Hello! I am here to say that...I am truely and honestly sorry about Two Halves One Whole. Its been a long time since I updated it and I shall tell you why:

My life has been uber chaotic in this year. Junior year has been slightly crazy getting all my AP work done plus looking at colleges and stuff...also just high school dramatics and stuff that I've been trying to deal with...etc. etc. etc.

Last summer my intention was to finish the story but...again I was sidetracked by AP homework (which was legit the craziest thing in the history of forever *shiver*) and the fact that I got a pretty big role in my theater company's production of "Barnum" as Jenny Lind, which was awesome, but it was a very high part because (sorry, I'm about to go all musically obsessed on you) I'm usually a belty mezzo soprano type...yet the part was an operatic high soprano one...so that was a lot of work training my voice to be like that...great experience though! :D

Also, I feel weird about the story maybe not quite fitting into Iron Man 2/ Avengers. I know that shouldn't matter, but I still feel weird about it for some reason.

BUT DOOO NOT FRET! :D :D :D :D I SHALL GET AROUND TO UPDATING IT! I SWEAR TO YOU! :D :D :D I have not forgotten about you guys and trust me, I've felt like a total jerk for not updating. But I AM working on it! Not a lot, but I'm slowly getting there yo! :D For now, I hope you guys can deal with maybe some one-shots until then that are based off Nicki, Pepper and Tony? :D Maybe even some Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes. POTC, Harry Potter ones too?