Author's Note: Don't get too offended with this. In order to know what the "box" is you need to go to and look for the "shout box." This passage is short, but I tried to make this a tad funny. Enjoy:)


In the beginning the box was silent but the spirit of Haruhi-dono resonated throughout the box. The omnipotent being named Haruhi-dono blessed man the ultimate gift—anime. However man was not responsible with the gift that Haruhi-dono has blessed them with. With man's irresponsibility came a grave consequence—perverted hentai and it's demonic offspring, the great, yet violent, Doha-sama. Even after man had seen what Haruhi-dono had wrought upon the land, they did not repent and turn from their wicked ways. So Haruhi-dono sent a huge deluge upon the earth. But Haruhi-dono saw Doha-sama and saw a that she/he/it was a righteous—yet violent—otaku. So Doha-sama bartered with Haruhi-dono to not send a deluge upon this earth. In exchange for not sending the deluge Doha-sama gave up her/his/its mortal, physical life in exchange for immortality in the box and Haruhi-dono said, "As it is written, so shall it be done." So Doha-sama, Haruhi-dono's one and only begotten child-otaku, saved the otaku world from the deluge of water.


Author's Note: Go to .com/group/cshldo, the (un)official Church Of Suzumiya Haruhi Of Latter-Day Otaku. Join now for otaku salvation!