Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy are copyright a.k.a. Cartoons, Time Warner, Cartoon Network, and anyone else involved. CD is copyright me. And please don't ask what the initials are for, perhaps it will be revealed in the future, if I continue beyond the three chapters I have now. But for now, it's just as mysterious as what's under Double D's hat ;) And right now, no one but the Eds, CD, and a short appearance by another kid are in the story, but I promise there will be much more in the future! Anyway, enjoy the story!

AcceptED Chapter 1: A New Face, A New Place, a New…Crush?

A moving van pulled up to an empty house situated next to one that was blue in color, with diamond patterns on the front door, located at the mouth of an unassuming suburban cul-de-sac. Doors opened, and shadows move along the paved driveway as a moving crew carried boxes and furniture inside. Shortly thereafter a minivan pulled up, and people climbed out. The side door of the van opened, and a rubber ball designed like a globe fell to the ground. Purple-sneakered feet soon slammed on either side of the ball as someone jumped from the van. A hand bent down to pick up the small globe, as sunlight reflected off a pair of sunglasses. The person glanced at the globe, then entered the house.


"The kids are gonna fall for this for sure!" Eddy said happily, looking at the model rocket set up on his lawn. "Explain it to me again!" he requested.

"Well, I've calculated this rocket to fly over the lane, and crash land in a tree. Ed will remark that aliens are attacking, the rocket being an extraterrestrial missile. We will then present out 'Anti-Alien' device, and charge the kids a fee for us to…ahem, protect them" Edd dictated.

"This rocket reminds me of the tower built by the mutant mold clods in the movie 'Attacks from Planet Fuzz'" Ed remarked. Edd and Eddy looked at him momentarily before turning to each other and shrugging. When the rocket began beeping, Edd pulled a remote control from his pocket.

"Lift-off is imminent!" he announced. He pressed a couple buttons, then took a few steps away from the rocket. Ed and Eddy joined him. "3, 2, 1, liftoff!" Edd counted, pressing a red button. The rocket launched from its base, but suddenly began leaving behind a trail of smoke as its flight pattern became erratic circles.

"Oh dear, oh dear!" Edd exclaimed worriedly, bringing his hands up to his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Eddy asked.

"It shouldn't act this way! It's out of control!" Edd reported frantically, rapidly pressing buttons on the remote. After a few tries he abandoned it in the grass and began to run after the rocket. "We must retrieve it before someone's eyes get poked out!" Edd called out behind him. Eddy started to follow, but stopped when he noticed that Ed wasn't right behind him.

"Ed, come on!" Eddy said irritably, running after Edd.

"Am I it?" Ed asked, galloping after his friends.


"There it goes!" Eddy shouted, pointing at the wayward projectile. It flew over the skyline of houses, then began a descent. It entered a downward spin, eventually heading for the "Sold" sign in the lawn of one house. Sign met rocket, as the Eds stopped their pursuit at the curb. They watched the rocket fall to the grass, now only charred pieces of cardboard.

"The alien missile crashed" Ed remarked, slowly blinking.

"It wasn't really an alien missile Monobrow!" Eddy corrected. Ed looked at him and smiled.

"I am Ed!" he said gleefully.

"Oh boy…" Eddy sighed. Edd looked at the two who were standing slightly behind him, and rolled his eyes.

"Is this yours?" a sudden female voice asked. The three boys turned to see the new arrival, and immediately took on silent awe.

Standing there, beside the "Sold" sign, was a girl their age, who was no taller than Edd. She was wearing a backwards red baseball cap, and dark sunglasses. Her sandy colored blonde hair was in a braid, which was hanging over one shoulder. She was clothed in a shirt the color of her hat, a pair of navy blue jeans, and purple sneakers. She lowered her sunglasses and looked at the boys over the top rim.

"Well yes, it is" Eddy answered. The girl looked at the smoldering remains.

"An XZ236? Not the best choice in the world" she commented disdainfully.

"You…know what it is?" Edd asked slowly.

"Yeah, I used to fire them off all the time back home" she replied. Eddy glanced at Edd, and thought he saw a slight glimmer in his eyes. The girl took off her sunglasses, folded them, and put them in her pocket. She held out her right hand. "Name's CD" she introduced.

"CD?" Edd inquired, shaking her hand. "What's it stand for?"

"It's not important" CD replied. The other two shook CD's hand in turn.

"I'm Eddy, and this is Ed and Edd, but we call him Double D" Eddy said. After Ed shook her hand, CD wiped her hand on her shirt. She then looked at Edd.

"Double D, huh? Cute nickname" CD said, smiling. Edd blushed a faint pink, which Eddy saw, but before anyone could say anything, Ed suddenly burst out with "Gravy!". There was a silent moment.

"Umm…ok. Well, would one of you like to show me around the cul-de-sac? Seeing how I just moved here this morning an all" CD asked.

"I would be happy to" Edd quickly offered. Eddy looked at him, cocking an eyebrow.

"Alright, meet be here in 15 minutes 'Double D'" CD said smiling. As she turned and walked back in her house with a final wave to the Eds. Edd watched her go, smiling to himself. A grin slowly appeared on Eddy's face as something dawned on him.

"You like her, don't you?" he said slyly, elbowing Edd.

"What'd you say?" Edd asked.

"You like her!"

"Why Eddy, the nerve! I do NOT!"

"Yes you do, I can tell! Now admit it!"

"I am not going to dignify your inquiry with a response" Edd said sharply, turning and walking away. Eddy started laughing.

"If I had wings I could fly" Ed pined.


Edd stood alone on the sidewalk in front of CD's house, nervously glancing around. One hand was by his side, the other fiddling with the brim of his hat. As he pulled the band of it out in front of his forehead, CD walked up, unnoticed.

"You ready?" CD asked. Startled, Edd released the elastic, the band snapping back against his forehead. He yelped in pain, rubbing the sore spot. "Are you ok?" CD asked sympathetically. Sweat began to bead on Edd's temples, and he quickly nodded. He turned and wiped the sweat away as CD politely giggled. Edd gulped, and turned to face the girl.

"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing down the sidewalk. CD nodded, and they started off.


"Well, that's the cul-d-sac" Edd stated, as he and CD walked away from Rolf's house.

"You certainly have interesting neighbors" CD said, looking over her shoulder at Rolf, who was shouting "listen before the curd bubbles after the whey" at the two.

"You'll get used to them" Edd sighed.

"I'll take your word for it" CD said, blinking. "Anyway, it's rather convenient that your house and mine are side by side"

"W-why do you say that?" Edd asked, stammering a bit.

"Well, from what you've told me about yourself, we could become great friends" CD explained. Edd thought for a moment, then nodded. There was silence as they walked down the sidewalk. CD glanced at Edd, and smiled.

"So Double D, what is under your hat?" she asked mischievously.

"CD! I can't tell you that!" Edd exclaimed.

"Gimme a quarter and I'll tell ya!" a new voice offered. CD and Edd turned and saw Ed and Eddy approaching them.

"Eddy, you wouldn't!" Edd shouted.

"Nah, I'm your friend!" Eddy said laughing.

"I'm a friend too!" Ed chirped. Picking up the other two boys in a spine-crunching hug. CD giggled.

"Apparently you three have a close knit group" she commented. Eddy opened his mouth to reply, but Ed interrupted.

"My sweater is knitted!"

"That's great Ed" Eddy wheezed out. Ed put Edd and Eddy down, and the two caught their breath.

"Mind if a fourth weasels her way in?" CD ventured.

"What? You? No offense, but you're a girl!" Eddy exclaimed.

"Oh? I hadn't noticed" CD said sarcastically. "I believe I can breathe some life into your old plans, and make up many new ones" she suggested.

"Our old..? How.." Eddy said. He looked at Edd, who pretended to be interested in a nearby ant hill.

"What do you say?" CD asked again. Eddy looked reluctant, but CD gave him her best pleading look. Eddy's eyes glistened for a second or two before he held his hand out to CD.

"Sure" Eddy said. CD placed her hand in Eddy's, and shook it. She looked at Edd, noticing his eyes were focused on her. They smiled at each other before Edd turned back to the anthill, and CD looked back at Eddy.

"Glad to be a part of the group"


Well, that's the end of Chapter 1! There's definitely more to come!