This story doesn't follow Season 3, because although I liked it, It wouldn't fit with this story.
I have severe writers block for the other stories I have on the go at the mo and this idea came to me. I just needed something to write and this is hopefully a unique idea. Enjoy :)
Chapter One
A Day in the Life
Cordelia washed out her hair, running her hands through her mid back length hair. She had grown it back after she had returned from Pylea with the others six months before.
Fred had been growing and adjusting well with the group, returning to near normal once more. She had even started dating Gunn and Cordelia was happy for them.
Cordelia sighed and leaned back against her shower wall. "I miss my old life." She whispered.
She missed hanging out with the guys and reading her favourite books, despite the eye rolls from her nearest and dearest.
But then it all changed when the authorities caught up with her father for not paying his taxes. He had packed everything up and they had fled, leaving behind their lovely home.
Shaking herself out of her morbid thoughts, Cordelia got out of the shower and headed into her bedroom.
She was soon dressed and sitting in her living room watching Dennis flick through the channels. "You know, Dennis, I wish I had never left." Cordelia announced.
Dennis flicked back a few channels to a man speaking. "Why?" The man on the TV asked.
Cordelia grinned at her Phantom friend's way of talking to her. "I miss it. I was someone then."
Tears began to run down her bronzed cheek and Dennis brought a tissue over to Cordelia. Cordelia took it and wiped her eyes. "Thanks Dennis, I knew I could count on you."
She glanced at the clock on the mantle and her chocolate eyes widened. "Oh shit! I'm late!"
Angel was sat in his office going over some papers while Gunn and Fred talked Weapons. Wesley was reading over some demon books and Lorne was seeing a client upstairs.
The doors burst open. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it was getting so late! I got caught up in my memories and, you don't want to know about that do you?" Cordelia gushed, her voice dying away as she noticed the bewildered looks on her colleagues' faces.
"Good Morning, Cordy." Angel greeted, amused at the way she had just acted.
"Sorry. Morning everyone!" Cordelia grinned. "So who wants coffee?" She asked, grabbing some cash from the coffee money pot and heading for the door once more.
"I would! The client I just had left me with a headache the size of the Grand Canyon!" Lorne said as he entered the lobby.
"Six coffees coming right Uh!" Cordelia grabbed her head as a searing pain shot through it.
She had been getting weaker and weaker, and had already had a visit from Skip, a demon that worked for the Powers that Be. But what he had suggested was worse. She couldn't do it.
"Cordelia!" Angel exclaimed, running to her side. He and Wesley supported her as numerous images flashed before Cordelia's eyes and feelings assaulted her senses.
Finally she pulled out of the vision, panting and gasping for air. "Demon, really nasty looking. It had four tentacles and grey skin, covered in Mucus. Ugh! Anyway, it was attacking this girl. Oh, god. Angel she's terrified!" Cordelia explained.
"Where and when?" Angel asked.
"Three blocks away, now." Cordelia replied, the weakness that had recently accompanied the visions overtaking her. "I'm going…to stay here…and rest."
"Lorne, stay with her." Angel ordered as he and the gang got everything they would need.
"No problem Angel Cakes." Lorne replied, helping Cordelia to the sofa. "We'll be right here."
After the gang had left, Cordelia heaved herself up off of the sofa and made her way to the kitchen. She began to hum an old song she once knew.
Lorne's eyes went wide as visions hit him one after the other. Some were of the past while others were of the future.
He stared at Cordelia as she poured herself some coffee. "Cordy?" He called softly.
Cordelia turned slowly, so as not to aggravate her head, and smiled at Lorne. "Yes, Lorne?"
"You're getting weaker. Why aren't you telling Angel? Why aren't you doing what Skip suggested?"
"How did you…crap! I forgot about your vision thing. I don't want to worry Angel, and as for what Skip said, I can't. My parents would go mad and they would find me."
"But don't you want that?" Lorne asked, confused.
"NO! Yes. Oh, I don't know. I might have once, but everything is different now." Cordelia sighed, sitting down next to Lorne.
Lorne reached into his jacket pocket and handed her a couple of pills with a small smile. "I know how painful visions can be so I always keep a couple with me."
Cordelia grinned gratefully and took them with her coffee. "Thanks Lorne, I'm going up to sleep in one of the rooms."
"Sleep tight." Lorne called after her.
"I will." Cordelia replied.
As she shut the door she heard the main doors open and Lorne greet the newcomers. "Welcome to Angel Investigations. We help the helpless!" Lorne recited.
"We wish to speak to Angel." A deep manly voice replied. Cordelia vaguely recognised the voice, but the pills were making her more sleepy and she ignored it.
"He'll be back soon." Lorne's voice was the last thing Cordelia heard before she slipped into the realms of dreams.
"Angel, Look out!" Fred cried as a tentacle swept towards her boss. Angel spun out of the way and made to stab the tentacle with the sword he held.
The tentacle reached up and knocked the sword out of his hands as the Demon turned it's ugly face on Fred.
"Fred!" Gunn called, whacking the Demon on the back of the head with the axe he had made.
The Demon let out a cry as the blade pierced its head.
"NOW!" Angel ordered.
Wesley brought out a spell book and began to recite a Latin spell as the others pinned down the tentacles.
The Demon flailed around, it's high pitched shrill echoing around the small sewer tunnel.
As Wesley finished the last word, the Demon glowed a yellowish colour and seemed to fold in on itself. With one last blow from Angel's sword, blood squirted up in jets and the Demon died.
Fred wiped the Demon blood from her eyes and she looked at the others as they did the same. "I want to go back and clean up. Demon blood is so yucky and it might be acidic."
"My sentiments exactly." Wesley agreed, picking up the mace he had been using.
Angel led his team back to the hotel via the sewer tunnels. He pushed open the tunnels entrance and climbed into the basement of the Hotel. He headed to his office to fill out some forms.
"Uh, Angel. We have customers." Lorne called as he passed him. "They're in your office."
Angel pushed open the door to see a red haired boy and a bespectacled black haired boy. "How may I help you?"
Please Read and Review. I hope you liked this chapter and, fingers crossed, the next chapter will be up soon. If you have any ideas, let me know. Next Chapter: We find out who the boys are and what past Cordelia was really thinking of.