This takes place right after the fight scene in Shadow Kiss. DIMITRI WAS NOT TURNED ROSE SAVED HIM
Disclaimer: I do not own, this all belongs to Richelle Mead
I had really screwed up this time by not listening to my mother, my birthday was two days away and I had managed to get myself grounded. I didn't even know she had that kind of authority left in her, to discipline me. I know I know I ignored her when she told me to run, but if she knew how I felt about Dimitri Belikov then she would forgive me. What was it the queen said about this guy called Ibrahim that my mother once loved? I now had my argument about my grounding. Maybe for once I would win, probably not.
I sat by Dimirti's bedside as he was still in recovery; I also played some of that music that came out before the Berlin wall went down. Seriously though, this guy, not matter how much I loved him, needed a new taste in music. I notice a movement, his hand? Was he trying to get my attention?
"Dimitri" I muttered standing up trying to see in he was coming back into consciousness, "Can you hear me?"
I heard a few groans and then, the most beautiful sound of all, "Roza". That just made me smile.
"Dimitri, god I was so worried" I leaned down and hugged him.
"Roza, you save me" he was smiling proudly as he spoke this. "What, I could let you be defeated by some big bad Strigoi. Even though the actions, on my part got me grounded, but really it was worth it."
Dimitri just smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Rose what are we going to do with you?"
I sighed, "I dunno, what I do know is that I need to talk to my dear mother."
He shook his head, "And I feel that soon, I will have an unpleasant conversation with her"
"That you may, Dimka" I let his Russian nickname roll off my tongue and if I didn't know better I would say that he was blushing. "See you later," I turned to walk out, "Oh and one more thing," I said hesitantly.
He looked up, "yeah Roza."
I smiled, "You may also find that you will have an unpleasant conversation with Lissa, and maybe Christian."
His eyes widened in response as I gave him one last smile before walking out of the room.
I quickly found my dear mother and ran to catch up with her.
"Mom," I hollered.
She turned around and glared at me; standing next to her was some mobster looking guy. "Rosemarie" she said sternly, "Aren't you suppose to be in your dorm?"
"It's not curfew yet, and besides, that is where you want me to be, not necessarily where I am suppose to be. Besides" I said sighing, "I wanted to talk to you"
"About?" I raised one eyebrow.
"My punishment" I said, I took a deep breath as Janine gave me this scathing look. "Look, I saved him, and I didn't die. And besides, I know you mom; you would have done the same thing if you were in my position."
"Meaning…" I think she knew but didn't want to admit it.
"I'm I love with him mom." I looked over at the mobster guy. "Who in god's name is that guy?"
"You should be more respectful Rose" he spoke with this heavy accent that I couldn't place.
"I'll be more respectful, once I know who you are" I retaliated, clearly annoyed.
"I am Abe Mazur" he said introducing himself.
"Y'know that name means nothing to me right now" I went to walk off.
"Then maybe it will once you know that I am your father" He told me. Those words made me stop in my tracks. I finally know who my father is, but I had to get to Dimitri. It looked like the words finally sunk into my mom because she swept past me towards the hospital ward. Ah shit, I thought as I ran after her.
Dimitri: Her mom is coming ALREADY
Me: yeah so
Dimitri: Well make her go away
Me: Why don't you suck it up