Let's Make This Last

Chapter 8

Warning! Slightly R.

He had read the letter so many times that there is a possibility he could already recite it to those who ask him how Anna is word per word. He was so excited that he went straight to his room to read it.

Anna said that she's doing well and that she enjoys the constant company her little brother is giving him. Apparently, the young one resembles him a lot. Not physically, of course, but attitude and personality. He can feel that Anna has grown fond of the little friend but feels a bit hesitant towards the older sister.

"I am still trying to convince my parents if you all could visit me even for a short period of time. My brother told he'd help me too! That's very comforting since he's really adorable and my parents love him so much so there's a fifty-fifty chance of them approving." She seemed a bit irritated by their behaviour towards her. Constantly questioning why they needed to separate her from him. They could just spend their time together and also be with them. But of course, knowing Anna, he knew she wouldn't even give them a single glance if that was what happened.

Now that he has calmed down and saw reason, he finally understand the actions of their parents.

Like any other afternoon, he's out on their frontyard dutifully fulfilling his training eventhough her headstrong fiancee is away. At this moment he's enjoying the shade of the tree for a moment before going back to the routine, reading the letter again. Now, he's imagining her soft voice speaking and smiling from time to time on some parts where he imagines her to be shouting at him.

"What are you smiling at?"

Yoh looks up from the special piece of paper to find his future sister in law gazing down at him brightly.

"Heh, nothing. I am just imagining Anna glaring and shouting at me when she wrote this part." Pointing at the letter. When Kazuko sat down beside him, he remembered that someparts of the letter is about her so he folded it back together and put it in his pocket. "Do you have a new letter for me?"

"Yoh, you won't even ask how I am? Are you only that excited to see me because of the letter am supposed to give you?" She pouted and crossed her arms infront her chest which now was looking as if it would burst out of the too fitted shirt she's wearing. Realizing that he has been staring at his fiancee's sister's errr, realizing that he has been staring at hisfiancee's sister, he coughed and looked away.

"Err, sorry about that. I didn't mean to. Would you like some tea?" He asked, while coming to his feet to go back in the house. "Need help?" He offered his hand to her, being the gentleman that he was.

She smiled demurely at him and took his hand. "Thanks!"

They walk back in the house. It was empty for his folks had just gone somewhere a few hours ago. His friends are nowhere insight as well. He's guessing they are still sleeping for they had quite drink last night. It was HoroHoro's birthday and the ainu's decided to throw some drinks in and have some fun last night. He surely enjoyed it but since Anna isn't around he had no one to tease.

"Wait a second, I'll get the tea. If you could just wait in the living room?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just go with you. I feel uneasy to be left alone." She shivered. Kazuko put her arms around her and rub her arms up and down in attempt to lessen the cold. It was not winter yet but the season is already bit by bit trying to make itself known.

"May I wash my hands?"

"Sure, here..." He gestured on the sink while he puts the kettle of tea on the stove.

"Thanks!" She glided towards the sink opposite the stove. He noticed that Anna's sister was an updated version of hers. She is three years older than Anna. He suddenly imagined Anna growing into a sexy lady just like her sister, and blushed at the thought.

He stared at Kazuko's back. She's wearing a really short dress, muck like Anna's but more fitted and looked as if it's about to hike up more if she going to keep moving... the way she's moving... His eyes followed the long smooth creamy legs, from her ankles up to the end of her short dress.

The sink is bit lower than usual and so she had to bend a little bit over it to reach the handsoap. As a result her dress, really did, hike up more revealing a lacy undie which made Yoh's eyes round and his ears red.

He turned around to look away from the scene. His heart beating really fast while his mind seemed to have memorized the contours and shapes of Kazuko's body.

She heard a sudden gush of water and a soft squeal. "Oh god!"

When he looked around him he saw her half-drenched, from the upper front part of her dress down to the end of her torso.

"Oh my, I'm sorry! I didn't know how to work it out so I just turned it and then it suddenly-"

"It's okay." Yoh got the kettle first of the stove, turning the fire off in the process. Then strides towards one of the cabinets to get a towel. "Here you go-"

Yoh was frozen on the spot, infront of the girl, gaping at the state of her. She's half-drenched but when he decided to come up in front of her, he didn't know that she wouldn't be wearing her upper undie.

And since she's drenched with cold water, her dress was hugging her to the point that it is already showing the outline of her body and a peek of her now seems to be taut nipples under the wet dress. "Oh my god. I really am sorry. I messed your floor up!"

She then gets the towel from him but instead of using it to try drying herself, Kazuko pushed Yoh backward, "Go and get some more towels please?" She said, then gets down on her knees and started rubbing the towel on the pool of water on the floor. Doing so, Yoh had the perfect view of her backside, lacy white underwear.

Blinking profusely, he tried to get his mind to work properly again and whacked his head. 'Yoh, baka! That is your fiancee's sister! You should not do that!'

He hastily went back to the cabinet and got some more towels. Then joined his future sister-in-law down the floor and start wiping it dry too.

"It's okay really," Yoh started. He decided that he shouldn't be letting her wipe the floor with him. "Go there in the living room."

"Nope, I want to help." She insisted.

He looked up to smile at her which now he regretted for in front of him, she is on fours, a determined look on her face as she wipes the floor. He can see her cleavage from where he is and the soft bounce the two round breasts make as it's owner move its hands to wipe the floor clean.

His eyes was fixated on it for a short while. He didn't notice the lips of the same girl lightly turned up on the side, as if smirking on the floor.

Yoh rushed to get up and forced his eyes away. He really should just stay away from her ryt now. "Err, j-just leave it, o-one-chan. I'd do it later."

He marched towards the sink to wash the towel letting the cool water clean his mind and slow down his hammering heart.

"Here.." Kazuko's sultry voice was so near, as if she just murmured I his ear that it made the hair at the back of neck rise up. "And it's totaly fine." He finds two hands around him holding the two wet dirty towels. The hands, as if by slow motion, slowly put the towels down on the sink. All he felt at that time is how her body pressed to his back.

He can feel her soft full bossom pressed on his back. He was so flustered that he accidentally elbowed her in attempt to push her away from him. "Gomen... Ugh, sorry. Sorry. One-chan. Err," refusing to look at her, he added. "Anna left her robes in her room, if you could just follow me, I could show you to her room and maybe you can find a dress that would fit you. That outfit is totally drenched.

"Could I also take a shower?"

"Okay. It's upstairs too." He mumbled, leading her up the second landing.

Here's the bathroom, and that one is Anna's room. Lemme get a robe. Just a minute.

"Here... So I'd just go get you back after you showered and dressed..."

He stayed downstairs and didn't come up 'till he was sure he couldn't hear the shower running anymore.

When he was sure enough that's she's done, he walked up the stairs and went straight to his room to get his towel and have his shower.

He turned the knob and pushed the door slightly open, only to see Kazuko drying herself. He saw everything, leaving none to his imagination.

He ran back to his room and decided to just have a shower later. Finally, he heard her walk to Anna's room, to get dressed.

He waited 'till she finally come to his room and knocked, "Yoh-chan, I'm done!"

He didn't open his room though and just shouted back, "Neh, one-chan."

"Errr, I have to leave now. So I'd go ahead..."

"Ahhh, yes. Okay..." Wait! "How about Anna's letter?" He remembered.

"She didn't give any letter today. Just wanted to spend some time woth my future brother-in-law... Anyway, I really have to go! Byyeeee see you when I already got a letter from my sister!"

And up till now that he is back in his room, his hormones are still raging. He felt guilty and thought of how Anna would react if he saw how he had made a fool of himself today.

He looked down and saw a tent forming in his pants.

'I seriously need a cold shower.'

"Where have you been?" Their mom asked.

"I just visited a friend."

"I didn't know you have friends around here, Kazuko."

She just shrugs and goes to get a glass of water.

"When are you guys inviting Anna's fiance here?" Surprising the family around the dining table. "Seriously, you have to know by now ythat Anna wouldn't be running away from you." Kazuko winked at Anna.

"Well, we are actually planning to have him here this week." Their dad said, holding his wife's hand, "aren't we, dear?"

"Oh, yes, yes. I already told Keiko-sama."

"And besides, he's all alone in that big house right now. Keiko-sama said that they need to go back to her mother's house to take care of a few things. So tomorrow, we'll go and pick him up."

Anna couldn't believe she's finally going to see her fiance again. Her little brother made a whooping sound. She smiled down at him and to her sister as well. 'She might not be that bad after all...'

Kazuko however have something else in her mind. "That's great! Really excited to have him here..."

A/N: It's been ages (literally) since this is updated. Been super busy. But I must say, I felt really guilty not updating this ficcie. You see I 've been writing some fics over at a different site, and recently there was an update. From an SK story I've been following here. After reading it, I just suddenly wanted to update mine too, lol. Anyhows, been busy these past months. I took an exam last September, and because of that, I had to take some time off to my online activities to review my lessons. Thankfully, I passed the exam. But after that, I applied for a public teaching post in a city near mine. I just finished the Proficiency Exam, the Demonstration Teaching and Interview and just found out I ranked high. So really am happy. I just hope I get a call sooner or later. :)))

Anyways, tell me your thoughts about this chapter.! I'll try to update again sometime next month :D
