Sup! Faded Shadow here! Writing an MK fic!
Dont own MK. Gosho Aoyama does! and all that legal stuffies!
So yeah.... hope yeah like it.
Where am I?
A teenage girl awoke from her slumber, curled up into a little ball in complete and utter darkness. She looked up, suddenly grinning. Her white teeth was practically glowing against her literally black skin.
Who.. Is that?
"Its time, my child… She is ready." A deep voice rang through the darkness.
"Yes, master." The girl replied, standing up straight. She looked around of her dark surroundings, before taking a step; shallow water rippled by her feet. "A magician, a detective, and a witch as friends… I wonder what she's like."
The shadowed girl looked into the water, her reflection staring back at her. A familiar face…
Th--That's me!
Nakamouri Aoko stared through the dark water at her shadowed self. This couldn't be her reflection. It was completely wrong! 0The teenage girl on the other side grinned wickedly at her.
"It'll be a pleasure to finally meet you, Aoko. I've been waiting for you."
Aoko awoke with a start at the sound of her alarm clock. Groaning, she shifted finding that she was on the ground; her sheets were haphazardly thrown around her. She shut off her alarm clock, hitting the snooze button harder than she should. Making the bed at a slow pace, Aoko prepared for another boring day.
"Ah, Ohayou." Nakamouri Ginzo greeted his daughter as she came down the stairs. He was leaning against the counter, drinking a cup of instant coffee he had just prepared himself.
"Ohayou." Aoko yawned, opening up the fridge to make get out the juice carton. She side-glanced over at her father. "What are you still doing here? Don't you have to go to work?"
"What? I can't have breakfast with my beautiful daughter?" Nakamouri protested. Aoko narrowed her eyes at him. He shifted under her stare.
"Alright, alright!! Its those damn people at the office!!" He suddenly shouted, a vein visible near his temple. "Just because I get a little upset over that damn Kid they think I need some time off!! Why, those…" He muttered some incoherent profanities under his breath. Aoko sighed.
"A little? How 'bout A LOT?" Aoko huffed scoldingly at her father. "But at least you're here. Would you like some toast and scrambled eggs?"
"No, thank you. Not hungry… I just… need to get my mind off that bastard." Nakamouri sighed turning on the TV in the living room to the news. The image of a news lady popped up with a serious look on her face.
"--still unsolved. We recommend you not to go out so late at night until these strange murders are dealt with and the murderer is found. In other news: Kid fans, here's a little treat from us to you!"
Kaitou Kid clad in his usual white suit, smirked at them. It was the footage from his last heist. Nakamouri twitched.
"What better magic then the magic performed by Kid-sama, right? Absolutely spectacular performance~!" The lady giggled, when the video was over. 'Oh, great… Another fan girl…' Aoko scowled. She took a sip of orange juice she had served herself, looking over at her father. Nakamouri was currently entranced by the report on his arch-nemesis; his eyes were practically glued to the screen.
"Of course, Kid's next heist will definitely be better." The lady continued. "After all, another heist note had just been sent out! Courtesy by the police to let us show it!"
"WHAT?!" Nakamouri spat out his coffee, as the heist note appeared on the screen. Aoko finished up her juice, and just grabbed her bag and headed out the door.
"I'm going now. Be nice to the other officers, ok?" Aoko said in a bored tone. No doubt her father would go to work and yell at his coworkers for 'keeping information' from him. When it was dealing with Kid, Nakamouri had to know EVERYTHING.
Aoko sighed again. She let her mind wander freely trying to forget about the thief. The image of the girl in her dream flashed before her mind. Her eyes widened a bit as she recalled it. She stopped in her tracks right outside the school gate.
'What was that?' Aoko thought, trying to remember what the dream was about. She shook her head in frustration.
"No good… Ah, this is so stupid!" Aoko stomped her foot angrily. The bell suddenly rang out. She paled. "SHOOT! I'M LATE!!"
As she ran toward the school, the air around her darkened. A figure appeared were she was once standing.
'Found you… Hime-sama.'
Kuroba Kaito smirked at his pigeons that he magically made appear from his sleeves. They were currently flying around the room as he sat on top of his desk. Their math teacher ignored him, writing down some equation on the board.
"Oi, Kuroba! Get rid of these wretched birds!!" Hakuba Saguru shouted angrily as he flailed his arms about to shoo away the bird trying to make a nest on his head.
"I don't wannaaaa~!" Kaito sang, swinging his legs back and forth. Aoko still wasn't in class yet so he needed to entertain himself another way.
'She didn't call… probably running late.' Kaito chuckled watching Hakuba struggle to keep his composure.
"KUROBA!! Get Rid Of Them!!" Hakuba shouted again.
"You need to be more loose, Tantei-kun!" Kaito used his Kaito Kid voice. He had trouble holding back his laughter as Hakuba glared at him.
"Don't anger him more than you need to, Kuroba." Koizumi Akako warned, a smile playing on her lips, watching the argument play out before her in amusement.
"What? Or I'll get chased? He wouldn't be able to catch me. After all he can't catch Kid!" Kaito teased.
"What, so you are admitting you're Kid now? You'll miss your heist tonight if I arrest you now." Hakuba smirked back at him. Kaito shook his head.
"Nope! I'm not Kid anyway~! I'm just pointing out your incompetence as a detective."
That did it. Hakuba shot up from his chair, glaring down at the laughing magician.
"Incompetent, huh?" His eyebrow twitched. He shifted, reaching into his sleeve. "What about you?… Leaving Behind Evidence Is Not Like You!!"
Hakuba suddenly threw a balloon filled with paint at him. Kaito blinked, shocked to see his own creation. He had after all set a trick on Hakuba earlier this morning, but that's another story.
Kaito quickly knocked the thing aside with his textbook. Surprisingly enough it didn't break it, making it instead fly through the air. Suddenly the door to the classroom swung open.
"I'm Here!!" Aoko panted. "Sorry, I'm la--" SPLAT!!
The room became deathly silent as blue paint dripped down Aoko's face; the remains of the balloon on her head.
"Who…?" The class all pointed at Kaito, who was currently cowering back in fear. Aoko dropped her bag at the doorway; a mop suddenly in her hands.
"KAITOOOOOO!!!!" Aoko screeched furiously, chasing him down. And the usual ritual of Try-To-Kill-Kaito-With-A-Mop commenced.
"I'M SORRYYY!!" Kaito cried, jumping over someone's desk. Of course their classmates weren't too bothered. Heck, Hakuba wasn't as bothered either. As long as Aoko never found out he threw the paint balloon first…
"Nakamouri-chan, this is your first tardy." Their math teacher said, speaking loudly so she could be heard. "The rule is, after three tardies, you'll have to stay after school for an hour. Am I making myself clear?"
"Crystal, Yamada-sensei." Aoko replied but keeping her eyes on her target. "STOP MOVING KAITO!!"
"No! You'll Kill Me!!" Kaito laughed, as he risked a chance to flip her skirt. "Ah, pure white today I see…" Aoko swung at him again, face flushed.
"That's The Point!!" She responded. Another swing.
Yamada-sensei sighed, smiling slightly at their antics. "Hai, Hai. This problem here, I'm sure you can solve it right, Nakamouri-chan? I've been waiting for you."
"It'll be a pleasure to finally meet you, Aoko. I've been waiting for you."
Aoko froze, arms poised for another swing. The class took note of her change. Kaito in particular.
"Aoko? What's wrong?" He waved a hand in front of her face. Aoko slapped it aside, returning to her angry self.
"Don't think I'll forgive you for flipping my skirt!" She threatened him. She looked over at the board. "The answer's 32."
"That's Correct. Now class…"
Aoko rubbed away the blue paint of her face as much as she could. Kaito took out a big white cover, putting it over her. And when he pulled it away a second later, Aoko was in a fresh set of clothes; the paint was gone.
She put aside her mop, gave one last glare to Kaito, and sat down at her desk. She ignored the fact that she felt his hand touch her butt for too long but for now she was letting that slide. Kaito also returned to his desk, casting Aoko a confused look before taking out some paper to doodle on.
'Déjà vu…' Aoko tried to keep her attention on the board in front of her. She looked over at the window, focusing on her reflection rather than the outside. The usual reflection stared back at her.
'That me in my dream didn't look like this… She was a complete opposite. Yet… the same.' She shook her head, trying to get rid of the image. 'Pay attention! School comes first!'
"Ah, I can't wait~!" Keiko squealed happily, walking out of the school beside Aoko. "Kaitou Kid-sama is taking the Green Amulet from this big museum! It's going to be sooo cool!"
"What's so great about Stupid Kid?" Aoko snorted. Kaito came from behind her, reaching behind her ear to pull out a white rose.
"But he's an awesome magician! How can you hate him?" He offered her the rose. Aoko took it, glaring at him half-heartedly.
"Because I hate him, he's a thief, he thinks he's all better than everyone…. Do I need to say more?" Aoko raised an eyebrow at Kaito as he chuckled.
"I agree with Aoko-chan. Kaitou Kid is certainly an annoying fellow." Hakuba came up as well standing on the opposite side of Aoko, taking Keiko's place. Kaito glared at the detective, pulling Aoko away from him.
"Annoying fellow? Who the heck says 'fellow'?! You're an annoying twit!!" Kaito stuck his tongue out at him. Hakuba twitched, glaring icily at him. Before they could argue, Akako cut in, pushing Aoko away from them.
"Yes, yes. Kid is very annoying. We all know that." Akako scoffed, earning a "HEY!" from Kaito. She ignored him, turning her attention to a very confused Aoko.
"Aoko, how have you been?" Akako whispered to her. Aoko blinked, looking behind her before looking back at Akako.
"You're talking to me?" She asked. She smiled widely, glad that Akako was asking how she was. It wasn't everyday Akako acted so… friendly. It was a nice change. "I'm perfectly fine! Why do you ask?"
"No reason…" Akako narrowed her eyes at her before looking away. She caught the gaze of Kaito who looked at her questioningly. She merely shook her head.
In truth, she was worried. Something about Aoko didn't sit right with her. A strange air was surrounding around her. It didn't look good. Akako shut her eyes, trying to rid herself of that feeling. She recomposed herself with her usual condescending grin at them.
"But anyway, I hear this Kid heist will be one to look forward to. Are you going to go watch it, Aoko?"
"I'm not in the mood for him." Aoko huffed angrily at the thought of the thief. "But… I need to bring Tou-san something to eat though. It'll give him the energy to finally catch him!" Aoko clenched her fist, imagining her father handcuffing Kid. Kaito sweat dropped.
"If he can catch him this time that is…" Kaito muttered to himself.
"Did you say something, Kaito?" Aoko looked over at him.
"Do not worry, my dear Aoko-chan. I'll make sure to catch him!" Hakuba took her hand in his, bringing it up to kiss at the back of her palm gently. Aoko blushed. Hakuba was definitely getting a lot bolder than before.
And Kaito didn't seem to like it too much.
"Oi! Oi!! What the hell is up with you, you idiot?! Acting All High-And-Mighty!! You Stupid Idiot!" He yelled at him angrily.
"Oh, I'm not acting 'high-and-mighty'. You're simply below me." (A/N: Ha! That's what he said! Yaoi-moment! XD .... forgive me. My friend has made me a Yaoi Fangirl....]
"Why, you…" Kaito grit his teeth.
"Ok, ok! Enough! You guys are both acting like kids!" Aoko pulled on one of their ears, keeping a firm hold on each. "Now, Behave!"
"Ow, ow!! That hurts, Aoko!"
"I apologize Aoko-chan! Please let go!"
She let go after a couple seconds, heading in a different direction from where they were going. She looked back at the group. "Keiko and I are going to go get a burger. Wanna come?"
"Ah, Forgive me, Aoko-chan. I must prepare some strategies to capture Kid tonight at the heist." Hakuba apologized again, rubbing at his ear.
"I have something planned." Akako said.
"And I have chores I have to do for Kaasan. I'm sorry." Kaito rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Aoko forced a smile; And the trio noticed.
"Don't worry about a thing. See you later!" Aoko waved at them, starting some conversation with Keiko.
Kaito grimaced. He had hurt her again.
"We're always upsetting her, aren't we?" Hakuba spoke quietly, looking at the floor angrily.
"Seems that way." Akako couldn't help but feel a bit guilty as well. "Poor thing… She must be lonely… Mostly you, Kuroba… You've been so busy lately to even spend time with your best friend…" She whispered that last part to him.
"I don't need you to tell me that!" He whispered back furiously. "And what about you? Some friend you are!"
Akako looked away. "I really have something planned. There's something I want to find out from Lucifer. Plus I have a curse I need to put on that nerd that dared to correct my grammar mistakes in that English paper." Hakuba blinked.
"You must excuse me, Koizumi-kun, but is there anyway I can un-hear everything you just said?"
Akako chuckled at him. "You'll just have to get used to me, Mr. Detective."
After leaving behind the odd trio, Aoko let go of the breath she had been holding.
'They're always so busy.' She sighed again.
"You're so lucky, Aoko." Keiko stated, scaring Aoko out of her thoughts.
"You're so… popular. You've got Kaito-kun and Hakuba-kun pretty much fighting over you. And Akako-san also seems to be close to you. Even though she doesn't show it much." She laughed, entering through the front door of the WacDonalds*.
"No way! Its not that big of a deal! And Kaito and Hakuba are just my friends." Aoko laughed, waving it off as that. But her face was flushed thinking of it.
(Start Of Aoko's Crazy Imagination)
"I Love You, Nakamouri Aoko!" Hakuba and Kaito both declared in unison wearing a prince outfit. They looked up at the tower at Aoko, who was dressed as a princess.
"E-EHHH?!" Aoko panicked as her two suitors waited for her. Side-by-side they each held one hand out for her, waiting for her to choose.
(End of Aoko's Crazy Imagination)
"N-No Way!!" Aoko shouted, shaking her head violently. "It's not like that!"
It took her a while to realize that the place became deathly silent. All the eyes were on her. She laughed nervously.
"Just order your meal, Aoko." Keiko laughed at her.
"NO! NO!! NO!!! I SAID PUT UP BARS ON THE WINDOWS!!! WE CAN'T LET KID IN HERE NO MATTER WHAT!! THIS TIME WE'LL CATCH HIM!" Nakamouri roared, scaring a couple officers off.
"Keibu-san, yelling at the officers won't get you anywhere." Hakuba pointed out, looking around at them getting to their posts. Nakamouri clenched his fists in order to keep from yelling at him.
"We have to catch Kid this time. There can't be any mistakes." He said as calmly as he could.
"If that's the case, then I'll make sure to give you the credit when I catch him, sir." Hakuba said politely.
"Now Listen Here--"
"Tousan! Don't yell at him!" Aoko cut in, pulling on his arm.
"Aoko! What are you doing here? And how did you get here?" Nakamouri asked his daughter. She shoved a thermos and a bento into his hands.
"What else? To bring you some coffee and something to eat! You need all the energy you can get, Tousan! And I came with Keiko." Aoko smiled as her father thanked her quietly. She looked over at Hakuba and offered the other thermos she was carrying with her.
"Huh? For me?" Hakuba asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Of course! You need to get you share of energy too! Its Earl Grey tea!" Aoko smiled at him gently. Hesitantly, Hakuba brought up his hand to take it. His fingers brushed up against hers.
"A-Arigatou…" He mumbled, taking the thermos from her; the tiniest hint of pink on his cheeks. "So I was wondering… if you---!"
Hakuba was cut off as a police officer crashed into him**, nearly dropping his thermos.
"Ah! Please forgive me!" He rushed off with a smirk, his tone giving no hint of being sorry. Hakuba narrowed his eyes at the officer in suspicion.
"Umm… What were you going to say, Hakuba-kun?" Aoko's voice brought his attention back to her.
"Yes, what were you going to say?" Nakamouri wrapped an arm around his daughter protectively, staring down Hakuba. The teenager was a good detective; that much he could admit. But never will he admit that his little girl was a woman now, and that a certain teenage detective had a little crush on her.
Absolutely. NO. WAY.
"W-well… As I was saying!" Hakuba stuttered, breaking out in cold sweat. "I was wondering if you…… were going to stay to watch us catch Kid!"
"Sorry…... I'm going home. Gotta make it in time for the last train." Aoko told him.
"By yourself? This late?!" Nakamouri cried. "Its Almost Midnight!!"
"I'm not a little girl anymore! I can take care of myself." Aoko protested, glancing over at the clock on the wall.
"I agree with him, Aoko-chan. With the recent murders going on, all happening around midnight, it's dangerous to go by yourself." Hakuba warned.
"Daijoubu! I'll be ok! What are the odds of me meeting up with the murder?" Aoko laughed. She turned around, heading for the exit. "I'm heading off!"
"Oi, Aoko!" Nakamouri reached out as he watched his daughter run off. There was no changing her mind when she decided on something. She was as stubborn as he was.
"Be Careful!!! Call Me When You Get Home!" He yelled out for her to hear him.
"Hai!!" Aoko replied just as loudly.
When she exited the museum, the first thing she felt was the cool air. It was relaxing compared to the stuffy museum. But the chattering and the yells of the thousands of Kid fans ruined it.
Aoko sighed, making her way through the crowd. Thankfully some of the officers made a path for her. She made her way out of the crowd, deciding to take the shortcut through the park near there. When she walked down an empty street some distance away, she heard the screams of the fans. No doubt Kid just made his big appearance.
"Stupid Kid…" Aoko mumbled out loud in the quiet night. She reached the park sooner then she expected.
Walking along slowly, she stopped next to the water fountain at the center. Aoko sat down on the edge, bringing her legs up to her chest. She sighed once again.
"Stupid, dumb, idiot Kid…"
The wind blew, lightly rustling the leaves of the trees. And the clock tower's bell could be heard through out the park as the clock struck twelve.
Aoko tensed, feeling a murderous stare on her.
"Wh-who's there?!" She yelled, her voice echoing in the night. She heard a twig snap.
"It's dangerous to be out alone this late at night, Hime-sama." A young man appeared, his eyes shadowed by his bangs.
"Hime-sama?" Aoko took a step back. Every pore in her body screamed for her to run.
The man laughed. "You really don't know what I am? This generation of 'heroes' is very disappointing, old man…"
"What The Hell Are You Talking About?!" Aoko shivered. She silently wished she had stayed back at the museum.
The man took out a gun, the surface was as black as the night surrounding them. It was unusual. Aoko paled, unable to move her feet.
"What's the matter? Can't remember how to move?" The man grinned menacingly.
Aoko looked down at her feet. She shrieked.
Wrapped around her legs was some strange black tentacles. She tried to move her legs, but they wouldn't budge.
"What The Hell?!" She panicked, reaching down to pull her legs free. She was able to move it slightly; however, the movement caused the tentacles to pierce though her skin.
She let out a scream as blood trickled down her leg from the deep gash. Aoko looked at her hands, noticing the burns that suddenly appeared. She whimpered as she felt the tentacles rise higher around her body. The man grinned even wider.
"Do you like it? My shadow?" As he said that, the black tentacles tightened around her.
The strange black tentacles burned, bruised, and cut her all at once.
"Sh-shadow…?" Aoko felt the tears trickle down her face. It was then she noticed why the tentacles looked so strange. They weren't even 3-dimensional. They were literally shadows crawling all over her.
"I guess it doesn't really matter now…. Since you'll be dying soon enough." He pulled the trigger.
The bullet wasn't even a normal bullet either. But Aoko stopped expecting normal the minute she realized there were shadow tentacles around her. A burst of darkish-purple zoomed out of the gun, heading toward her heart. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. Her heart beat in her ears as she struggled to free herself from the tentacles, ignoring the fact that it was hurting her.
"Attacking a DoAlm without their partner is cheating!" A voice resounded through the park.
Things seemed to move in slow motion as a surge of energy emanating from Aoko dispersed the tentacles around her; the shadow disappeared like smoke. At that moment Aoko fell over, the bullet penetrating her shoulder.
At first there was just shock. Who wouldn't be shocked in just having been shot?…. With some weird thing for that matter.
And then there was pain. Aoko let out a loud cry of pain piercing the silent air as the weird bullet went through her. If it was ever doubted whether a bullet could dislocate your shoulder, then Aoko just found out its possible. At least with the bullet that was shot at her.
She hit the ground with a hard thud. Without even stopping to think, Aoko pushed herself off the ground with her good hand and attempted to run. But the wounds on her legs slowed her down.
The man was fast, abruptly by her side. The same black tentacles from before lashed out again, grabbing her, and pushing her back down to the ground. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head up to look at her.
"What? Attempting an Encounter now?" The man tightened his grip on her hair, before slamming her head down to the concrete. Aoko gasped in pain. "I'll NEVER Let You Two Meet!!"
"I.. don't know anything!" Aoko managed to say. The blood dripping from her forehead obscuring her vision. "P-Please… let me go…"
The man grit his teeth. A tentacle rose up from the floor, only to speed down and impale her side. Aoko coughed up blood.
"…Never… Don't worry. I'll make sure to make your face is recognizable." The man whispered lowly. A horde of tentacles rising up ready to skewer her.
'No… I…'
The man laughed again, his eyes finally visible to Aoko. White orbs took its place; it was as blinding as the moon.
'I don't…'
The tentacles rushed at her at once.
'I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!!' Images of her father, of all her friends, her late mother…. and lastly, Kaito flashed in her mind.
"And Kid-sama Has Done It Again Folks! He's evaded the police and the Hit-Teenage Detective from England for the hundredth time!" The news lady from the morning news beamed, looking down at the crowd from the roof of the museum before returning her gaze back to the camera. Her eyes widened before she began jumping in excitement, pointing behind the cameraman.
"K-Kaitou Kid-sama~!!! Kyaaaaaaaaa~!"
Kid smiled at the lady, enjoying the camera on him. He walked over to her, taking her hand in his. He kneeled, brushing his lips to the back of her palm. The lady squealed.
"Its wonderful to see you this evening, Ojousama." The Kid Task Force suddenly broke through the door to the roof. Hakuba and Nakamouri were at the lead. "But I'm afraid I must go…"
Kaitou Kid gave his signature smirk, giving one final wink at the camera, and jumped over the building. A giant cloud of pink smoke surrounded him. Five Kids on Hang Gliders emerged, each speeding off into a different direction.
"After Him!!" Nakamouri ordered his men, half expecting them to jump off the roof.
"No…" Hakuba stuck out his hand. "We've lost him… They're dummies… Look at them carefully. Each are moving at the same speed. Plus Kid always pulls this trick. He's probably in the crowd." He sighed, rubbing at his temples.
"How can you tell?" Nakamouri squinted at the disappearing Kids.
"The banner on the museum is hanging loose. He probably used it to get down In the commotion."
The news lady having watched all of this, suddenly realized it.
"Kid… kissed my hand… He winked at ME…" She hyperventilated, fainting seconds later. Fortunately for her, Hakuba was there to catch her. He twitched.
"Oh… Kuroba's sooo going to hear it from me tomorrow…" He muttered.
Kaito laughed as their voices were transmitted to his ear piece. He had bugged Hakuba earlier in the evening when he had tried to tackle him.
"Silly, Silly Tantei-kun." Kaito muttered to himself, happily gliding through the air on his trusty hang glider. That's where Hakuba had been wrong. Kaito did go on his hang glider. The banner was just a distraction for them.
And it worked. Kaito laughed again.
"Ah… But that's not important anymore…" Hakuba sounded worried. His distress caught Kaito's attention. "Nakamouri-keibu… Any news on Aoko-chan?"
Kaito tensed. 'Aoko's… missing?' This was news to him.
"Not yet…" Nakamouri fumed quietly. "She hasn't called yet. And she hasn't answered her phone…"
Kaito could hear Hakuba curse silently. And he shut off the earpiece. When he was safe from people's view, he turned the hang glider to go over the park.
'That stupid girl no doubt took a short cut…'
"…. Aoko. Please be safe…"
The sound of the crowds scream, and the intense pain through out her entire body, informed her she was still alive. The weight of the man was off her. His entire presence was gone. But someone was standing beside her in the man's place. Aoko strained her eyes, trying to see who it was.
The dark figure suddenly smirked, her white teeth illuminating her face. The dream from the previous night came rushing back to Aoko. The strange girl suddenly became clear.
"Pffffffffft~! Not Even Close…" The girl giggled, her eyes the same white orbs like the other man. Her hair was as almost just as white. It contrasted greatly against her dark skin. Aoko almost forgot how to breath as she stared at her Shadow Doppelganger.
'The opposite of me, yet the same…' Aoko coughed. Her shadow self grinned.
"Wh-who… What are you?"
"What? Don't you know? Baka! We're wasting time! Someone is coming our way… We gotta get moving…" The girl crouched down near her, moving down to whisper into her ear.
"The plain and simple truth?"
"I'm You…" And the last thing Aoko heard was a familiar voice calling her name.
Wow.... this is just wow.
I'm lucky i even finished this much.... O.o
But yeah.... this was my first MK fic and I had it in mind for quite a while....
Its actually an orginal story idea(as far as I know... i'm not plagarizing....?) though soooooo......
Please Review!! I BEG YOU!!
No but please review.....
KAITO: She'll love you forever if you do....
KAITO: O_o *whispers* weirdo....
ME: Oh, yeah. Please find no offense to the yaoi reference. This is strictly Male/Female…. It was just an impulse to do that.
* - Wacdonalds…. Not sure where it came from. Inuyasha? I don't know but just clarifying its not mine.
** - Okay, if someone didn't know that was Kaito, you can go shoot yourselves in the foot. Really. I made it kinda obvious.