AN: Ok, so I thought I'd try to write a Percy Jackson story. This is my first PJO fanfic so give me a break, k? Disclaimer time!

Disclaimer: I, JustinBieber96, do not own anything mentioned in the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series. That would all go to Rick Riordan, who just so happens to make money off of that stuff. I however, do get money for this stuff, so obviously, I am NOT Rick Riordon.

Ok, you need to know some stuff about this story:

-- Annabeth and Percy are not going out
-- Paul Blofis and Sally Jackson are not yet married, or engaged
-- Rachel is going to Goode with Percy, not to the boarding school
-- Annabeth lives in San Francisco
-- Paul Blofis does not know Percy is a demigod
-- Rachel is not the oracle and there is no new prophecy
-- This story takes place after TLO

So go ahead and read chapter one. But don't forget to review! ;)


"Punch buggy, no punch backs." I felt a fist slam into my right shoulder, but I ignored it.

"Yeah, okay," I said.

"Percy," my friend Rachel asked, "what's up with you?" Rachel is my friend that goes to Goode High School with me. It's kind of funny how we first met: I was trying to kill her. Of course, I didn't know she was human at first, I thought she was some type of skeleton warrior from the Underworld. But yeah, that's how I have met most of my friends, when I'm in life-threatening situations.

When Rachel asked what was wrong with me I took a second to think. Truth was, I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew something had to be. It was already my second week of sophomore year and I was missing camp. Soon as I was thinking, memories from this past summer flooded my mind. I remembered Grover being gone for a while, the battle with Kronos, how Annabeth never wanted to leave my side during battle, and how I ended up getting in another fight with Annabeth right at the end of the summer. It seemed like a stupid thing to fight about, now that he was gone, but Annabeth was still so stubborn about Luke. It was totally "he said, she said." I have been meaning to make up with her about it for a while now but I just couldn't.

As I looked back at Rachel, getting ready to give her a made up answer, my mom pulled up to the front of the school where Rachel and I sat on the steps. "I've got to go. See ya later."

I did not look back or even wave goodbye to Rachel. But as I walked towards my mom's car I hung my head down, looking at my feet.

"What's wrong, Percy?" My mom asked. Ugh! Do I have some type of bold print written across my forehead or something!? Of course, I had a feeling the way I just acted no more than five seconds ago gave it away.

"It's nothing, really mom. I've just been thinking lately." My mom mouthed the word "oh."

"Is something wrong back at camp? With school?" My mom started rambling off suggestions, "With Annabeth?" That last one hit me. I looked up as my mom finished her name.

"Thought so. So, what has happened between you and Annabeth?"

"I'm sorry mom but I don't really want to talk about it. It has to do with Kronos and the old prophecy and stuff, and that's a little hard to think about now that all of that stuff is over." And it washard to think about. All of those people that have died, friends I have lost. That was just the half of it. The other fact was that part of the prophecy was about Luke. How "a hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap" was really about Luke. Luke was the hero in the prophecy. But one good deed does not make him a hero in my books. He had still tried to kill me while I was at camp and many times when he was Kronos. And to add on to that, the fact that when he bathed in the River Styx his source to his mortal life was probably Annabeth made me sick. How could he have willingly turned into Kronos and still have Annabeth sticking up for him?

"Honey," my mom started, "no matter what happened between you two, you are still friends. I have a feeling that with a friendship as strong as the one you have with her, you will never be able to stay mad at each other or whatever."

When my mom had said that to me, there seemed to be some kind of twinkle in her eye, like she knew something I didn't.

"Ok, we've got to get home, I have a surprise for you," my mom said. A surprise? Well there is something new.

"What is it?" I asked eagerly. It was pretty amazing how I could go from frustrated and sad one minute to excited the next. But hey, that's what a surprise does for me.

"Oh, I'm not telling…" my mom said slyly.

"Hmph," I pouted. I could see my mom grinning form the corner of her eyes. Whatever this surprise was, it had to be good.

Soon the car pulled up to our apartment building and we entered, heading up to our floor. As we got closer to our door, my pace quickened with excitement. I pushed the key into the door, opened it, and the door flew open before me. I ran into the apartment inspecting everywhere looking for a change.

"Percy," I heard my mom calling from behind me. I turned around as she closed the door and turned the deadbolt.

"Percy," my mom said again turning towards me, "it's not something I can give you, but what I can tell you."

"Oh, well, tell me now!" I urged.

"Haha, just as impatient as your father," My mom said almost to herself. "I'll tell you later. But Percy, I don't know what is going on with you and Annabeth but I am sure it can be fixed. Now, why don't you go talk to her?"

"Mom, I really don't think it's that easy –" My mom cut me off with a stern glare, which didn't seem right with her kind eyes.

"Just go talk to her or something. There's a hose outback." And with that she turned and left me to myself.

"There's a hose outback," I mimicked my mom.

"I heard that," A voice called out from the kitchen.

"Moms, they always hear everything." I said walking to the back of the apartment.

"Yes, we do," the voice taunted.

"Shut. Up." I told my mom then trudged out to the balcony of the apartment. As I slid the glass door behind me I heard my mom laughing.

I picked up the house on the ground that was used for a small garden out back here (there now was one since it was still summer) and put it on its lowest setting. The hose let out a small spray of mist which was perfect as the light shone through it creating a rainbow. I fished out a spare drachma from my pocket and threw it into the mist. As it disappeared on the other side I said, "O goddess, accept my offering." The mist seemed to wait as I sucked in a shaky breath and then and said, "Annabeth Chase, San Francisco."

I held my breath as Annabeth showed up through the mist. She was in her room, I concluded, and was looking through her closet as I coughed to get her attention. Annabeth immediately turned around to see who had made the noise. Her eyes widened the slightest when she saw me through the Iris Message but as soon as they widened they narrowed.

"Um," I broke through the silence, "hi."

"Hi," she said back. As she said this her eyes did not soften, nor did her response sound happy. It just seemed she was trying to be polite.

"Annabeth, look, I wanted to say that…I'm sorry. I guess I really didn't mean to say those things about Luke to you right after he died. I have no idea what you had to go through the whole time that was happening to him and I'm sure what I said didn't brighten the moment." I paused for a moment to see her reaction and when she crossed her arms I went on. "I'm not going to take back what I said about Luke because my feelings toward him haven't changed. But, I never wanted to hurt you when I said that. And because I now realize that what I have said towards you has affected you, I wanted to say sorry for hurting you. So, sorry."

It was quiet for a moment as Annabeth evaluated what I said. Annabeth uncrossed her arms, placed her hands in the pockets of her jeans, and looked up at me. "Well Seaweed Brain, that almost sounded smart coming from your mouth the way you said it. And you're right, you have no idea what I was going through while Luke was like that. But…"


"But it was kind of considerate of you to apologize like that," Annabeth concluded.

"So…will you forgive me?" I asked nervously. Annabeth was my best friend, besides Grover, and it was really – really – important to me that she forgave me so we could go back to being friends. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my Wise Girl around me anymore…

"Well, I guess I forgive you, Seaweed Brain."

"Cool," I said as a smile spread across my face. A smile soon spread across her face too. "So, what were you doing?" I noticed that while Annabeth was going through the clothes in her closet there was a box on the ground by her which had some clothes already inside of it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm moving again. My dad says we have to go somewhere else for his job."

"Oh. Where are you moving?" I asked.

"Didn't your mom tell you yet? We're moving to New York, just a couple of blocks down from your apartment. I'll be going to school with you this year actually."

"Really? Great! That's so cool how we'll be able to see each other all of the time now; it gets a little lonely up here sometimes."

"Yeah, I guess it will be really cool. Well, I've got to finish packing up and stuff since we're moving up to New York on Sunday. Which if you don't know by now, is in three days, so yeah, I've got to get this done."

"Ok, yeah, I guess I'll see you soon. And thanks, Wise Girl, for forgiving me." Annabeth gave me a small smile as I waved goodbye to her and then disconnected the Iris Message. Well, Annabeth moving up to New York was definitely something I did not expect.

I turned the hose off, walked back into the apartment, and headed into the kitchen where my mom turned around to look at me.

"How come you didn't tell me Annabeth was moving to New York in only three days?"

"Uh, surprise?"

AN: That was the first chapter! Yayyy! What do ya think?? Ok, so it was a little short but the chapters will (hopefully) get longer as the story progresses. I will also try to update every once in a while, once a week at the most. So, tell me what you think of this story and if I should go on in a review. Just to let you know, I have created a banner for this story, which is posted under Stories in my profile. It be cool if you checked that out for me.


R&R =D