Thank you, for all of you guys and your wonderful reviews, that fuel my passion to write more and please Ideas would be gladly looked into and some incorporated into my story someway.
Please Enjoy and Remember…Read, Review and Recommend.
To Artemis
Goddess of the hunt and
Fair protecter of maidens
Apologies my dear Sister
For taking so long to reply
But ever since receiving your last letter
I have been very busy minding the security of my sun chariot
You know, in case I forget
Plus I know you never make empty threats because there was that one time…
Here read this
It was something that popped into mind when I first received your letter
Ode to the never empty threat:
Artemis, Mighty Huntress
Whose tongue is a quick as her bow
Whose eyes pierce deeper than any arrow could
And like lightning, strikes down any foe
Even back in the days of childhood
The wrath of Artemis was one to feared
And with few words
My Sister
You made your point crystal clear
No telling of you proclaiming my awesomeness
Less my my prize my joy my sweet sun Chariot
Becomes, by mystery, altogether useless
And I mope around feeling like an Idiot
Ode to Artemis the Mighty Huntress
And her never empty threats
The End
How did you like that?
Awesome I know
I wrote it
Hey lil' sis I just had the most random but sensible thought.
Why are we writing letters
Man, do we need to upgrade to cell phones…
But do you think I could get Reception all the way up here…
Who knows?
Anyway I got's to go and mingle…I mean direct the Muses for our spring concert
Hopefully you'll be there to enjoy my music and the new Amphitheater
That half-blood Annabeth designed
I only managed to get a few glimpse of it but it is sure to be grand.
Well Dear Sister
I bid you best of wishes in your hunt
And please write back as soon as you can