestically handsome face that allowed the audience to soften and favour him the most, he was indeed as tall as the red haired man, but his stance held a captivating grace befitting him with an aura of strength.
Within 10 minutes of the colourfully haired party entering the room, a report was in general circulation of their names and positions in society. Mr. Ishida and his sister Miss. Ishida had recently took the great mansion; Brockledale Hall, which had been left vacant for over a year in the neighbourhood. The occupation of this great house was limited to when Mr. Ishida was to build his own home with the grand fortune he inherited from his late father. Mr. Abarai and Mr. Kurosaki were intimate friends of Ishida and so were to stay the autumn while their friend settled into the neighbourhood by request.
The reception could not be happier of the knowledge that 3 young single gentlemen were each of a vast fortune, the highest of which belonged to Mr. Kurosaki. It was then proclaimed that these single men of riches must clearly be in want of wives. The ladies of the ball were all flutter and excitement, seeking the attention of the wealthy party, especially of Mr. Kurosaki's, whose popularity was proportional to his wealth; transforming him as the most popular, but after half an hour of his entering the room, Kurosaki's popularity was fiercely removed and replaced by a high wave of dislike, for he was discovered to be proud, he stood up with nobody, refused the introductions to all the ladies and all the gentlemen, his hatred had then been iced by his silence and cold indifference to every living person in the room, the exception being the members of his own party.
Abarai, noticing the tide of disgust made attempts with Kurosaki to engage in a dance with one of the young ladies of the room, Mr. Ishida followed, affirming Abarai's requests, but this was to no avail as Kurosaki consistently refused every notion networking.
'Oh stop being so stubborn Kurosaki' persisted Ishida.
'It would be a degradation for me to stand up with anyone in the room' stated Kurosaki coldly with a scowl.
'Not at all, there are a countless number of pleasant ladies at present, let me introduce to you the acquaintance of my partner'
'You are dancing with the only tolerable girl in the room' replied Kurosaki, motioning towards Nemu.
'S-she is a very lovely lady, but see over there!' pointed Ishida towards Orihime, she was sitting on a small sofa, as the scarcity of gentlemen inhibited her from the dance, and little did the gentlemen know she could hear every particular of their conversation.
'She's very pretty, let me introduce you to her' continued Ishida hopefully. Kurosaki looked round to where his friend directed, his eyes rested on Orihime. His first thought was a disagreement to his friend's statement, she was not pretty, but of a beauty that exceeded that of anyone else. Her arms were gentle and when they moved, it was in a motion almost afraid to harm the air around her; she had delicate ringless fingers that settled gracefully on her lap. Her hair was of a richly deep auburn that framed her angelic flawless face whose skin was creamy and clear, but her fine stormy grey eyes were what left Mr. Kurosaki almost winded. She was a magnificence he could not comprehend. Kurosaki then found himself staring at her and in order to conceal embarrassment replied thus:
'I disagree with you; she is no beauty, not even a temptation'
'I don't know what has gotten into Ichigo, you should get glasses like Ishida, she's one good-looking lady I'd say' contributed Abarai with an appreciative look towards Orihime. This angered Kurosaki.
'I have no reason to exert myself for a woman who has been offended by other men in not asking her to dance' this widened Orihime's eyes and was unnoticed by the speaker, 'which confirms she certainly is not worth attention' finished Kurosaki.
'I dare say your language is strong, if you oppose so, then you are a lost cause my friend' said Ishida.
'You only want me acquainted with your partner's friend in order to further your own acquaintances' replied Kurosaki, hinting at Miss. Kurotsuchi.
'I've decided that you simply are incapable of good judgement Ichigo!' said Abarai, questioning his friend's sanity.
'Go back to your partners, you are wasting your time with me' said Kurosaki irritably, his friends took his advice, and he was left alone to try and avoid glancing at Miss. Inoue again, when he did finally look her way, he found her animatedly talking with her friends, and little did he know it was about the conversation just passed.
So what did you think? I so excited about the storyline.