Heaven on Earth


Some people believe in God, and say that the rain is his tears.

Some people believe in science, and say a rainbow is just a chemical illusion.

Sometimes people just don't know what to believe.

Personally, I can't class what I believe. I don't want to think that some almighty being is the cause for all the hate in the world, but at the same time I don't want to think we came from a sudden explosion.

I mean life is like that, a sudden explosion.

Things are going fine until a big bang comes and changes everything. It doesn't even have to be big, or even small. It just happens.

Lots of things just happen.

That's my philosophy.


"What ya readin' Daph?"

I lifted the book up so Nancy could see.

"Another one of ya backward books, eh?"

"It's called Manga, Nancy! Don't be so rude." Holly said, hoping I would reward her for remembering its name. But I remained silent.

"Isn't that right Daphne?" Holly chirped.

"Sure is," I replied in annoyance. Why couldn't I read in peace anymore? I shut my Naruto book as we shuffled on to the bus. I had just recently moved from Dublin to London and I already despised Red buses. They were just big containers full of Chavs in uniform.

But things weren't too bad. I have managed to keep out of the social spotlight without becoming a complete outcast. Also I had my two little companions, Sharp- as- a- brick- Nancy, and 'I'll do anything for you!' Holly.

And me?

Daphne the plain.

Dull Daphne.

Oh, the Irish one!

I wasn't random, witty, and beautiful or even a sparkling intellectual.

I felt I was just there, another pointless spec on the planet, destined to be a world class telephone marketer or supermarket cashier. Talk about dreaming big.

Nancy stumbled over to the back of the bus, but not before falling in a rather unfortunate position on a random mans lap. Nancy, you just right in there, don't ya?

"Oh, I'm sorry darlin', didn't see ya there!" Nancy apologised, smiling.

I looked at the man briefly, he had short black hair with sideburns that joined with his beard, slightly tanned skin and was smoking a cigarette, hey- isn't that illegal? Oh well.

WHOA hold up, I've seen this guy before! But where? So familiar, I just can't-

"Uh, Daphne?" Holly whispered, tugging on my arm.

I suddenly realised I was right in front of the man's face, staring intently.

I pulled back instantly.

"Wow, um, sorry… Gotta go!" I saluted him quickly (out of habit), and took my seat- far away from the man.

"Someone's gotta crush!" Nancy sang loudly.

I winced and covered her mouth.

"Uh, hell no, Nancy. That guy's like thirty or something."

"Yeah Nancy, like thirty" Holly repeated.

"Then why did you stare like that?" Nancy questioned

"I stare at everyone like that," I inwardly cringed at how bizarre-o that sounded.

Nancy tried to raise an eyebrow, but failed miserably. But appearance wise, Nancy was pretty blessed.

She has a light brown bob, sea blue eyes and olive shade skin. She was about average height, but the amount of male attention she received was far, far away from average.

Holly was pretty decent too. She has long, curly dark brown hair, Asian skin and hazel eyes. She has an extremely stick like figure, but it suits her.

Me, I have very short jet black hair, with highlighted silver ends (one of my many requests after my parents' divorce), emerald eyes, mixed-race skin, a fading Irish accent and a, well not quite fat, but very borderline average weight.

Daphne's boy interaction rate: 0%

The bus ride was a flurry of thoughts.

That guy… Who the hell was he?