Disclaimer: I don't own Professor Layton, and in a unusual twist it's one of the few series which I'm glad of this fact: I couldn't do nearly as well a job as the current owner does.
Authors note: Don't get me wrong, I still love me my Okami-Juice, but, lets be honest here: Professor Lyaton is my new favorite game. I adored the first game and equally adored the second, and it brings me such… giddy joy at the knowledge I'm not even halfway done. I'm eager and excited to the whoa at the concept of playing the rest of the games- and, dare I say it: see the movie.
But right now, Monies is low and as are Professor Layton games, and I have a slim period of free time: I just finished my last huge high-school project and I'm MONTHS away from the busy-life of a college career and a flash programmer. So as you can tell, I want to take advantage of this sliver. It'll be the last extended moments of freedom in my life for a long while.
As such, I don't want this brief moment to be Professor-Layton-less. So with nothing else, I might as well write some KICK-ASS FANFICTION… or at least, try real hard to do that. As such, please enjoy: Don't worry, there are puzzles abound!
Chapter 1
~Troubling News~
As a professor, there were very little constants in Layton's life: his classes changed regularly, and his lessons varied from class to class, student to student. Things were always coming and going in his house: pack rat that he was, he simply couldn't fit every new scholarly article or puzzle-book into his already cramped quarters, and have proper living conditions for the two children in his care: as such, he would periodically have to part ways with some of his treasured tombs or other assorted works. However, if there was one constant that he could be assured of in his lifetime, it would be the scent of tea wafting through the air. That smell was always there, like a stain on the very air itself: it was a rich aroma, seeming to collect the most delightful qualities of each tea he had ever made and fusing it with a greater body. This constant smell was a delight to all living under the roof, as it filled them with an energy and vibrancy they seemed to lack in the outside world, where wind and wear would steal such precious odors away from them. Only in the home were they able to relax and savor this sensation, and relax they did: it was impossible to get upset or aggressive when surrounded by such a sweet perfume.
Nevertheless, that was different this morning. While the fragrance was still there, and as potent as ever, something else lingered in the air as well. A sort of frozen anticipation that was made immediately clear to the dedicated professor as he first preyed his eyelids open. It troubled him, and his never-fail intuition was also aware of this sudden change, but never one to act on solely instinct, he didn't allow this new feeling to damper his normally chipper morning attitude.
A gentleman never gets up before he wakes up, after all.
But get up he did, and after dressing himself for another day he pushed open his door and neared the apparent source of this disturbance: it was made all too clear what the problem was.
Flora was making tea for Luke.
He immediately breathed a small, unnoticeable sigh of relief and greeted the children with a smile, both turning upon hearing his footsteps.
"Making the morning tea again, are we? How delightful."
Thankfully, gentlemen had the capacity to lie. It came in handy in such situations. He sat himself next to Luke and the two shared a troubled glance as Flora put the finishing touches on her newest creation.
"I hope you like it!" She declared with a spring in her step, pouring the formula into the teacups, which had preemptively been placed before each chair, "I went to the market early and picked up some new ingredients! The man at the market was even nice enough to scoop them out and package them for me!"
"I-I'm sure it'll be lovely…" Luke spat out, clearly disturbed by the way the tea seemed to dissolve the fine glass.
"Thank you greatly, Flora." Layton politely showed gratitude to his adopted daughter and picked up the teacup, pulling the surely poisonous liquid up to his dry lips. The two watched him do this eagerly: Flora for confirmation that her labor would be worthwhile, and Luke to make sure he wouldn't need to call an ambulance.
He took his first sip.
Time stood still. For what seemed like an eternity, everything had entirely frozen, even breathing and heartbeats were completely stopped.
His eyes widened. He pulled it away from his mouth and put the cup on the table gently.
"Its… quite good!" He was so shocked by the fact he didn't even remember to mask his surprise. "Luke, my boy, you must try this!"
His apprentice was still wary of the drink, but decided to overcome his fear for the professors sake and quickly chugged the tea that was before him, only to find he immediately regretted doing so: he would of much rather savored it, because in fact, it was just as the professor had said!
"Goodness! This is something, isn't it! It's sweet at the tip of your tongue, sour at the base, and a delicious blend of the two in-between!" He turned to Flora, a smile beaming on his youthful face. "This is great! What did you do!?"
Flora, nearly drunk with joy at doing something food-related right for a change, ran over to a notepad and started to read off all she had done to produce this recipe.
"I got some different roots and a sweet-looking berry over at the market… and this oriental herb, I forget its name… oh, gosh, I can't remember any of their names!"
Layton looked over at her, confused. "My, my, this is troubling. You can't remember any of them?"
She shook her head. "No, I mean, I have all the names written down, but… they're in a different order than my descriptions of the ingredients! Oh, I knew I'd screw it up somehow!"
Layton and Luke just smiled, and said in unison, as if they'd practiced it:
"Every puzzle has an answer!"
~(Puzzle 1)~
~Flora's Mistake~
Flora made a mistake in her notes about her tea: as it turned out, she had written the name of the ingredient in the order she bought them, but wrote the description of the ingredient in the order she put it in the pot.
Sweet-Red Plum___________________________________________________Sticky
Eversong root ____________________________________________________Soft and salty-looking
Green Leaf _______________________________________________________Big and Colorful!
Sour-clover_______________________________________________________ Almost depressing to look at…
Flora remembers this:
"I know Eversong Root is the only one that's adjacent to the correct description… I put the Sour Clover and Sweet-red Plum In the pot with a spoon… and I remember that I almost didn't buy the Sweet-Red plum."
Can you figure out what description belongs with what ingredient? Don't judge based on names! Once you think you have it, scroll down and check the answers.
Get it yet? Here are the correct answers:
Sweet-Red Plum = Almost depressing to look at
Eversong root = Soft and Salty looking
Green Leaf = Sticky
Sour-clover = Big and Colorful!
Eversong Root was already given, so it's easier to just ignore it in the puzzle. Sour Clover and Sweet-Red Plum were put in with a spoon, so Flora never touched them: knowing this, she had to touch the Green Leaf and could describe it as sticky. With these two eliminated, all you have to do is remember Flora's sunny disposition: she naturally might hesitate to buy something that made her depressed, so she must of labeled the Sweet-Red Plum as such. With three solved, it's the process of elimination to label the Sour-clover.
If you got this right, give yourself all ten picarats. If you got it wrong, give yourself six: keep track of these! How many you have might affect the story!
"Oh, thank you." She let out a long-winded sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for ruining your morning tea with my problems, professor."
He let out a gentleman's laugh and smiled at her with his soft eyes.
"Nonsense! Nothing wakes me up quite like a simple brainteaser. I've found this morning is off to a grand start, and I hope this is an omen for good things to come."
But in this case, his hopefulness wouldn't pay off. After enjoying the rest of Flora's mysteriously delicious tea, Layton asked Luke to fetch the morning paper: the loyal assistant he was, Luke set right out and soon came back with both the paper and an unmarked envelope.
"I wonder what this is…": he asked to himself aloud as he reentered the kitchen, examining the envelope as he sat back down in his chair: the newspaper was folded neatly and held in the boy's armpit.
Layton noticed this and gave his companion a inquisitive look.
"What do you have there?"
Realizing he was probably tampering with his elder's mail, Luke quickly put it down on the table and looked his mentor in the eyes: Flora, who was now sitting at the table slowly eating her breakfast, gave the letter a once-over with her eyes as well.
"I don't know, professor! It was inside the newspaper, like a bookmark!"
Picking it up with dainty fingers, the professor examined it himself, and not coming to any decisive conclusions, tore open the seal and looked inside: a note, as what could be expected.
Seeing no reason not to read aloud, the Professor began.
"The key to justice is in the following riddle."
He looked up from the smudged paper and gazed at the two.
~(Puzzle 2)~
~A Mysterious Riddle~
Layton and co. have gotten a strange riddle! Can you solve it?
"Many use it, few own one.
It is used to hide
Yet everyone can see you.
What is it?"
Answer: A mask!
If you got this right, go ahead and give yourself five shiny new Picarats! If you got it wrong, you get none. Sorry!
"All things considered, this is a very simple riddle." Layton declared, tossing the paper on the table and allowing the other two to examine it in more detail. "But the real puzzle here is why this was sent to me… and what it's supposed to accomplish."
Flora managed to snatch up the piece of paper before Luke could, so with nothing else to do he replied to the professor.
"I guess the mystery person knows about your amazing puzzle-solving expertise. Maybe they want you to do something?"
Layton was quiet for a moment, considering things.
"Luke, you said this envelope was inside the paper, right? Like a bookmark. Can you find me the pages it was between?"
Luke nodded and flipped through the black and white paper until he found what it was he was looking for.
"Here you go!"
The pages were ones in the back, full of assorted, minor bits of news, usually unread by the general populous but still printed on formality. Layton scanned over every article, skimming each sentence in an effort for some hidden message that could be linked to the riddle in question.
"Here we are…"
But unlike the normal smile that graced his face when he had successfully figured something out, his face seemed sober: Luke leaned over to see what article the riddle was hinting at, and Flora ran around the table and peered over the professors shoulder, her hands on his arm to help her maintain balance on her tip-toes. It didn't take long for the children to realize why their beloved mentor was so grim: the mask the riddle was referring to was a executioners hood.
"Execution of killer Edward McOpel to take place this afternoon."
There was no picture, only a brief block of text below the headline detailing the events of the case and the killer himself. All three took some time to analyze the situation… until Luke broke the silence.
"Well, professor?"
"I'm not sure, Luke. This could be some sort of prank, or just nonsense. However, this could be a legitimate cry for help, and a Gentleman cannot ignore a person in need. I suppose I'll have to go investigate."
Instantly the two children perked up, excited at the notion of a day on the town, and the thrill of a new adventure, but Layton suppressed the initial exhilaration.
"Now, now, you two. This is an execution, no place for children. I'll be investigating this by myself."
Despair swept across the room as the two children started to pout silently, both of them slumping their bodies over exaggeratedly to express their distaste for this executive decision.
"Cheer up, why don't you?" Layton grinned at them and patted their backs. "You can still enjoy this lovely day. Why not go play in the park?"
"Fine, I guess…" Luke and Flora submit, still somewhat saddened by the notion of not being able to participate or help.
"There we go. Now, it's a quarter to nine, and I want to get this business settled, so you two have fun, okay?"
And with a last crunch of toast, and a goodbye, the professor set off to Scotland Yard.