Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek or any of its associated content.

Spock stood near Nyota on the day that the Vulcan Science Academy opened its doors. They both wore their Starfleet uniforms and when there was not a camera pointed directly at Spock, he touched Nyota's fingertips. Spock had not seen his father since the day before and was unsure of what to expect in relation to his actions. Spock was steeling himself to be asked a bevy of personal questions by strangers. Spock told Nyota of his conversation with his father and she opted to openly hold his hand. Spock suspected that it was to comfort herself although she insisted that she was doing it to comfort him. Nyota ignored the stares that were received from the Vulcans that passed them. Nyota told Spock that if they were going to be banished for completing their duty, she no longer cared about what other Vulcans might think of their relationship.

Spock had not told Nyota about the other aspect of his conversation with his father, the part where he expressed concerns about Nyota's condition. Spock, however, suspected that she could feel his thoughts on the matter. Whether she knew what Spock was thinking or not, Nyota made no attempt to confirm or deny his thoughts. She simply looked at him, smiling, while she walked beside him and spoke to the camera crew as they wandered through the halls of the Vulcan Science Academy.

T'Mana had attended the opening ceremony with her great granddaughter. Spock knew that T'Mana had been educated at the original science academy and that most of her children had as well. T'Mana lost ten of her children when Vulcan was destroyed. Of her thirty eight grandchildren, only nine had survived. T'Mana had decided to stay on New Vulcan in order to welcome both her youngest great grandchildren back from the evacuation and to assist caring for those children that had been orphaned. T'Mana had told Nyota and Spock that it was only logical for her to assist in the rearing of these children and to keep an eye out for their welfare as they had no voice on this new world. Spock had heard what happened to orphaned children on Vulcan during the best of times. He did not know might become of all of the orphans who were sent away just before planet was destroyed on New Vulcan but he was quietly optimistic for their futures with T'Mana at their backs.

So many had lost so much. Spock knew that such losses happened frequently. They were the result of wars or stars going supernova; however, Spock still marveled at the resilience of his people despite his short time with them. At the opening ceremony there were families, fragile and fractured but still in tact. Spock thought that it could be worse. He had only lost his mother. It was an enormous loss but when he thought of what he still had and what he might look forward to, it seemed inappropriate for him to focus on his grief. Spock took a deep breath as Nyota's hand rested on his low back. He looked down at her and considered that even if he never came back to this planet, he was incredibly fortunate to have her. He had shared his time on New Vulcan with her both through letters and in the celebration of their bonding. Spock decided that his memories of his bond mate and of his father were what he would remember instead of the difficulties he faced on the planet.

As the tour of the academy wound down, Spock was approached by a woman who had a tiny microphone attached to her shirt. He could not tell what her species was but he suspected that she was Betazoid.

"Commander Spock?" She inquired. Spock had not seen her earlier and assumed that she was a late coming participant looking for a statement on the opening of the Academy. Spock had read a statement regarding the rebuilding of New Vulcan at the beginning of the day.

"Yes. I am Commander Spock." Spock took Nyota's arm in his own.

"Spock, I am Dyshanna Ral from the Betazed News Agency. I would like to take your comment on the current situation."

"I would refer you to the comment that I made this morning during the opening ceremony." Spock said stiffly. He was not sure that he trusted Betazoids because they could sense his emotions despite his efforts to control them. He also failed to understand why they avoided joining the Federation.

"I apologize Commander. I was unaware that you had made a comment upon the Vulcan High Counsel banishing you from the planet because of your commitment to Starfleet. I will locate the comment." Dyshanna moved back to her group and conferred with them.

"It has begun." Spock looked down at Nyota. She squeezed his wrist.

Dyshanna Ral was back later to ask Spock to comment when she realized that she had been misunderstood. It only took moments for other journalists to hear of Spock's situation and to crowd around him. Spock had not known if it was going to come to this; however, he had prepared a statement in order to be prepared. Spock did not want Nyota to get caught up in the frenzy that could explode from this situation so he asked her to wait to the side. She reluctantly agreed. She was turning an unnatural color and it had been the promise of being able to sit for a while that won the argument for Spock.

Spock was glad that his father, whatever he had done, had chosen to exclude Nyota from the information that had been released. Spock could live with a story about his commitment to Starfleet being the basis of his banishment. After all, he had been the first person on Vulcan to reject the Vulcan Science Academy. Even Spock could recognize the journalistic appeal of the story: A Vulcan that rejected the Vulcan Science Academy comes to rebuild it only to find that his commitment to duty will cause him to be banished from the very planet that he tried to save. Spock announced to the journalists that he would make his statement on his reaction to the council's proposal within the hour.

Spock went back into the classroom that Nyota was sitting in. The couple spoke for a time before Sarek arrived. Sarek seemed uneasy. Nyota asked Sarek if he was feeling alright.

"I will survive." Sarek said, trying to lighten the mood for Nyota's sake. "All actions have consequences. I am simply awaiting mine."

"Father, what consequences do you expect?" Spock raised an eyebrow and thought back to the failed attempt to take Nyota. Spock was not sure that it was advisable to leave Sarek on New Vulcan alone.

"I have begun to make my preparation to take some time away from New Vulcan. That is all Spock. There is no need for concern. I am sure that the reaction to the news will settle before too long. If not, I will remain on Earth." Sarek seemed to be fairly sure of himself. "Spock I have heard that you will be addressing the media this afternoon. I would be honored to stand by you at this time if you find such an action acceptable." Sarek looked tired.

"I believe that will be suitable father." Spock considered Sarek for a while. Things had changed significantly between them since Spock had returned to New Vulcan. Spock wanted to tell Sarek that he appreciated the change. Spock had always seen Sarek as distant and cool. Indeed, at the beginning of his time on New Vulcan, they barely spoke to one another. Now, Spock seemed to think of Sarek as a person for the first time in his life. Sarek had surprised Spock in his total acceptance of Nyota and, despite its lateness, his defense of Spock's family.

As Spock, Nyota and Sarek were preparing to meet the media, Tevlic approached them.

"Spock." Tevlic nodded at Spock and, hesitantly, turned toward Nyota who was frowning. "Has your father indicated the council's wish to welcome you and your bond mate to New Vulcan? Whether he has or not, I am here extend the council's wish that you and your family continue to offer your gifts to New Vulcan as you have during your time in creating" Tevlic gestured around them at the walls of the academy, "this new place for our children to educate themselves."

"Noted." Spock raised an eyebrow at the old man and the group continued to walk past him.

Once Spock arrived at the same lectern that he had spoken at during the morning ceremony, Sarek took his place at Spock's side. Spock took a deep breath and began reading his statement.

"I have been made aware that news regarding a current proposal by the interim Vulcan High Council and its affect upon me has been distributed to the media that is here presently. I wish to address this information briefly before I return to my duty as first in command aboard the Starship Enterprise. I have been made aware that the interim Vulcan High Council is preparing a recall of all Vulcans to this planet, New Vulcan, in order to establish the planet as a viable Vulcan home world. As part of the proposal Vulcans who are otherwise committed to duty in other areas in the quadrant will be required to return and, if they are unbonded, take a bond mate in furtherance of the population goals that have been set by the council." Spock looked up from his statement and scanned the small group of journalists. Sarek made eye contact with Spock and he continued. "Although I can see the logic in the council's goals, I do not agree with its methods and I will not be be participating in the recall. I understand that this defiance of a mandatory recall will be seen as treasonous to the goals of New Vulcan and I further understand that my commitment to my post, and to my family, will necessarily require that I am prohibited from returning to this planet; however, after much thought I am confident that my choice is optimal."

Spock stepped away from the lectern and Nyota came to his side. He felt her pride at his resolve through their link and her confidence that they would be fine. Sarek lingered for a moment and followed them. Spock did not see where she came from, however, T'Mana joined them as well. Spock had opted not to stay for questions as it seemed unnecessary. The media would certainly not ask him how he felt about the recall and his decision nor would it be appropriate to ask him the details of the recall. Sarek had intended for the burden to fall upon the council to answer the questions that would ultimately be posed.

"I am Tevlic, head of the interim High Council." As Spock went back into the building, he heard the voice of Tevlic at the lectern. Spock did not stay to listen as Tevlic attempted to answer questions from the media. Spock could only imagine the nature of the questions that Tevlic would have to answer and he did not envy the older man's position. Spock put it out of his mind as he, Nyota and Sarek prepared to beam up to the Enterprise. Nyota took Spock's hand as they walked away from the Vulcan Science Academy and, in a very unexpected gesture, Sarek placed his hand on Spock's shoulder as they walked abreast away from what would be only one of Spock's legacies to the new home world.


Spock assisted Nyota as she regained her bearings after teleporting from the ship to San Francisco. The Enterprise was undergoing routine maintenance at the Lunar colony. Spock had quickly readjusted to life on the ship but he was still appreciative of the two days of shore leave that he and Nyota had together. Spock had not had a day off since his pon farr had ended. Nyota wanted to visit both her father and her father in law and Spock agreed.

Spock and Nyota went to see Sarek first. Despite the changes that were occurring on New Vulcan, Sarek had decided to stay on Earth. When they entered his small cottage that abutted Alamo Square they found Sarek had been seated across a chess board from T'Mana. Spock raised his eyebrow at them although Nyota had told him of the slow friendship that had developed between the two Vulcans. It was still jarring to see.

"Ko-fu" Sarek greeted Nyota in Vulcan and helped her to sit down.

"Hi Sarek." Nyota smiled. Nyota informed Spock that she thought that something else might be going on between Sarek and her godmother but insisted that Spock not ask them directly. Sarek's sudden use of Vulcan with a Human seemed to validate her suspicions. It was something that Sarek rarely did but T'Mana engaged in frequently.

"Are you well child?" T'Mana stood up, her head nearly grazing the beams of the small house.

"Oh I am fine. I'm anxious for people to stop fussing over me." Nyota smiled her ever dazzling smile. "I'm surprised that you're on Earth T'Mana, I thought that you would be in Shi'Kahr Beta."

"Yes. I anticipated such as well; however, I was alerted of your proximity to Earth." T'Mana looked at Sarek. "It was most logical to see you." T'Mana placed her hand on Nyota's shoulder, a touch that she had been in the habit of doing since Nyota was a small child. "I have served upon the Vulcan High Council, intermittently, for more than a century. Two days away will not cause irreparable harm."

"Spock." Sarek turned toward his son as T'Mana and Nyota fell into conversation. "It has been some time. I take it that you continue to excel in your duty? How are you preparing for the coming events?" Sarek glanced at Nyota.

"I am. My work aboard the Enterprise is challenging in a manner that I find satisfying. And our preparations have been quite an eyeopening experience. I find it all to be quite fascinating." Spock spoke more freely to his father than he ever had in the past. For much of his life, many of his conversations with Sarek had been monosyllabic. He wondered what his mother would have thought about it.

"I am pleased." Sarek waved Spock into the sitting area of the little house. "I understand that you are committed to staying aboard the Enterprise?" Sarek sat on an austere settee. "If you have changed your mind, I would be quite proud to be there."

"I believe that the decision has been made." Spock glanced past Sarek to his bond mate. "However, it was my understanding that you intended to T'Mana to a full meeting of the Vulcan High Council so that your position as ambassador would be reinstated."
"T'Mana is the more forceful of the two of us and she has more aptitude for working within political circles than I. I will only arrive at the very moment that I am needed."

Spock looked at his father for a very long time. Sarek's words about T'Mana were very familiar. Spock considered, however, that his father was likely to be experiencing his time soon. Amongst choices for bond mates, Sarek could certainly do worse. In the aftermath of Sarek's media manipulation, Tevlic and most of the interim council, resigned their positions. Apparently they had not thought that Sarek would go through with his threat. The council had good reason to doubt Sarek. He had, after all, done very little when it came to fighting for his family. The council failed to contemplate that the loss of a loved one, even for a Vulcan, might change his disposition.

They underestimated the vocal response from both the media and the Federation. Rie Matsuzaki, the Federation President and Kiano Uhura's close personal friend, had issued a strong rebuke to the interim council upon hearing the news of the proposed recall. Starfleet had taken an official position in support of Spock and Nyota. As the clamor of voices grew, the funding and aid to New Vulcan began to decline. The council had little choice but to resign, otherwise they would risk damning New Vulcan to an early end.

T'Mana and two of her surviving daughters, the twins T'Lan and T'Bae, were quickly elected to positions on the High Council. A somewhat eccentric Vulcan, a scientist named Tyvoc that been living on Earth since the Earth-Romulan war, was asked to join the council as well. He was hesitant, but ultimately agreed. There was a rumor that Spock's father in law had convinced him to accept the invitation. Finally, for the first time in history, the Federation requested that it have a representative on the council until Vulcan returned to self-sufficiency. It was difficult to be surprised when Kiano Uhura was chosen, considering his significant political experience and his knowledge of Vulcan culture. It had been said that Kiano once had saved Vulcan from a famine.

After only a few months, the political changes on New Vulcan were evident. Instead of requiring Vulcans to come to New Vulcan and reproduce, the High Council opted to provide incentives for Vulcans to return and assist in the rearing of the thousands and thousands of orphans that were evacuated ahead of the planet's destruction. The council determined that it would be more logical to bond the children and ensure their emotional stability than to stretch resources further by trying to support a population that the ecosystem was not yet prepared for. Many Vulcans, especially those who had lost their own children or grandchildren, lept at the chance to participate in a child's life. T'Mana and her great grandaughter T'Lal founded an agency that would both monitor and support these children as they grew through their grief and became adults. T'Mana suspected that as these children grew, were bonded and cared for, there would be no need to require other Vulcans to reproduce. Nature would take care of itself.

Eventually there came a time for Vulcan to require an ambassador to other worlds. When Sarek had been first appointed, T'Mana found him to be lacking. Now, however, she found his risk taking in the interest of justice for both his own family and those of voiceless Vulcans to be admirable and she suggested that he be reappointed. He had accepted. The two were in contact frequently as T'Mana found that it would be beneficial for Sarek to keep abreast of the happenings on the planet. Vulcans were still largely private and Sarek appreciated the access that T'Mana provided.

Sarek also appreciated the conversation and company that T'Mana offered. Sarek found it satisfying to reminisce about the old times on Vulcan. T'Mana was older than Sarek, but the age difference was negligible. For all intents and purposes, they had been contemporaries. Sarek found that T'Mana was a very different type of Vulcan. She was not obsessed with formality as much as she was obsessed with truth and, as Spock observed when he and Nyota came to visit, Sarek had begun to relax himself to a certain extent and mirrored T'Mana's actions.

Spock, Sarek, Nyota and T'Mana spent several hours together before Spock reminded them that they had plans to meet Kiano for dinner. T'Mana suggested that they all go together; however, Sarek declined the invitation. T'Mana and Nyota called Kiano to ensure that he could meet them at a vegetarian restaurant and prepared to leave. Spock did not know why Sarek declined but Spock was somewhat disappointed. He was rather enjoying their conversation.

"Father? Are you sure that you will not change your mind?" Spock asked quietly.

"I am content to stay here. I see Kiano regularly. I do not think that he would wish to have me infringe on his time with your Nyota."

"Very well." Spock turned to join T'Mana and Nyota as they walked out the door but he stopped and turned back to his father. "Father, I do not know if I have thanked you for the actions that you took on our behalf." Spock decided to clarify. "Not just the actions regarding the recall, although they were significant and carried risk to all of us, but for your behavior toward Nyota and myself. And for your behavior toward me. There were times in which you offered... unique support. I wish for you to know that I am grateful."

"I understand." Sarek looked at his son and was filled with pride and admiration for the man that he had become. "It was not much of my doing, although I am pleased that you benefited. I simply opted to be the person that your mother hoped that I would be."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading everybody! Yay! It's done! I hope you enjoyed this story and the journey that Spock, Sarek, Nyota and T'Mana made together.