This is made specially for WhiteWingedWolf101
Hope you enjoy! :)
Oh wait...before I let you enjoy, I must inform you that I do not own Pandora Hearts D: If i did it'd probably be yaoi and rape filled xD
"Now, tell me just what exactly you did with Master Oz," Sharon said, looking edgy. This was bad. This was very, very bad.
"Well, first he said all this stuff, and I said some stuff back and then he hugged me, and I hugged him back, and then he said some other stuff, and I looked up, and then he kissed me, and then I kissed him back and then we ended up on the bed, and he didn't let me stay on top of him and then he pulled my shirt off, and I didn't think that was fair so I pulled his off---"
"Alice...did he...did he do something that made you cry out?"
Alice nodded, mimicking the red face of Sharon, "And he said I had a chance of having an offspring...I don't really know what that is, but he said he'd help me with it."
"A-Alice...he...he meant you were going to have a baby. And if you havn't had that yet, then it means your pregnant."
"...Sister do I get rid of it?" Alice asked sweetly.
Sharon nearly fell out of her chair, which was seated in front of Alice, who was sitting on the bed looking completely sweet and innocent, like killing a child is an everyday thing.
"Alice...I think before you ask me that, you should make sure Oz doesn't want it."
"Of course he doesn't! He..."
"He wouldn't of done that unless he wanted one."
"You wouldn't want to hurt him, would you?"
"I''ll send him in the moment he comes back. Until then, you figure out how you're going to bring it up."
With that, Sharon left and closed the door gently behind leaving Alice to contemplate just what she had gotten herself into. She didn't want a kid. Not at this age. Well, technically she was over a hundred years old, but she preferred to think of herself as a fifteen year old. Still, too young for something like that. Oz had known the consequences, yet he still did it. He warned her, making sure it was okay, and she had been the stupid rabbit she was.
Did that mean he really did want the kid? She scowled. That meant he'd used her. It was bad enough he put some abnormal growth in her, now he wanted her to keep it? Her manservant was definitely in for it now. How dare he play on her naivety? She had just wanted to make him happy, not continue his bloodline! Though, she didn't mind the whole making the baby part.... Dammit! He was really screwing with her mind.
She flopped herself down onto the pillow. What the heck was she going to do? It would make him happy to have a kid, but she just wants the damn thing out of her. Besides, she's too young to have a kid. Surely he'd understand that? No...for him, fifteen was the age of adulthood. When had that become official? She was fairly certain it wasn't like that a hundred years ago. Why couldn't she be fourteen still? That would've of gotten her out of it.
A knock at the door
"Alice?" Oz.
"What?" She replied gruffly.
"Can I come in?"
She wanted to say no, but then they would have to yell at each other, and knowing the clown, he'd hear. It was bad enough Sharon already knew. She didn't need the whole household knowing of it.
"Please Alice? Sharon's going to beat me again if we don't talk. You have no idea how much that fan hurts. She said you had something to tell me."
She heard the click of the door opening, some shuffling, then the door closing. She didn't bother to bring her head up. This really wasn't good at all. She couldn't exactly just come out and say 'oh, by the way, I'm carrying your kid and I think we should kill it." Well, she could, but even Alice wasn't quite that cruel.
"Alice?" he asked taking a seat on the bed beside her, a hand reaching out to her.
" said there's a chance that I'd have an offspring, right?" Her voice was muffled by the pillow.
He blushed almost immediately with the memories surfacing. "Y-yes."
"So, what would you do if I had one?"
"Do you?"
She growled, "Just answer the question, manservant!"
Oz frowned slightly. Somehow she wasn't half as menacing as she should be when all he could see was the back of her head. He didn't know what he would do. He hadn't really thought it was possible for something from Abyss to get pregnant.
"I'd help be a father, I guess. No, wait. That came out wrong. I would be the father."
"You wouldn't be mad?" she asked quietly.
"O-of course not! It wouldn't of been your fault in the first place. Besides, I can't really stay mad at Alice."
"So, you would want me to keep it?"
"Oz...just answer the question."
"Alice, just tell me. It's my right as the father."
"I'm not."
Oz lay down next to her, mimicking her position, though he turned his head to face her. He lifted a hand to brush away her hair and see her face. She complied, lifting her head slightly so he could pull the hair away.
"Alice...look at me and tell me that."
"Then answer truthfully."
She growled loudly, turning to him with such vigor, it startled the poor boy, "I said I'm not! I wouldn't hide something like that from you, would I!? Or do you just not trust me?"
That hit him hard. How could she even think he didn't trust her? He just wanted to know. He felt empty. Like she had just ripped his heart out and thrown it away. Like her not trusting him is something he truly can't bear.
"You didn't answer the question." she replied coldly.
Oz looked at her in disbelief. She had just rejected him completely and all she cares about is knowing if he'd want the child? He didn't know. Really, he liked the idea of having a child to go and raise as his own. But, what was a father like? Did he do everything for it? Play with with it? Sacrifice whatever he could for it? When it needed to be punished, did he hit it? He hadn't had a father figure like that. He hasn't seen any fathers that he could use as a role model. He didn't know what to do.
"I...I don't know.," he said quietly, "And I know you would hide it if you thought it was best for me. I'd trust you to tell me if you were, because I trust you to be a great mom. After all, I already trust you with my life."
He got up and went to head out the door. He was fairly certain she was with child by now. Alice wasn't one to bring up a topic like this unless she herself was carrying one. He sighed inwardly, twisting the doorknob. The door opened just a creek.
"Oz, wait."
He closed the door and smiled, though when he turned it was gone. "Yes?"
Alice padded over to him, keeping her face hidden. She stopped about a meter away from him.
"I...I...Oz, I lied. I'm just...I don't think I want...I mean, if it makes you happy..."
Oz covered the gap in two strides and placed his hands on her shoulders. He smiled and bent down so he could see at least some of her face.
"I understand. Having a kid isn't something we can just take for granted. I mean, we're both not really suited for parenthood, but if your willing, I'd like to try? That's only if you want to."
She looked up shocked. So, he really did want it. He really had used her. But then, why give her a choice? If he wanted it, then he could just order her to have it. Then again, Oz wasn't like that.
"You won't be alone, you know." He embraced her, gently pushing his face into her hair and breathing in the familiar scent, "I'll be there every moment I can, and I'm sure Gil will help and Sharon too. Break, I'm scared to let him near it. Abyss knows what that man could do to it."
Alice chuckled. She was barely capable of tolerating letting the seaweed head and Sharon near it. Break would just deform the poor child's mind to something unrepairable. She hugged the boy back.
"I know. still havn't given me a proper answer."
"Do you want me to keep it?"
"Do you?"
"Then no. I don't want it."
XD I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to be so short but i couldn't think of any ideas.
Chapter one is done.
Yes. I've actually decided to make it a chapter story.
Shocked? So was I.
Now, please be aware that I'll probably not be updating regularly.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
Review and tell me what you think of it so far?~