Disclaimer: The Characters Of Gundam Wing and Harry Potter do not belong to me if they did I would not be writing stories about them but be locked in my bedroom with them. HEHEHEH!

Chapter 1 The Big News

Wufei and his lover, Duo, And all of his friends and fellow Gundam Pilots, Heero, Trowa, and Quatre were all sitting inside Commander Une's office at the Preventors building stationed in London.

"Comm. Une, if you would be so kind as to explain why we were called down to Earth for Preventors business?" Quatre politely questioned who was sitting on a small couch with his lover Trowa.

"Yeah, why couldn't you have just told us over the vid phones, huh?" Was exclaimed by Duo.

"Because boys what you are here for is not strictly business. I called you all for this meeting for something a bit more personal." She paused, watching the ex-pilots expressions become vaguely more interested and cautious in some cases. "As you all should remember Ms. Peacecraft put into effect the Family Reconsruction Act for all the orphans and children that had been uprooted during the war about in January. All of you had had your blood tested a few months after this was put into place but with no unexpected results such as Quarte and his sisters."

"Again Une-baby what does this have to do with us?" Duo interrupted squeezing Wufei's hand.

"Well Mr. Maxwell more the you probably think. About 3 weeks ago it was found that a family not to far from here in Surrey had been neglectful of getting their nephews DNA put into the system because he had been at boarding school. We tested the results several times to make sure but he had some very interesting results." At this she pulled out a file from inside her desk and handed it to the boys to look at. "Inside is a picture taken from when he was brought in for testing. This young man is named Harry Potter age 15, green eyes, black hair , height 5'3. His mother and your father supposedly died in a car wreck when he was but a year old so now he is living with his anut on his mother side and her family the Dursley. This Wufei Chang is your half brother through your father."

"But how is this possible I didn't even get to know my father he was killed at the beginning of the war when I was just two. Even that young I would think I would remember having a brother." Wufei said frantically looking at his lover for support. "Someone from my clan would have to have known, they would have told me if my father had done something as dishonorable as having an affair on my mother."

"This will all have to be something that you could ask you brother about as I have no clue as to how any of this happened. Though that does bring me to my next point- Harry and his family will be here tomarrow to find out about the results of his blood test and family status. I would like it if you all would be here when I am explaining the situation to the family." Une said glancing around at all of them.

"Not a problem! Plus there was no way we would leave Wufei here by himself to go through all this! Right Q-Ball?!" Duo once again interrupting.

"Heh, Duo please. But yes of course we will be here!" Quatre said after reprimanding Duo for his lack of manners.

Pulling out some more papers from her desk she brought up one more point. "That's good. Now one last thing before you go and for this I would like for you, Wufei and for the rest of you to think about. As you are now 18 and of a closer blood relative to young Harry, you also have the option of taking over legal guardianship of him." As she finished she handed over the papers to legally adopt Harry.

"That is a little sudden. I can't even begin to process that I have a brother let alone the idea of adoption but I will think it over tonight. Though it will also be heavily on the others since we all life together with Quatre." He replied taking the paper to look over.

"You don't have to be in such a rush. I understand this is a big decision so I set up a house near here for you all to stay with an extra room for Harry. I am giving you all a months vacation to spend and get to know your new little brother. And should you decide to sign the papers and he and his family agree he will be your responsibility." Standing she opened her office door. " Now you all have some serious thinking to do so go to the new house and get a good nights rest. There is a driver waiting outside for you."

"Goodnights" and nods were given to the Commander and they walked out the door.

###Skip Scene To New House###

Once all the boys had settled into their rooms on the second floor they meet back up in the kitchen to talk and have dinner.

Wufei was sitting at the table head buried in his arms. "I can't believe all of this its just so sudden."

"Don't you worry to much Wuffie things will work out just you wait and see! This will be a good thing! I mean just think you will have a little brother that you can teach all your traditions too, someone that can learn from you. Your a born teacher you know!" Duo said leaning over his lovers back to give him a hug.

"I just can't see my self taking care of a kid like that!" Wufei exclaimed lifting his head from his hands.

"I don't see why not you take care of Maxwell and thats like taking responsibilty of three kids. And I mean kids not one teenager like your brother will be." Heero muttered from his corner at the counter acroos form them.

Duo stood up from were he was stooped over his lover, "No fair! That's mean and I don't know if I should hit you or congrdulate you for making a joke! EEEKK!" He squeeked as Wufei pulled him down by his braid into a seat next to him.

After laughing at Duo's antics they all settled down to think over the days events and what was going to happen.

20 minutes away a boy with dark black hair and bright green eyes rolled over on his thread bare blanket praying sleep would come.


Authors notes-

Well how was it? This is the first story I have written since 2003 when I was only 14 so hopefully I have gotten better. I love reviews so please send them my way and while I know no one like flames I will take them with pride cause they can help me improve my story and writing skills.

So Sorry about the misspelling of Wufei's name I promise I know how to spell it. I just have that habit of when I am typing stuff the whole i before e except ofter c thing you learn in grade school when I hand write I catch myself but I guess not when I was typing. The Wuffie spelling was intentional however casue it was supposed to be like one of the thousand nicknames that Duo comes up with. And I will be looking for a beta if anyone knows of a good one just let me know! Like I said above it has been a long while since I have written any stories!