From My Past to Your Future

Rating: T

Genre: Drama/Romance

Pairing: Luffy x Ace

Topic: Rewinding/Fastforwarding Time

Word-count: 400

Disclaimer: One Piece is Odachi's

Warning: AU, grown up!Luffy, kid!Ace, oOC-ness (maybe)

A/N: I am still in fever or LuffyxAce after the latest issue of OP… I hope it doesn't turn into angst. Now please, enjoy~

From My Past to Your Future

If one day you were so suddenly thrown into the past, what would you do?

Luffy couldn't help blinking when he found himself in Fuschia village with the mini version of Ace breaking bones of some larger people.

"Ace?" Luffy widened his eyes, completely shocked.

The freckled dark haired boy turned at him and threw him a suspicious glare.

Luffy couldn't believe this. That was definitely Ace. But why was he still a kid? Was he dreaming?

"What? Are you with them as well?" Ace narrowed his eyes at Luffy and Luffy's knees gave out. He fell on his butt.

"Why… did this happen?" Luffy asked, completely flabbergasted. "You're supposed to be…."


The word was dreadful, even until now.

Ace looked at Luffy in wondering look.

Luffy couldn't help smiling as he saw the confused look in Ace's face. Then he began to laugh. "I can't believe this… This must have been a dream," he continued laughing and Ace threw him an odd look.

"Freak," Ace rolled his eyes as he was about to leave.

"Ah, wait! Ace!" Luffy called the supposed to be older brother while reaching and catching Ace's tiny arm.

Ace turned his face at Luffy, annoyed. "What?"

"I love you," Luffy said with a cheek-splitting grin and Ace widened his eyes in a shocked look.

"W-what the hell—!?" the boy stuttered, blushing madly, totally confused at the sudden confession.

"I only want you to know that… because I probably won't be able to say it to you when you're older," Luffy said and tightened his grip on Ace's arm.

"Huh?" The little Ace looked beyond confused at that.

"I wished I could tell you more often though…," Luffy smiled softly and Ace blushed more, but he didn't fight to free himself.

Luffy slowly released his hand from Ace. "I am glad… I can say it now…."

Ace widened his eyes more when Luffy's body started disappearing, seeming realizing something. "Luf…?"


Luffy blinked as he realized he was holding someone's hand.

"Did you meet him?" the guy in front of him asked with an inquiring look.

Luffy smiled. "Yeah," he grinned. "Thanks for letting me borrow you devil fruit power," he said with a satisfied look.

"I am glad. What did he say?" the man asked again, intrigued.

"He said 'what the hell—!?'" and Luffy laughed at remembering Ace's confused embarrassed look.

The End

A/N: Fail… utterly, definitely, absolutely. This is sooo over 300 words… I'll make Ace's side for an accompanying drabble. I hope the other will slightly… following words-limit.

Uuh, comments?