The happily glaring sun, chirping birds and sounds of a good summer morning pooring in his open bedroom could not shake Albus' restless feeling. They hadn't managed to get back to sleep. Instead the night had been spent chattering away; Lily had kept finding new things to ask him about. The dreams rarely, she seemed to have quite a few about Scorpius though. None of them were rude, she seemed genuine in wanting to understand how they had come to be friends. She had wanted to know if he was as smart as Rose (their small rivilary was a much talked about, and tease worthy, subject in their family circle.) Albus had answered that Scor study hard for his grades. She had informed him too. Her best mate Dana was in Ravenclaw and had she a lot to say about Scorpius. He chuckled, sounded like Dana had a bit of a crush on ol' Scorpius with all her starry eyed accounts. But it was Lily telling him not many of the other students talked to Scorpius, unless they were asking about spells, potions, charms... Long as it did with school it was just fine. If not Dana sure noticed how little time he spent in the Ravenclaw tower.

Lily had left over an hour ago, Mum had breakfast ready and he knew he should grab a bite before leaving but his stomach protested. His little sister had been able to chase away the nightmare while she talked his ear off; now though he was rubbing at his neck. Albus clenched his fingers and shook his head roughly. He walked out into the hall and picked up the phone (most of his family had a land line).

"Hello, Weasley residence, Hugo speaking," Hugo chirped over the line.

Albus chuckled at his cousins silly greeting. "Hey Hugo. It's Albus, is Rose around?"

"Sure Al one sec... ROSE! Albus snatched the phone away from his ear.

"Hugo! I'm right here!" There was a bit of a struggle before Rose came over, "Oh, he's so infurating." Rose grumbled and Hugo was snickering in the background. "What's up, Albus?"

He took a deep breath and let it out slow. "Still want to watch me freak out like it's the first day of Care of Magical Creatures?"

Rose snorted but it was short and when she spoke she was very serious, "Of course. When and where?"

"Tomorrow night, my-" Scorpius' smiling face flashed in his mind, "Your house? I... Bad one last night. I don't think I'll be able to..."

"I'll ask my parents today."

"I'll do the same." He glanced at the hall clock, "Gotta go. Da leaves in thirty minutes for work." He groaned, "I'm not looking forward to this."

"Don't worry, Al. Talk to her about it; she'll be able to help you sort it out." He nodded even though Rose couldn't see it and they said quick goodbyes.

There was thundering feet on the stairs and Lily almost knocked him down in her haste. "Woah, where are you going?" She grinned and thrusted a piece of parchment under his nose. He took it from her and he almost dropped it when he saw the familiar scrawl across the paper.

"James almost got it. Squealed like a girl, 'Ooh, Allie's girl finally wrote back!' But I just knew some how." She gave him an odd look, "Why does he think Scorpius is you girlfriend?"

Albus blushed deeply, "Well, he knows I was spending my nights with someone I just let him assume it was a girl." He had admitted to Lily the night before that him and Scorpius had taken to bunking together; he hadn't revealed where or just how close together they bunked though. Lily shrugged her shoulders but there was still something in her eyes. She shooed him to his room and gave him a wink before shutting the door. Weird little sisters.

His fingers trembled as he held the letter between his hands. His name was neatly across the center, Scorpius' letters fluid and easy. There wasn't anything angry about them...and Albus rolled his eyes. He was acting like a chit. He loosen the tie around the parchment and unrolled it without any more hesitation. Scorpius had written back and he was going to read it; good, bad, totally ugly. He had written back.

Dear Albus,

I am sorry for the way we parted last. I jumped to gross conclusions when We-Ro- your cousin confronted me. She said she didn't trust me and I translated that as you not trusting me either. I'm use to that, Albus, people not trusting me because of my surname. But in the short time since we've become friends I finally know what it feels like to be trusted and I should have never doubted what my instincts were telling me.

The goofy grin plastered on Albus' face actually hurt he was smiling so hard. Scorpius went on about knowing he trusted Albus as much as you hopefully still trust me. He mentioned that he was currently in Hawaii and completely miserable I'm bored out of my mind and honestly! A Malfoy at the beach? What was my father thinking! Albus chuckled and thought that together they would have enough fun between them Scorpius would rethink disliking the beach. He finished his letter with a barage of questions.

Tell me everthing about this therapist. Is she helping? Is she nice? Don't let her trample all over you or something; they can think they're big know-it-alls...or something. I don't know any personally or professionally. What about the dreams, are you getting enough sleep? You better be Albus Potter. I don't want you sleeping through the first few weeks of our study sessions! Write me back as soon as you can.

Yours, Scorpius

He knew the other teen hadn't ment anything by it, maybe he always signed his letters like that. A habit, Scorpius had said he wrote his mother often during the school year. But, Albus' grin came back full-force; Scorpius had practically demanded that Albus write back.

"Albus?" his mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "What are you doing, hun? Your father is ready to go."

He shoved the letter into the center of his charms textbook. He had something to look forward to after his appointment today. "Coming Mum!" Albus was floating and easily ignored James' grin and Lily's look; he pecked his Mum on the cheek and was out the door with his Da without a word.

Sorry for the wait and the shortness of this one. This was suppose to be a long chapter with much more going on but after having just this bit sit in file for all these months I decided to just post if for you. This fic is in no way dead or should it ever come to a point where it does die. I have the last three chapters written dang it and I plan on getting to them! Anyways, I'm giving you this now and I hope to have more up soon. But I piled a lot on my plate project-wise this fall so I'll see what I can muster. I thank all of you who stick with my spardoic updating.