So this is a little something that I wrote in study hall a few days ago, I just now was able to type it up. Please tell me what you think!


Leonard McCoy sighed as he looked at the still figure lying on the bed in front of him. He had once again gotten himself in trouble, what kind of trouble McCoy did not know.

"Jim, what the hell happened this time…?" He sighed again, sitting down in the chair and looking around the otherwise empty sickbay. He had not been surprised when the first officer had been beamed directly into the sickbay bearing their unconscious captain in his harms, for it was not the first time it had happened. However, he had been surprised when Spock had only been able to tell Bones that the captain was in "urgent need of medical attention," before he was beamed back down to the surface. Bones had no idea what was going on down there, but he had a feeling that it would soon fill his sickbay.

He looked back at the captain again. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully, though Bones had no idea how he could be. He had been stabbed, this much McCoy knew for certain. After Bones had gotten the initial anger that the captain had once again managed to get himself injured, he got out his tricorder and analyzed his friend's vitals. Luckily the object that had impaled Kirk had missed his vital organs, but it had gone through his abdomen, puncturing his stomach.

"Looks like you won't be eating anything anytime soon," he had said.

Bones was honestly worried about his captain's – no, his friend's lack of self-concern. "Dammit Jim… Don't do this…" he said, leaning his elbows onto the bed, "if you get yourself killed this infernal ship won't be worth anything to me. You are the only reason I stay in space, you make it…" he sighed again, "interesting."

Jim's hand closest to McCoy twitched, and moved towards Bones' hand. Jim grasped his hand lightly and smiled slightly.

"You bastard, how long've you been awake?" Bones said, grasping Jim's hand tightly.

"Long enough," Jim's voice was raspy, but strong. "Love ya too Bones." Bones smiled.

He didn't think Jim would go dying any time soon.

"Can I have some food?"


"But the hunger!"

