To All: Thank you for sticking with me, I know it has been forever since I update but seriously I have no idea what I was going to do, I got major writers block, but hey it wasn't only for this story.

To anyone who likes Law and Order SVU, I have a new story over there called In Just A Few Short Moments, and one that I currently have on the back burner called My Life Would Suck Without You.

Disclaimer, I do not own, erm, yeah. I would like to own but right now I am trying to get the rights for something else.

Kay =D

Rose's Point Of View:

I started moving slowly in a circle with Stan, I knew that I could win this. Maybe I shouldn't be so confident about this, but I couldn't help it. I waited for him to make th first move, because I knew that I shouldn't, making the first move is never right. He pounced and I ducked, swinging my leg to make him fall flat on his ass. I smiled, in sweet victory, know I could say he provoked me if this is brought before Kirova or Alberta. He bounced back up and moved quickly to punch me, but not quick enough since I was able to block it, seriously this is like fighting a ten year old. Stan seriously underestimates me, and my ability.

He turned up the heat, quickly understanding that I was better than he though. He started making moves that I hadn't learned about yet. He got the better of me a couple of times and he was quick oh yes he was quick, but I was always a second quicker and a step ahead most of the time. I landed a couple of more kicks with a few grunts.

After we've been fighting for a good ten minutes, alternating each other in moves and fastness, but we got pulled apart. My mother and Alberta must've come in at some point because she had a hold of me and Alberta had a hold of Stan.

"What is going on in here?" my mom questioned.

"Guardian Alto provoked me." I said. Well he did.

I could feel my mom's grip on me actually loosen a little, like she wanted me to land a few more punches on Stan, but she quickly controlled it.

"It's all on here," one of the novices said, holding out their camera, I couldn't really see who though. My mom let on hand off me and looked at the video. Her eyes narrowed on Stan and Alberta dragged him out with a quick,

"Janine, please take over his class."

My mother nodded in response and let go of me.

"Sit down Rose" she order.

'But Guardian Hathaway," one novice complained, "She was just kicked out of class before you came in."

"I don't think her fighting Guardian Alto, kicked out," Janine commented.

"She was fighting him, because she asked if she should sit in the hall," Eddie complained.

I suppressed a laugh and sat down next to my friend.

"Other side of the room Rose" She said and I groaned once again, almost not being able to wait to leave. Janine started the lesson and I nearly died as she droned on monotonously.

After School Moroi Dorms.

"So" I said to my best friend, "What didja say to him?"

"Nothing since I haven't got the chance to talk to him" She muttered then held up another outfit, "How does this look?"

"I'd switch the blue top for a green one." I looked longingly at her clothes, I couldn't wear anything that pretty since I was training to be a guardian.

"When will you talk to him?" I asked as, I picked up a different green top and shoved it into her hand as a suggestion.

"Soon, soon." She went over to her vanity and applied some lip gloss, eyeliner and glittery green eyeshadow.

"You're a knockout," I complimented.

"Thanks" She smiled at me.

"So, how soon is soon?" I asked fidgeting with the chokti around my wrist.

"Soon, okay" She grabbed her jacket and turned to look at me, "I want the element of surprise." She smirked and walked out the, door to go see Christian.

Back at the Dhampir dorms

I flopped on the bed exhausted, making a note to go see Dimitri later, I was exhausted. I sat up and went and turned on my computer, I went to Internet explorer and started looking to see if there were any new songs up. There was, and it was Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance I put it on and listened to it.

The future is bulletproof

The aftermath is secondary

It's time to do it loud and do it now

Killjoys make some noise

It was catchy, and loud, I laughed and saved the page deciding that I should listen to it when I had more energy. I turned it off.

And started looking for more, finally settling on Viva La Gloria (Little Girl) by Green Day

Little girl, little girl

Why are you crying?

Inside your restless soul

Your heart is dying

I went back over to my bed and flopped back down on it, falling asleep as the music went on.

The next morning

I woke up at five and went for my laps, even without Dimitri I still trained. When I finished I went to my dorm, shower and changed. I went to my first class, which was Stan's and noticed to my delight that he wasn't there. In place was my mother... again.

Rose: Why my mom?

Me: because it's a good plot line.

Rose: so it's awkward to learn form her

Me: That's the point

Please comment. And thank you for sticking with me even though I haven't updated in a little over 6 months. I promise to update a little (or a lot) more frequently